God Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Chapter 463: ghost car guard

, the fastest update God Pet has opened and hung up the latest chapter for me!

Sister Liang quickly sent the information of the five founding princes and the five powerful men in charge; it was more detailed and detailed than the information that Ruan Sansheng obtained from the general office. Master Sun could even tell that some of the particularly secret and precious parts were probably collected by Master Liang Yuzhi himself.

That's why Master Sun made a special trip to ask Liang Yuzhi for help. Liang Yu pointed out that although she was the commander of Beiyu Town Fusi, she stayed in the capital all year round—anyway, Master Liang claimed to miss the Queen Mother, so he often stayed in the capital to accompany her. The claim to Huajie Liuxiang is that she is reluctant to part with her sisters. But Mr. Sun always feels that the truth is... then who is in the capital—Master Liang will definitely investigate these superpowers in the capital, because these people's realm is there, and only these people are qualified to be masters of Master Liang and an unknown person. Master Liu's opponent in martial arts.

The General Office of the Chaotian Division will collect information on the five founding princes, but it must be more general.

Master Sun looked at the information and couldn't help being a little funny. Sister Liang really has a...cute personality. According to her information, among the five powerful men who sit in command, it is precisely the one in Liang Guogong's mansion who is the most unruly.


The other four houses are all surrogate sons-in-law, not to mention famous all over the world, and they were also talented for a while. These people are not only talented but also have integrity. Even if he is forced to become a son-in-law and becomes a bit decadent and depressed, he will not act recklessly. However, this Liang Ji from Liang Guogong's mansion was selected as a strong man to be trained, and he was quite cautious at the beginning. After he was promoted to the sixth realm, he completely exposed his true nature. In Liang Guogong's mansion, it is really... a big ban on adultery.

Liang Yu pointed out that he has collected the most information about Liang Ji, which is a full finger thick. Most of the records are about his dirty and messy Duke Liang's mansion. . And there is no need to be strong, he has a very high level of cultivation and can speak eloquently. Compared with him, the second and third generations of trash in Liang Guogong's mansion are like a white crane in the sky and a water bug in a mud pond. The results speak for themselves.

Liang Guogong's health has deteriorated year by year over the years, most of which are due to his anger.

Master Sun noticed that when Sister Liang recorded these "amorous stories", there was a kind of joy of eating melons and gossiping between the lines.

Mr. Sun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, so deep down in my heart, sister Liang and I are actually the same kind of people?

Master Sun made a decision that Liang Ji could not be taken. Apart from Liang Ji, among the other four powerful men, Lin Zhibai was the one with the most integrity.

Since he was forced into marriage, there are only two things left in his life: one is cultivation.

Back then, he was also a generation of arrogance who was born out of nowhere, and his talent was not inferior to Liu Zhi. It is said that after so many years, he should have been promoted to the seventh realm long ago. But it wasn't until the source recovered recently that he broke through with the support of Wei Guogong's mansion. The reason is that he has turned his cultivation into a kind of "job". The work assigned to him by the Duke of Wei's government, so he follows the work step by step every day, and never overfulfills the task. Naturally, the speed will not be too fast.

From this point of view, Duke Wei's mansion actually killed a proud man of the Wu Dynasty.

The second is calligraphy. After completing the practice every day, it is to practice calligraphy. Instead, they borrowed the financial resources of Duke Wei's mansion to purchase a large number of handwritings of famous artists.

He and his wife should have only consummated their marriage once on the night of their late wedding, and they never went to the room of that Miss Wei Guogong's mansion after that. This is a tragedy for both husband and wife.

Except for Lin Zhibai, the other three powerhouses who sit in charge cannot be called "innocent". Over the years, they have done some bad things, but they are all a kind of catharsis under depression.

As for how to knock out these strong men in the Founding Duke's Mansion, Mr. Sun had a plan long ago. After reading the information, he had a thought, and the plan had already begun to be implemented.

First of all, the capital began to "provoke monsters". Somehow, a sixth-order monster frequently haunted the heavily guarded capital, and neither the Huangcheng Division nor the Chaotian Division could catch the other party.

All kinds of clues point to the five founding princes! If this kind of big monster has no internal support, it is even impossible to enter the capital.

In the dark, rumors began to spread that the five founding princes were all focused on begging Mrs. Sun's sister, and they just listened to the divination of a powerful demon weapon!

Afterwards, under the sincere cooperation of Chaotian Division and Huangcheng Division, more and more evidence was found, which was very unfavorable to the five founding princes.

The founding fathers would not just sit still, they also began to think of ways to "defend themselves", and revealed a point of view to the outside world through various channels: as long as the Great Wu Dynasty exists, our five families will be prosperous and long-lasting.

This seems to make sense, but soon new evidence was found that the five founding princes had asserted precisely because of the divination artifact that the five founding princes were about to run out, and they had to do something to continue their 30,000-year life. rich.

And the wealth and honor of these 30,000 years is to take refuge in the monster clan, and cooperate with the inside and outside to destroy the Great Wu Dynasty!

Afterwards, under the strict investigation of Chaotiansi and Huangchengsi, the trace of this divination demon weapon was revealed—and then "mysteriously" disappeared! Various clues proved that it was the five founding princes who concealed the demon weapon!

Yuan Weishu did not disappoint Mr. Sun, and merged with the broken earthen jar. But in fact, for Mr. Sun, this is not the key. If Yuan Weishu fails and the broken pot is still out of control, Mr. Sun will forge an obedient one.

It's just more convenient now.

And the sixth-order monster that haunts the capital is Ma Tiangu.

The five founding dukes really panicked at this time. They did have deep foundations, but they had been in peace for too long, so they suddenly faced the offensive launched by Chaotiansi with all their strength, and their response was full of loopholes. Relying on his own background to carry it till now, he finally showed his defeat. Don't forget that the agreement between their five ancestors and Emperor Taizu was that as long as they did not commit major crimes such as treason, they could keep their wealth forever.

Colluding with the Yaozu is treason!

The five founding fathers were very unwilling to bow their heads, and even thought angrily that people in the world were not blind, so they really couldn't see that this was Sun Changming's conspiracy against the five families?

They wanted to find some people to help them say "fair words", and then they were shocked to find that in the entire Great Wu Dynasty, no family or sect was willing to speak for them!

From participating in the war in the Nanni Kingdom, to arresting slaves in the mainland by the barbarians of the Red Barbarians, Master Sun has almost tied all the dignitaries of the entire Great Wu Dynasty to his chariot.

It is true that everyone can see the truth behind this matter, but you have offended Mr. Sun, and Mr. Sun wants to deal with you. Of course, we are shouting for Mr. Sun. And all these years, you have eaten more and occupied more money, and we are envious when we see it. We don't have the ability to deal with you, but Mr. Sun has this ability, of course we have to help out a little bit, and it would be nice to follow Mr. Sun and wait for a sip of soup.

To be honest, at this stage, it was somewhat beyond Mr. Sun's expectation. Before making the move, Lord Sun guessed that if he pulled back, a pack of wolves would be hunting him. Now this situation has arrived ahead of schedule.

Not only is the number of wolves extremely large, but they all follow the lead of adults! Master Sun became the leading tiger!

Mr. Sun only understood the reason afterwards, and couldn't help but laugh: "No wonder this plan was rushed. There were many flaws in the middle, but not only were they not discovered, but it seems that someone secretly took action to make up for it..."

This is the tacit understanding of the various dignitaries in the capital to cooperate with me. But within a few days, Mr. Sun couldn't laugh anymore, because the momentum of the tiger leading the pack of wolves to hunt became more and more violent! It has reached the point where there is no need for the tiger to take the lead, and the pack of wolves has already started biting wildly.

Mr. Sun felt that something was wrong, so he inquired secretly, and it turned out that the rumors among the dignitaries have started to go viral again these days: This action is a test given by Mr. Sun. Everyone wants to follow Mr. Sun to make a fortune in the future. You have to pay enough votes!

Mr. Sun has absolutely no intention of this, but it is not easy to explain this matter clearly, that would easily make each family retreat, and in the end it becomes him facing the five founding fathers alone. However, Mr. Sun was born in Chaotiansi, and he immediately realized that someone might be fueling the flames.

After a little investigation, he found the instigator: Da Zongzheng Zhao Jizong!

Mr. Sun was very annoyed. Didn't Mr. Zhao use himself as a gun by doing this? He chose a night, and went in from Zhao Jizong's backyard alone, and came out with a "Visiting at Night". Although he "sneaked in", he didn't hide his aura. Zhao Jizong was also in the seventh realm, so he noticed it right away, and he didn't have the slightest embarrassment of being knocked out for doing something bad.

He had a drink with his family in the front yard before finding an excuse to come back.

Mr. Sun sat on the grand teacher's chair that belonged to Zhao Jizong, and asked unceremoniously: "What is Dazong Zheng intending to do?" Zhao Jizong frankly pointed at him and said, "Mr. Sun, you are still too timid!"


"Since we have done something to Duke Jianguo, why don't we kill him? These five silverfish have been lying on my body, Great Wu Chao, and have been sucking blood for tens of thousands of years. It is time to completely solve it once and for all!"

Master Sun understood in an instant that Zhao Jizong was still the same Zhao Jizong, and the starting point for all his actions was the royal family. The friendship between the five founding fathers and the Taizu emperor has long been exhausted, and the royal family must have wanted to attack them a long time ago. However, they are the nobles left by Emperor Taizu, and it is very inappropriate for the royal family to take the initiative to take action.

But this time, the five founding fathers angered Mr. Sun, and Zhao Jizong took advantage of the situation. After cutting off these five families, the biggest benefit would be to fall into the hands of the royal family.

Mr. Sun couldn't help sighing: "It's still the people in your family who have black hearts!"

Mr. Sun is not a good man and a faithful woman. The senior officials who grew up in the Chaotian Division never mind bloodshed. The five founding dukes wanted to marry his sister, but their motives were impure. Master Sun wanted to knock out all the strong men in their positions. on the ground. This was vicious enough, but Mr. Sun would not kill him because of this kind of thing, even if he was really furious.

The royal family was even more frenzied, and they didn't even listen to the words of their ancestors for the sake of profit.

Zhao Jizong was still like that. Facing Mr. Sun's accusation, he had no embarrassment or guilt. He just felt confidently that what he did was right, and that he was doing it for the good of the entire royal family, not out of selfishness.

Master Sun really wants him to understand that I am very angry when I use myself like this! But after thinking about it, it is meaningless to say these things to such extremists, and simply cut off a large piece of cake: "I want the dead soldiers and private soldiers that the five founding fathers have secretly raised over the years."

Zhao Jizong bargained with him: "This is impossible, you have such a huge power, the royal family can't sleep and eat. If you really give it to you, the old man will count you like the five founding fathers. To be honest, the old man is not sure about this." , so this request, the old man can't agree to it even if he dies."

"Fifty percent!"


"Thirty percent, this is the final bottom line, otherwise I will let go of it, and you dogs will eat dogs."

Zhao Jizong was very reluctant: "What do you want these people for?" Master Sun replied without thinking, "Expedition to the red barbarian species!" Zhao Jizong reluctantly agreed: "Well, don't let me see them again in the east. .”

After the two reached an agreement, the grand "hunting" finally came to an end. That night, the sixth-rank monster who had been hiding in the capital escaped from Duke Wei's mansion and wounded Chaotian. Many masters of the Imperial City Division and the Imperial City Division broke out of the capital.

There was an uproar in the capital, and the five founding fathers were convicted of colluding with the demon clan.

Then a mysterious person from the royal family came forward to mediate. As long as the five founding fathers issued the [Great Oath Order], Sun Changming would not be held accountable.

Wei Guogong never expected that this matter would go to such an extent! If I knew it earlier, I would have agreed to Sun Changming. Under the extremely unfavorable situation, they had to hand over five [Great Oath Orders], but until this time they didn't feel that their family was going to be ruined. Each family has a very strong hidden strength, even if it is a strong player, there are several substitutes, who spare no effort to spend their cultivation resources, and the vacancy can be filled in a few years.

It's just that they never expected that when the royal family mediated, they said "Master Sun will not pursue it anymore", but the royal family will not let you go!

But Master Sun doesn't plan to get involved in the follow-up, he has more important things to do.

The five strong men sitting in the town were originally happy in their hearts, but Master Sun forced them out, so he must fulfill his promise in Yushui Garden and let them go free.

However, Master Sun destroyed Liang Ji's [Great Oath Order] outside the capital city, and broke his Dao foundation with a single sword! Liang Ji's breakthrough caused a vision in mid-air, which lasted for half an hour. He fell from the sixth great realm to five honors, fell all the way, and finally became an ordinary person!

"Get out!" Master Sun only gave him one word.

The other four were silent, and finally realized that this man was not easy to serve, because he provoked his sister, and almost caused the five founding princes to be ruined.

Mr. Sun was kind to the four of them, but explained in advance: "Freedom comes at a price. My lord is not a good man and a believer, but my lord is more benevolent than those founding fathers.

My lord gives you two choices, the first one is to serve my Chaotian Division for thirty years, and then I will return the [Great Oath Order] to you.

The second option, my lord can return the [Great Oath] to you now, but you need to go to the Red Barbarian Continent. Before the Red Barbarian Continent is conquered by my great Wu, you are not allowed to retreat unless it is to recuperate Half a step! But you will be rewarded for all your achievements over there, and all the benefits you reap will be at your own disposal. "

The other three were hesitant. They also had some understanding of the situation in the Red Barbarian Continent, which was much more dangerous than Da Wu's side. Just in Xilan Kingdom, there are many seventh-order believers, who may perish if they go there.

Only Lin Zhibai said calmly: "My lord, please give me three days to deal with the affairs of the capital, and then I will leave for the Red Barbarian Continent."

"Okay." After Master Sun agreed, he threw back his [Great Oath Order] on the spot. Lin Zhibai looked at the talisman, with an extremely complicated expression in his eyes, he gently pinched the talisman to dissipate it, but the many past events in his heart could not be dissipated.

He bowed his hands to Mr. Sun and turned away. He went back to Duke Wei's mansion first, tidied up his own yard, took out all the handwriting of famous masters collected over the years, and filled four storage bags. Then he unfolded his works one by one, picked out the ten he was most satisfied with and collected them, and set the others on fire.

When he turned around and left this small courtyard where he had lived for hundreds of years, an indescribable change suddenly occurred in the entire courtyard: all traces of him in this courtyard were completely erased. What it was like when he moved here is what it is now.

Before leaving Wei Guogong's mansion, he hesitated for a moment and turned to go outside the "wife"'s room next door, and said through the door: "You are also free, and you can do whatever you want in the future."

Without seeing each other, Lin Zhibai went out of Wei Guogong's mansion, went to a village outside the city, and paid homage to his mother. Then go to a cemetery. There is a stone tablet at the entrance of the cemetery, which is the family tomb of a nearby "Zhou family". Among them is a large tomb where the husband and wife were buried together. The tombstone on the wife's side is engraved with "Zhoumen Baishi". He just stared quietly, no emotion could be seen on his face, and he turned away after a long time.

The childhood sweetheart back then was the first one who couldn't bear the pressure of the huge government. In addition, Wei Guogong threatened him with his mother, and finally made him succumb. Now that I have regained my new life, it is a pity that everyone I cared about has turned into a pile of loess.

The other three powerhouses who sit in charge think twice, only one is willing to go to the Red Barbarian Continent, and the two would rather choose to continue to "sell themselves" to Chaotiansi.

Mr. Sun also looked down on these two people and threw them to Liu Zhi.

But he did not leave the capital right away. After waiting in a low-key manner for two days, Ruan Sansheng finally rushed over excitedly: "My lord, I found it!"

Sun Changming suddenly stood up: "Lead the way, catch people!"

This time, there was no mobilization, only Ruan Sansheng brought Mr. Sun to a small alley in the capital. All the poor people in the capital live here. The fourth-to-last house at the end of the alley is an old couple with a daughter who sells vegetables for a living on weekdays.

The daughter has reached the age to be married, and she looks very beautiful, but she has never betrothed to anyone. It is said that the old couple always wanted their daughter to be a concubine for the powerful master.

A concubine has no status, and ordinary people don't think so, and the neighbors also think that this old couple is greedy for wealth and honor.

When Master Sun came, there were only the old woman and daughter in the house, and the old man had not returned yet after carrying the burden to sell vegetables. Master Sun was not in a hurry, and waited quietly outside the yard with Ruan Sansheng.

In the middle of the afternoon, an old man staggered in from the alley carrying a load. Master Sun watched him enter the house, and immediately knocked on the door.

The old man opened the door suspiciously: "Who is this noble man looking for?"

Master Sun sighed, and said: "I am often puzzled. You are all human races, why would you willingly become the spies of the monster race? If you are monks, it is understandable for you to seek refuge with the monster race for resources. But you are all ordinary people, why do you do this? You have been lurking in the capital for decades for the Yaozu, and you have wasted your life like this, what have you gained?"

The old man's face changed drastically, he picked up the shoulder pole at the side and hit Master Sun.

A flash of spiritual light shot out from Mr. Sun's sleeve, bound him tightly, and at the same time continued to extend rapidly, got into the house, and **** the old woman and her daughter.

Master Sun yelled: "Take it away!" Ruan Sansheng sent out a signal~lightnovelpub.net~ Immediately, people from the Chaotian Division came to support him, and brought the family of three back to the prison for interrogation.

Ever since Taoist Wanxiang entered the tomb of the ancient demon, there seemed to be a will secretly controlling everything. When Taoist Wanxiang entered the capital, he wanted to fight for wealth, but there are countless dignitaries in the capital, so how could he accurately find the five founders?

When Mr. Sun checked the memories of Taoist Wanxiang, he sorted out a clue: Taoist Wanxiang chatted with strangers he met a few times in the capital, which played a role in insinuating.

These strangers were an old man, an old woman, and a beautiful little girl.

The will in the dark wants to drive the five founding fathers to conflict with Mr. Sun. Why choose the five founding fathers? Because most of the dignitaries in the capital already had contact with Mr. Sun, the five founding fathers happened to be excluded from this list. And they have enough strength, there are strong people in the family.

Master Sun drank tea and waited. After a while, Ruan Sansheng came in a hurry: "My lord, I just found out. He is a member of the ghost car guard of the Nine Lich Demon Court!"