God of Thunder

v45 Chapter 6: Unique trap (below)

After being completely recorded, Lei Xingfeng put away the star python record with a smile and said, "Laoxing followed me!"

Xing Feng cheered up and followed Lei Xingfeng out of the ban. Of course, the old method was still the same. Lei Xingfeng was in the front, Xing Feng was behind, and Lei Xingfeng moved. , The two came out in a few minutes.

In the middle of this big pit is a transmission platform. Xing Feng came down from above and hit the ban at one end. He wanted to break through, but could not do anything.

Lei Xingfeng walked onto the platform and couldn't help laughing: "Lao Xing, if I were, I wouldn't come down at all, even if I sent it away!"

Xing Feng muttered: "Isn't it right?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "It's not difficult to start the ban, but without learning the ban, you can't understand the information that the teleportation wants to tell you. You can only pass it blindly. This is really dangerous, but it's better than being stuck here. what."

Xing Feng smiled and shook his head bitterly. He understood the simplest prohibition, but he couldn't understand the complicated prohibition of the teleportation array. Let him start it. It would be easier for him to destroy the teleportation array.

Lei Xingfeng took a closer look at the teleportation array, and couldn't help but be ecstatic, because this teleportation array is a large ultra-long-distance teleportation array, which is the kind of large array that needs to be released from the real body for transmission. It should go to the outside world.

Watching Lei Xingfeng sit down, Xing Feng said, "How?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "I don't know if you can persevere."

Xing Fengdao: "What do you mean?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "I mean, this teleportation team, the second ring is really ... a little weak."

Xing Feng said: "The real body of the second ring is a little weak? Is it true that the real body of the third ring is necessary?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Well, if you really want to use the second ring real body, you can go!"

Xing Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just walk, just walk!"

Lei Xingfeng said: "It is possible to walk, but it is more difficult."

Xing Feng said: "Don't be afraid of hard work, isn't it hard to come along this way?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "However, I still recommend you to focus on practicing your own seal to improve your strength. To be honest, if something goes wrong during the transmission, I can't save you."

Xing Feng wondered: "Cultivate here?"

Lei Xingfeng said: "Yes!"

Xing Feng said: "This, it takes a long time to practice."

Lei Xingfeng said: "No matter how long it is, it is better than something happening on the way."

Xing Feng succumbed, and he said, "Okay, I'm practicing here, you protect me."

Lei Xingfeng said with a smile: "No one will come here. Look at the ash on the teleportation array. It is half a foot thick. There is no trace except the footprints left by us."

Xing Feng nodded and said: "Okay, I'm practicing, you can go for yourself." He said he released his own firemark and began to practice.

Lei Xingfeng froze for a moment, and said, "I'm too busy ... No, I really need to be busy." While thinking about it, I went down and got off the transmission platform, which was surrounded by prohibitions. Prohibition, start wandering around the prohibition.

That is to say, Lei Xingfeng has this ability. During the ban, he used space skills to replace the banned nodes he touched, so the entire ban would not be activated.

The area under the big pit is very large. Lei Xingfeng wanders around to see what will be found. Sure enough, in a corner, a corpse is found. This is a trapped cultivator.

Lei Xingfeng hurried forward and touched a little, the skeleton scattered, and then he saw a seal.

This is a land mark, shrinking so badly, only the size of a fist, with a faint yellow awn, and Lei Xingfeng knew at a glance that the energy of this land mark was almost exhausted, because he saw it Mottled black spots.

The four-layered soil seal is a seal on the outside, but Lei Xingfeng can be seen in it, so he found that there are a total of four layers, one layer at a time. The refining of this seal is different from the original one. Lei Yin is tower-shaped, one layer at a time.

And this kind of soil seal is like an egg, the light yellow is the original seal, the egg white is the second layer seal, and the eggshell is the third layer, which has four layers.

The fourth layer of the seal has completely shrunk, and the prohibitions inside have all failed. The third layer of seals has only a small amount of restrictions and a little bit of vitality. Only the original seal has a part of the restrictions in operation, which is most regrettable for Lei Xingfeng Yes, there are spirits in this soil seal, but all of them died, including the spirits in this seal, also died.

Although this seal is not very useful, Lei Xingfeng can be disassembled to obtain a part of the material, and it can reach four layers of seals. There are many treasures in the material.

Lei Yin also uses some soil materials, so Lei Xingfeng is very happy to put it away. He dug a pit and buried the corpse, which was the concept of his last life.

Lei Xingfeng was playing with mud prints. He looked around. This is a trap. Then there should be people trapped, so Lei Xingfeng began to search.

The ban is densely covered here, and it is still a strong ban. Fortunately, Lei Xingfeng does not care at all. With space skills, he can go where he wants to go.

After searching in a circle, Lei Xingfeng found a second corpse. Among the corpses, there was a fire mark and three layers of fire marks. This fire mark was even worse than the earth seal. All the prohibitions had lost their vitality, and they were left. An empty shelf, even if disassembled, has limited materials.

In addition, no third bone was found, that is to say, two people died here, if Xing Feng was not rescued by Lei Xingfeng, he was the third bone.

Of course, Xing Feng did not know that there are still two corpses here. If he knew, it would be frightened. This is a typical example of being alive.

Lei Xingfeng looked closely at the ban and found that a small part of it was once destroyed, but as the years passed, it was slowly closed by the ban.

Although this part of the prohibition does not have the original power, after making up, it can work with the entire large formation without revealing flaws.

Seeing that Xing Feng is still practicing, Lei Xingfeng turned around and entered the realm of mirrors.

Sure enough, the realm of mirrors is still under intense transportation, and a large amount of materials are abandoned. This time the requirement is to be fast, mainly people, and people can withdraw it. Take it easy.

Lei Xingfeng also helped transport personnel. His appearance greatly accelerated the speed of the return, because he is the master of the realm of mirror, and there are some special functions in the realm of mirror, which he can open.

Seeing Lei Xingfeng to help, Wuyang asked, "Where are you doing? Did you find a way out?"

Lei Xingfeng grinned and said, "I found it, but it's going to be faster here. I will hold back the time for now and everyone will enter the realm of mirrors as soon as possible."

Hundreds of thousands of people enter and exit the realm of mirrors, but it will not be completed in a moment and a half. The most distressing thing for Wuyang is that it consumes a lot of energy. A person entering and exiting the realm of mirrors will consume a little energy. I can't see anything, but the large number of people, especially the whole secret person acting together, this cost is quite amazing.

The personnel are gradually withdrawn, and there are still some cultivators who are gathering materials. They have the space to hide the wheel and can carry a lot of items. These are unmatched by ordinary people, so the loss of the secret door will be less.

For ten days in a row, the secret door people basically recovered, especially ordinary people entered the realm of mirrors, and a small number of cultivators also collected supplies on the planet. Lei Xingfeng also took the prohibition, but he also It was too late to give up some of the prohibited components.

Lei Xingfeng said goodbye again, went directly to the bottom of the big pit, glanced at Xing Feng, Lei Xingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, he was still practicing, he could see Xing Feng with a bitter face, and kept sending materials into the firemark, This consumption reduced Xing Feng's inventory by one-third.

Xing Feng had to increase the absorption of materials and energy to force the torch to grow. In fact, Lei Xingfeng knew that the hidden dangers of doing so were somewhat greater, because the prohibitions that grew out at this time were often half useless, but Xing Feng would not remove them. Because he does not understand the prohibition.

It is estimated that Xing Feng simply does not understand the prohibition of growth, so his only way is to promote the growth of firemarks with more prohibitions. Such progress will cost a lot because it consumes more materials and energy.

After another ten days, Xing Feng was finally unsustainable, because his materials were not enough, and he opened his eyes. Xing Feng said, "This is too wasteful!" He also understood that it was waste, using the same materials and energy, If you practice slowly, you will definitely be able to improve a large amount, not just as it is now, just to improve a part, making him a little stronger.

Lei Xingfeng said: "The materials and energy are exhausted and you can find it. If you have no life, you will have nothing."

Xing Feng said: "Yes, this practice has exhausted all my materials and most of my energy! If you can't find the materials as soon as possible, the practice will be stagnant."

Lei Xingfeng comforted: "Maybe it's good to go to the outside world, where there are so many Taoist masters, how much material and energy will be consumed, I believe that it is a resource-rich place."

Xing Feng said: "I think so too, anyway, this place is not good, you have to leave."

Lei Xingfeng said: "Are you ready? Are you ready, let's go!"

Xing Feng was a little worried and said, "Can I use this teleportation ban at my level? Real body will not collapse?"

Lei Xingfeng spread his hands and said, "I really don't know, I just tried it."

Xing Feng was almost sucked in a breath, he said: "Ah, you don't know!"

Lei Xingfeng said: "I'm all estimates, but let's just look at luck. This super long-distance transmission, I looked at it with a chill."

Xing Feng said: "Finished, I'm dying in teleportation!"