God of Thunder

v14 Chapter 2: The rainy season is coming (Part 2)

Lei Xingfeng said: "There seems to be thunder, can you hear it?"

Blackbird said: "Your ears are so big ... quack, you can't hear clearly. My little ear, I can hear a fart!"

Lei Xingfeng deflected his head, looked at the black bird, and nodded, "If you don't say it, I don't know if you have ears."

The black bird pecked Lei Xingfeng's ear with his mouth, and grunted: "Gah! Bully the bird!"

Lei Xingfeng asked: "Uncle Jin, have you heard the thunder?"

Jin Daya couldn't help laughing, he said: "A Feng, you think too much, where is there any thunder? I can't hear it at all, huh." He almost said that Lei Xingfeng was auditory, but After all, Lei Xingfeng is his master, so it would be rude to say so.

Lei Xingfeng continued to listen with his ears, he shouted: "Uncle Tiger, move forward to the left, hurry up!" , The four are likely to be separated.

Tiger Hobby said loudly: "Good!" He pulled the scull hard and the boat turned around and drove away in the direction of the left side.

Jiuhuan lively shook his hands. There was not much difference between this boat and flying. That speed was absolutely fast, and it took ten minutes or so. Jin Daya looked at Lei Xingfeng in surprise and said, "Sure enough. thunder!"

Lei Xingfeng couldn't wait any longer. He knew that it was a thunderstorm and it was a short time. Once the thunder sound passed, it was often pouring rain, and the thunder and lightning gradually became scarce, even disappearing completely, so he shouted: "Uncle Jin, you are here wait for me!"

Jin Daya smiled bitterly and said, "Well, send a signal when something happens."

Lei Xingfeng nodded, his body flew towards the place where thunder came.

The black bird didn't sleep anymore, it said, "Hey, where are you going?"

Lei Xingfeng smirked and said, "Be prepared to be chopped by thunder, ha ha."

Blackbird said: "Oh, you haven't beat me today, quack!" Lei Xingfeng was struck by thunderbolt three times a day, and the Blackbird didn't do it for one day.

Lei Xingfeng said: "Don't beat me, wait for God to beat you!"

After all, Blackbird does n’t understand everything. It says, "Who is God?"

Lei Xingfeng woke up and said, "Your uncle's ..." This is a curse, but the Blackbird didn't feel it when he heard it. It said: "My uncle? Where's my uncle, I'm a lonely man Bird, there is no uncle at home! "

Lei Xingfeng ignored the black bird's irritability, and there was a trace of excitement on his face, because the thunder became clearer.

Blackbird said: "Ga, what a terrible voice."

The thunder is always amazing, especially when the thunder rolls across the sky.

For Lei Xingfeng, the thunder was extremely kind. When the fog gradually dissipated, he saw lightning flash across the dark clouds in the distance. After a few seconds, the rolling thunder came.

The black bird excitedly said: "Ah, qua, ah ... there is lightning over there! Qua!"

Lei Xingfeng was crazy forward while wondering: "Bird Bude, how excited are you?"

Blackbird said: "Of course I am excited, quack, I'm going to be beaten by God ... Can I not be excited! Quack!" In fact, it doesn't understand what God is, and in its imagination, beating is using lightning Attack, is it afraid of lightning attacks? Of course not, but what it does not know is that the lightning of God and the lightning of Lei Xingfeng are completely different things.

When Lei Xingfeng burst into the dark clouds, the thunderbolt had already begun to weaken. Occasionally, a lightning bolt chopped down, and the shock of the thunder burst caused Lei Xingfeng to shake continuously.

The black bird was frightened, and it shouted, "Wow, quack! It's terrible, qua ... scared the bird! Scared to death ... quack!"

A bolt of lightning was generated, which was cut directly, just pointing at Lei Xingfeng.

Lei Xingfeng didn't dare to use his body to resist hard. He flew out his own Lei Yin directly. He had to rely on Lei Yin's conversion to absorb the powerful energy contained in the lightning.

Lei Yin flew out in an instant, suddenly swelled up, facing the lightning.


Thunderbolt energy beyond measure is infused into Leiyin, and instantly, Leiyin flashes a dazzling brilliance.

Even if the poor blackbird was not directly struck by thunder and lightning, Lei Xingfeng also affected the blackbird while receiving the energy instillation of Leiyin. The blackbird suddenly shook as if standing on the oscillator.

"Wow ... quack ... ah, wah ... quack, hemp ... hemp ... hemp dead ... **** dead birds ... ah, quack!"

Lei Xingfeng and the black bird, one person and one bird, flashed a blue arc on their bodies. The crackling arc sounded loudly, and the black bird cried with strange sounds.

Lei Xingfeng couldn't help but be happy, he said: "God ... Is it good?"

Blackbird trembles: "Good ... good ... good ..."

Lei Xingfeng said with a smile: "Of course it is good, huh, dabu."

The black bird finally shook out the following words: "... good ... so fart! Ma ... Ma dead bird! Ga!"

Lei Xingfeng was so choked that he couldn't speak. After a while, he laughed loudly: "Ha ha, ha ha ha!"

Unfortunately, there were two lightnings, and then there was heavy rain. Lei Xingfeng looked helplessly at the rolling dark clouds. He was very helpless to receive Lei Yin. The two lightnings made the electric gang thunder pulp grow a little bit. After a big promotion, he was about to advance. He smiled bitterly, even if there were two more lightnings, maybe he took the opportunity to advance.

"Ah! What a pity!"

Although Lei Xingfeng did not advance, the harvest was still not small. In addition to harvesting a trace of electric gangue thunder pulp, the cultivation base was increased a little. In addition, the black bird accounted for the big bargain. After Lei Yin conversion, the energy was not enough for Lei Xingfeng to advance. , But let the black bird absorb a lot, don't look at the black bird shaking like a quail in the cold wind, but after it absorbs the lightning, the body is tempered once.

This change, Lei Xingfeng can clearly perceive, and after the black bird stopped shaking, it also discovered the benefits, and could not help but yell: "Gah, it ’s different, Gah ... The bird is big!"

Lei Xingfeng couldn't help but laugh, what does it mean to be a bird? He said: "Now know the goodness of God!"

Blackbird is a pragmatist. It is a good thing. It must not be forgotten. He said: "Gah, comfortable, Gah, but it's too short."

Lei Xingfeng teased him: "Isn't it a good fart? Why is it too short?"

Blackbird said: "This is not the first time to try, where do you know there will be so many benefits."

Lei Xingfeng suddenly found that the hair on the top of the black bird's head changed its color a little. He said: "Bird Bude, the hair on your head ... became blue."

Bird Bud suddenly overjoyed, and it said: "It's true and false, ah Ga ... this is the result of strength growth ... Ga!" He excitedly jumped on Lei Xingfeng's shoulder.

Lei Xingfeng knew that if Bird Bude rushed directly into the dark clouds and was directly hit by lightning, the result would be a ball of roasted bird meat, and there would never be a second result. He solemnly warned: "Bird Bud, in the future when you encounter this kind of lightning, you must be fooled into it foolishly, taking your cultivation as an example, and without the help of Lei Yin, entering will be a result and there will be no accidents. "

Bird Boulder puzzled: "What consequences?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Roast bird meat!"

Bird Bude shook his neck: "Gah, it's terrible! Scared the dead bird!"

Lei Xingfeng said with a smile: "I know it's great, don't be reckless in the future."

Bird Bude said: "But why are you not afraid?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Because I have a Lei Yin conversion, of course, I am not afraid of thunder and lightning. If there is no Lei Yin, hehe, I can't bear the thunder."

Bird Bude nodded and said, "Gaga, if there is no Lei Yin, then roast human flesh? Gaga, quack!" It smiled unbearably.

Lei Xingfeng admitted this, he said: "Yes, if there is no Lei Yin, it is estimated that the possibility of roasting human flesh is extremely high."

Bird Bude said: "Birds want Lei Yin too!"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Bird Lei Yin ...... Haha, I guess this is difficult, haha!"

Bird Bude was unaffected and said, "Why can't I have Lei Yin?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Well, if you want Bird Leiyin, I don't have any opinion, but I can't help you. I can find a way for myself."

Bird Bud suddenly discouraged, it said: "Gah, but I don't understand ..."

Lei Xingfeng turned around and flew back, saying, "I don't understand it anymore. I only understand people's Lei Yin, not birds' Lei Yin."

Bird Bud suddenly struggled, and he kept muttering: "Gah, why? Why? Gah! Why can't a bird have Thunder Seal ... Gay, the bird also wants Thunder Seal ... the bird also wants to be thundered!"

Lei Xingfeng ignored it, looking for the boat where Jin Daya was located in the heavy rain. Fortunately, the white fog had dispersed. In the heavy rain, the lake could still be seen farther away. Soon he saw the lonely boat with With the black bird, Lei Xingfeng landed on the bow.

Jin Daya asked: "How is it?"

Lei Xingfeng smiled bitterly: "Let's go ... just catch up with a tail, and it will soon stop, it's a pity."

Crazy Eagle said: "The rainy season is full of thunderstorms, but I really want one, but it is so difficult, it is really strange."

Jin Daya said: "It's not surprising. In fact, staying in one place and encountering at least a few thunderstorms during the rainy season. We walked like this, but we couldn't find it."

Lei Xingfeng patted his thigh and said, "Yeah, it's better to hold a place and wait, but there will be a chance. Let's go, we will find a floating town."

Tiger Hobby said: "Which way to go?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "I don't know, anyway, I can always meet the water town."

There are countless large lakes in Wanhuzhou, and there are countless floating towns in the lake. Except that there will be no floating towns in the central area of ​​the Great Lakes, there will be a floating town dotted with dozens of kilometers, or hundreds of kilometers, everywhere , Countless.

Crazy Eagle suddenly pointed to the distance and said: "Hey, did anyone come out at this time?"

I saw a small boat dangling from the distant Ludang edge.

Lei Xingfeng said: "Look at the past."