God of Thunder

v20 Chapter 20: Stranger (Part 2)

Lei Xingfeng walked to the thatched hut and said, "Anyone?" As he said, he walked by the door. He saw a piece of animal skin hanging on the humble door frame. He reached out and opened the curtain, and he went straight in.

There was nothing in the room, there was only a fire pit, some charcoal remained, a very simple fire pit, it was built with a few stones, it was a fire pond, and there were a few steel frames with thick arms. Tao: "It seems that it has been abandoned. Recently, no one should use it."

A strong musty smell, Lei Xingfeng turned around, he could not bear the smell.

Lei Xingfeng said: "Go, there should be no one here for a while."

Jing Ziya suddenly looked up, and her actions immediately aroused everyone's attention. She looked up one by one. On the side was a big tree two meters in diameter. Lei Xingfeng also looked up. Something said, "Uh, is that a human?"

Jing Ziya said: "It's a human, wrapped in animal skin!"

Mad Eagle said: "I'm going up!"

Tiger addiction: "Be careful!"

The mad eagle flew up and came to the tree branch in an instant. He yelled, "It's a man, dying!"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Bring it down!"

The mad eagle picked up the man and flew down. Jin Daya quickly released a wooden bed. The mad eagle placed the man on the wooden bed. The crowd watched it carefully. The man was extremely thin, and his face was full of beards, regardless of hair. The beard is still very long, almost covering his face.

Jin Daya checked it a little and said, "It seems to have been seriously injured ... Tiger, take a bowl of murloc wine."

Carefully fed a bowl of murloc wine, most of which was sprinkled, but also a small part of the murloc wine was drunk, and the wine fell down, the man obviously came to a halt from the near-death state, snorted, he slowly opened Opening his eyes, as if the light was dazzling, he barely reached out to cover his eyes and muttered something in his mouth, but no one understood.

Lei Xingfeng thought about it and said, "Feed him a bowl of broth."

Jin Daya said: "I'll burn!"

Lei Xingfeng did not return to the mirror world, as long as there were outsiders, he was still very careful.

Jin Daya took out Yuki to live, crazy eagle and tiger lover went to the forest to collect firewood, Lei Xingfeng took out the black bow he used long ago, and he stared at a wild deer.

Hunting is an extremely simple matter for Lei Xingfeng, that is, in a short time, he dragged a wild deer back, shot an arrow through the head of the wild deer, and dragged the wild deer back with one hand, he found a A rope to hang the wild deer on the tree branch and quickly peel.

Four Rex, guarding around, they will kill the beast trying to approach without hesitation.

Jing Ziya looked at the busy Lei Xingfeng curiously. She said, "What are you doing?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "What can you do if you eat?"

Jing Ziya has no concept of eating. She eats crystals, so she looks very curious. Standing next to Lei Xingfeng and watching him peel the wild deer, even if she is super powerful, even if she is the top doll in the Karam Garden, She has never seen how to deal with prey.

The deer skin was peeled off, and it was easily collected into the mirror world. Then he opened the hole and discarded the deer's internal organs. He had no time to process the internal organs. He only took fine meat and large bones.

After a set of procedures, a big wild deer becomes fragmented.

Crazy Eagle picked up a wooden tub containing fresh meat and ran to the river to rinse it. Jin Daya set up a large copper pot to boil water.

When the water boiled, he put down the chopped bones and some wild deer meat. Lei Xingfeng took out some dried vegetables and threw them into the pot. Jing Ziya looked at it with relish. Although she could not eat it, her curiosity was satisfied.

Taking out the steel grill, Lei Xingfeng smiled and said, "This is the grill."

Jing Ziya said: "What is it for?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Barbecue, barbecue to eat."

There was a trace of envy in Jing Ziya's eyes. She had wisdom, but she was not human. Of course, this emotion would be revealed.

The bone soup takes a long time to cook, so Lei Xingfeng and the other four eat the barbecue first, and the fragrance is scattered. The man lying on the wooden bed starts to moan, humming, not knowing what he said But Lei Xingfeng knew in their hearts that it was estimated that this person had been hungry for a long time, smelling the fragrance, and it was a bit unbearable.

However, Lei Xingfeng knew that this person could not die for the time being, so they didn't care about it, they just cared for their own barbecue.

They are all good players in the wild life.

Jing Ziya sat on the side and stared at him. Lei Xingfeng also prepared a plate of fresh meat for the black bird. He greeted him. The black bird fell down and ate the fresh meat. Of course, give it a guts and do n’t dare to talk to Jingzi again, it knows that this woman is powerful.

The aroma of the barbecue, the aroma of the boiled bones are equally tempting.

The man groaned louder, but no one ignored it, and finally listened to the man's hoarse cry: "Give me a little ... hungry ..."

Jin Daya said: "It seems that someone is talking?"

Tiger addiction: "Someone has spoken ..."

Jin Daya said: "It's not us, it's ... that man, what is he talking about?" It's no wonder that they can't hear clearly. This person's voice is not only hoarse, but also slurred.

Crazy Eagle is eating roasted wild venison, holding fish-man wine in his hand, and drinking while eating, saying, "Tell him, let's talk about it when we are full."

Jing Ziya heard clearly, she said: "The man woke up."

Lei Xingfeng said: "You go feed him a bowl of broth."

Jing Zi Ya suddenly became interested. She filled a bowl of broth with interest, and came to the man, reaching for the man's back neck and saying, "Drink!"


Burn me to death ...

The person who seemed to be on the verge of death suddenly jumped up from the wooden bed and jumped and yelled: "Wow yeah, it's hot! It's dying ... wow ..."

Lei Xingfeng and others stared dumbfounded.

Jing Ziya stood helpless, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

The blackbird screamed: "Gah, scam! Frightened bird ..."

Jin Daya said: "A bowl of soup ... save a person!"

The man licked his mouth hard and suddenly stopped beating, with a white light flashing on his body, but apparently intermittently, Lei Xingfeng judged that the man's injury was quite serious, and then watched the man walk to the barbecue and reached for a Root wore a big thin steel braze, took a bite, chewed quickly, then swallowed with closed eyes, a long breath, a word came out: "Salty!"

Then everyone watched the man ’s performance, eating a barbecue, chewing crazy, and eating a piece of meat. The meat has adult fists. This guy chews up to three or two times and swallows. The speed of eating meat is very fast. I don't know how long I'm hungry.

Blackbird said: "Ga, this guy ... so strange!"

After eating a dozen skewers of roasted wild venison in one breath, the man stared at the broth in the big copper pot. He picked up a wooden spoon, dug a spoonful of vegetables and started to eat, and he took the big copper The pot stood and ate and drank like this. The wooden spoon went back and forth, busy with excitement, watching the man's head full of sweat, and a drop of hair slid down the eyebrows and beard.

Blackbird wondered: "Gah, heh ... he's not afraid of getting hot again?"

Jin Daya said: "Fool, he just fell into a coma just now, and he did n’t know anything. Of course, the high-temperature broth would make him unbearable. It was just a stimulus, and he did n’t hurt him. You did n’t see him. It ’s all pouring into the bowl now. "

The Blackbird was not annoyed and said, "Gah, sure enough!"

No one stopped the man from eating, and no one stepped forward to talk, looking at the man one by one, with a strange expression on his face.

Finally, the man touched his stomach and said hoarsely: "It's not wrong to eat a full meal before dying, but I am very strange, when can this place even come over by real people? Is there anything? Variety?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Senior's injury may not have no cure, but it seems that the senior does not want to live long ago."

The man stretched his hand to open the hair covering his eyes, revealing two small eyes. He looked at Lei Xingfeng up and down a few times, and said, "I don't know which secret disciple's disciple. Real people of Jiuhuan, can come up with the medicine to treat Tianjun? Maybe you believe it yourself, anyway, I do n’t believe it! "

Lei Xingfeng is not a nonsense. He directly took out a tube of potion, flicked in front of the man's eyes, and disappeared in an instant. He was also afraid that the man would **** it.

The man was dumbfounded. Of course he knew this potion. It was not that Daojun could never be refined. He was stupid. He doubted from the bottom of his heart that a real person had a potion for Tianjun. Is this world too crazy, or is this Are potions worthless?

The black bird grumbled a little, and he likes to see such scenes the most.

Jing Ziya looked at them curiously. She didn't quite understand them. She had wisdom, but she had never lived in such a crowd. Fortunately, she was very clever. She didn't speak without understanding, but just watched and studied quietly.

The man ’s eyes were small and a little muddy. At this moment, those eyes suddenly became bigger and flashed with excitement. No one wanted to die. He especially did n’t want to die. He had been alone here for hundreds of years, all brought out All the daily necessities are used up, even the salt is not eaten, let alone the medicine.

The man said: "Well, you won, how can I get this potion?" Robbery is not good, let alone his injury, even if he is not injured, he is not sure to grab the potion. Obviously, this potion It's the income from the possession of space, even if he kills Lei Xingfeng.

Lei Xingfeng said seriously: "This potion is very precious, you should be very clear that it needs a lot of precious materials, and it needs to be refined by master Daojun." Say the value first, and then bargain, which is very important. Understand that no one will give away this medicine in vain, and that this person has lived in the extraterrestrial sky for so many years, he has great value.

The man was obviously irritated by the potion, and he said, "What conditions? Say, as long as I feel worth it, trade!"

Volume 21 Magnetic Storm Mountains