God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1575: Thanks to someone Huang

Eve held the phone, the light of the data in the palm of her hand kept flowing.

"Jiang Chen, all the property under Mr. Yan's name has been transferred to your name, but some of them were quietly transferred away by him in advance."

"In addition, I found all the gangs he has contacted. These guys have also participated in human smuggling and monster smuggling."


Jiang Chen spit out angrily on Mr. Yan.

"The scum of Yanhuang people!!"

Jiang Chen put his hand in his trouser pocket.

"Starting from today, accept all industries under Mr. Yan's name and eradicate all illegal black industries!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen returned to the residence with everyone.

Only the residents of Chinatown were left standing there dumbfounded.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen disappeared for a long time that they withdrew their attention and put them on Mr. Yan who had fainted on the ground.

"Mr. Yan was maimed by him, what shall we do?"

"Nonsense! Of course it is to take this opportunity to get Mr. Yan back from our exploiters!"

Many people in the crowd discussed with each other.

At this moment, the old man who had blocked Jiang Chen stood in the middle of the road.

He bowed slightly and politely to everyone.

"My friends, my neighbors, there is a saying I don't know when to say it inappropriately!"

"It now appears that Jiang Chen really defeated Mr. Yan, and his strength is obvious to all!"

"But Mr. Yan is lying here now, and we can naturally take this opportunity to reach our previous enemies."

"But the old man wants to use this swift body, please don't be impulsive!"

As soon as this statement came out, the people present were immediately filled with righteous indignation.

"Master! You are usually considered a loyal person. Now, this Chinatown is no longer in the clutches of Mr. Yan. Why can't we take revenge?"

The old man immediately shook his hands.

"No! Neighbors, the old man is not preventing you from revenge, but now, even though Boss Yan was defeated by Jiang Chen, he still survives!"

"Although Mr. Yan's industry has been taken away by Jiang Chen, don't forget the roots Mr. Yan has taken in New York!"

At this point, everyone present understood it.

What is the root of Mr. Yan?

Of course he is the strongest district mayor in New York today, Yellow Throat!

As a rare Trump official of Yanhuang descent, this guy represents the face of many Yanhuang descent living in Trump.

Therefore, his power is far more powerful than many ordinary Trump officials.

The residents in Chinatown don't know the strength that Jiang Chen possesses, but the power accumulated by the Yellow Throat in the Trump alliance is far stronger than what these residents know.

Even if the entire Chinatown block, and even the entire descendants of Yan and Huang living in the Trump League, are added together, they cannot be brought down!

To put it bluntly, Mr. Yan is just a dog relying on the yellow throat.

And Jiang Chen just hit the owner's dog.

The next step is to see how the host reacts!

Therefore, those people who still want to survive in Chinatown should not have any thoughts about revenge.

Otherwise it will definitely catch fire!

These residents figured out the truth, and all of them were wilted.

I thought it was a turnaround.

Unexpectedly, it was just a corpse fraud by the salted fish.

Some people who had an interaction with the yellow throat immediately sent Mr. Yan to the hospital.

At the same time, Huang Maw, who was partying comfortably in Brooklyn, suddenly received news of Mr. Yan's defeat.


He smashed the table under him with a slap.

"Too strict is a waste!"

"Hurry up and send someone to check, is there anything wrong with my sister!"

As a Trump official, Huang Throat's staff are all elites cultivated by the alliance.

The group of people immediately came to Chinatown to visit and investigate, and even took away all the surveillance video that day.

Afterwards, he respectfully returned to the mayor's house.

"Return to the district mayor, Miss Huang is safe and sound, we have brought her back."

"But Mr. Yan was injured by Jiang Chen. The local Chinatown residents have taken him to the hospital, and he is now under continuous treatment!"

"It is said...all the property under Mr. Yan's name was taken away by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen also broke one of his legs!"

Yellow Throat dangling his cigar and suddenly snorted.

The cigar smoke came out of his nostrils, looking extremely fierce.

"This Jiang Chen! It's up to the master to beat the dog!"

"Dare to be too strict! You have to ask me whether this elder brother can answer!"

"Come here! Get me a car, and I'll go see this poor brother-in-law!"

Soon, the yellow throat came to the hospital in full ostentation.

This is a private hospital with the best equipment and medical resources in New York.

As soon as Huang Mao entered the door, he encountered two familiar faces.

At a glance, he recognized these two people as doing business in Chinatown, and he had given him many gifts before.

The two men immediately welcomed Huang Throat very respectfully.

"Gong Ying the Lord District Chief!"

The yellow throat's nostrils were upturned, and he waved his hand coaxingly.

"You sent my brother-in-law?"

The two of them immediately nodded and bowed, as if seizing an opportunity, they almost kneeled and licked!

"Yes, yes! It was the two of us who sent Mr. Yan to the hospital, so Jiang Chen really did..."

Halfway through the conversation, Huang Mou frowned and waved his hand, motioning them to stop talking.

"Okay! Thank you very much, let's go first!"

The two men were immediately confused.

With all their efforts, they took Mr. Yan to the hospital under the glare of all the neighbors in the neighborhood.

He not only paid hundreds of thousands of medical expenses for Mr. Yan, but also offended all his friends and relatives.

In the end, it was so...thank you?

The unshaven yellow throat stared at the two standing there, his eyes rolled.

He sees this kind of things a lot, and he knows what these two people are thinking too much in his heart.

"Oh! Remember, my gratitude from someone Huang is heavier than money!"

The two of them suddenly showed embarrassment, but they could only lower their heads slightly without showing it.

What the **** is this!

If this matter is kept in the past, your yellow throat is indeed worth more than all the banknotes.

But now there is Jiang Chen in Chinatown!

Jiang Chen didn't even lose his root hair, so he completely took all the industries that Mr. Yan had painstakingly managed in Chinatown.

One day Jiang Chen is in a good mood, he will directly act on your yellow throat.

Even if you thank Lao Tzu's eight-generation ancestors, it will be useless!

The two men trembled, still speaking.

"My lord, we sent Mr. Yan to the hospital and paid him about 500,000 surgical fees. Here's the bill!"

"The youngest dare not ask the adults how much they want, so you can give us the whole number, and the rest can be regarded as my work!"