God Simulator

Chapter 225: God so loves the world

Chapter 225 God so loves the world

 When the war broke out, Uluru was repairing the boat.

 For a Uzi man, he was very young.

 In the Kingdom of Uzi, young people usually stay in safe areas.

They have a lot to learn: identifying complex underground changes, navigating a boat skillfully and dexterously, building tall underground arches, and learning to switch and live between solid and liquid states...

At Uda, no one is faster than Uluru.

He can drive a small ground boat to accelerate all the way underground, leaving his peers far behind. He can also steadily control a large ground boat, so that the Wuji people riding on it will not feel any bumps.

Uluru often travels around underground magma, maneuvering through scorching yellow and red streams and repeatedly taking dangerous turns.

 He felt that there was still room for digging deep in the tropics deep underground.

 For normal solid Uzi people, Uluru’s style can be called radical. The elders would check Uluru's health regularly, suspecting that his body had melted and that was why he became so active and keen on speed.

 Later, the elders simply let him be responsible for repairing and sailing the boat, and were prohibited from driving without permission to avoid putting himself or other people of his race in danger.

 After the war broke out, the world became a completely different place.

 One by one, Wuji elders rushed to the battlefield. They bravely drove the boats and created traps and holes on the front line to hinder and kill the enemy.

Uluru found that more and more groundwalkers needed repairs, but fewer and fewer groundwalkers were returning.

 He knew that war would be bad for the kingdom.

Most Wuji people are born with a kind of dullness. This dullness is due to the characteristics of Wuji itself. As long as there is a safe space, they can stay there for a long time.

 For Uzi people to become active, they need to be heated so that they become nearly liquid.

Once the solid body begins to melt, the Uzi people will become violent and aggressive. They will dissolve various surrounding materials and turn useful metals into parts of their own bodies.

The closer their bodies are to a liquid state, the more they will uncontrollably devour each other. This is the cannibalism of the Uji people.

 The excited Uji people are very aggressive and very dangerous.

 So most Wuji people stay in relatively cold areas and maintain their solid composure instead of flowing madness.

Uluru has been wondering if there is a way to keep the Uzi people active without being full of aggressive and annexing instincts...

 But the war made all this no longer important.

 Uluru is determined to go to the front line and fight to defend the freedom and dignity of the Uzi people!

He wanted to drive the land boat at high speed underground, appear on the battlefield mysteriously, and turn the enemy's formation upside down.

 However, his request was rejected.

 The reason is also simple.

Lord Apostle Zelkuku told him: "Your underground operations can help more Uzi people, evacuate the wounded and lone people, and allow our soldiers to appear behind the enemy's rear."

So, Uluru drove the boat through the underground of the battlefield to pick up the Uji warriors one by one, acting as logistics personnel.

 He saw with his own eyes that the tribesmen were fighting bravely against the enemy.

Wuji warriors threw stones and made [Urey] from the Wuji in their own bodies.

Those enemy formations were neatly arranged and they raised their shields. Ulay could not break through their armor and shields and could only create some fireworks. The stones did cause some trouble for them.

 The Imperial attack was much more ferocious.

 The rain of flaming arrows fell from the sky, igniting the black mud of the Wuji people, and blasting each Wuji warrior into pieces.

  In response, Uzi warriors hid underground. When the enemy passes by, they rush out, burn themselves, and turn into a powerful human thunder, and die together with many enemy troops.

The familiar members of the same race in the past turned into dazzling flames and bursts of explosions. Uluru found that no matter how fast his boat drove, he could not take them away from death.

 The life that solidifies slowly becomes a luxury.

Shortly after.

 The Sandman Apostle Arter died in battle.

Apostle Zerkuku from the rear personally participated in the battle.

But the defense line continued to retreat, retreat, all the way to the outside of Uda City.

 Uluru is ready to transform into Ulay.

He has already planned to use a small ground boat to rush into the ground position from underground, and set his whole body on fire where there are the largest number of enemies and sand lizards, killing as many enemies as possible.

Lord Zerkuku gave an order to all the Wuzi people: stick to the defense line and prohibit attacks.

 He said something that made people confused.

 “The counterattack will begin here.”

When the defense line was crumbling under the impact of the imperial army, a group of blue-skinned warriors suddenly appeared. There were only a hundred of them, but they withstood the successive charges and volleys of numerous legions.

Each blue warrior rushed into the enemy formation fearlessly. They braved the imperial arrows and ballistae, brandished their axes and sledgehammers, and engaged in brutal meat-crushing battles with the imperial army.

 The war of attrition caused the Blue Warriors to continue to reduce their numbers, and the Empire also left a pile of corpses.

Uluru heard that there was a painter among these blue-skinned warriors. He painted a portrait of every Uzi man and was the recorder of the battlefield. It's a pity that he has never seen it.

Zerkuku had no explanation for these reinforcements and just took the lead in holding on.

 The battlefield continues to be stalemate.

The Fearless Empire suddenly lost patience, and dozens of legions launched a general attack. The soldiers rushed forward like crazy, and were reduced to ashes and coke along with the self-destructed Wuji people.

 At this time, Uluru saw a mountain moving slowly.

It looks a bit like an earth arch, but it has a calm majesty of the Holy Spirit.

 The divine body of King Wuji appears in this world.

 The gods entered the war.

A seemingly ordinary soldier suddenly flew over and fought with King Wuji who was as tall as a mountain.

 Another giant that exudes a terrifying aura joins the battle. It seems to be on the side of the Kingdom of Wuzi, fighting against the soldier with King Wuzi.

The surrounding space was distorting as if it were burning. The miracle of the gods split the ground into pieces. Large areas of land were scorched and crystallized, and stone cones sprouted from the ground, rising straight into the sky...

Just seeing this scene, Uluru felt like he was melting rapidly, and his body and consciousness were losing control.

 He hurriedly hid underground and stopped observing.

 The war between gods is an area that only gods can look directly at.

Not long after, Uluru saw the Empire's soldiers turn into transparent crystals one by one, and the mountains and fields were covered with shiny fragments. Their **** roared with anger and unwillingness, but Uluru could not understand the god's language.

The fallen God of Bo turned into a ball of white light and blasted a mountain-like deep pit on the ground. All the earth and rocks in the pit were burned into smooth and flowing crystals.

The war ended without warning.

 The Kingdom of Wuji, which had been retreating steadily, turned around in one battle and became the winner.

 It was only after the war that Uluru knew that all this was because of the appearance of the **** Yao.

The **** Yao felt pity for the people of Wuji, so he extended a helping hand to the kingdom of Wuji and brought an end to the war.

Because God Bo could not withstand the power of Yao, but was unwilling to be defeated, he finally chose to destroy the empire he created...

As the Kingdom of Wuji was merged into the Kingdom of God Yao, King Wuji also became the **** of God Yao, but he will continue to protect the Wuji clan.

The Wuji people were initially very uneasy about the strange and powerful Yao god.

Just its existence made the powerful God Bo kill himself in despair... This kind of power exceeded the limit of their imagination.

Soon, the Wuji people discovered that Yao, who looked like a god-king, was surprisingly generous and kind.

 In his kingdom of God, there are many remnants of the old gods, and they all live very well. Whether they become the Yao people or maintain their independence, the gods do not interfere at all.

The Yao people spread stories about the miracles of the God Yao: He defeated the gods, gave people food and tools, tamed the evil black sun, let the Dragon King guard the north and breed extraordinary creatures. Utopia for ghosts…

Uluru decided to see it with his own eyes.

He prayed in Yaocheng, where everyone was devout, and walked in Yancheng, which was bustling with people. He saw the majestic dragon's nest in the north, and was surrounded by elves chattering and playing in the south.

Different cities, different races, and all kinds of lives chant the name of God Yao and are proud to follow Him.

 In the process, Uluru also became a believer in Yao.

 He also found his purpose.

 Become an archaeologist.

This is a job that requires constant movement, aiming to solve the mysteries of the past through the underground, with dangers and surprises all at once.

Teacher Fabiani was very happy when he saw him. He had no discrimination against this apprentice who was all dark and could not speak. He even learned the sign language of the Uji people in order to communicate with him accurately.

Fabiani will seriously consider all suggestions from Uluru - just like the suggestions from other apprentices.

Although the group of archaeologists is poor, everyone lives a happy life and does not feel bitter or tired at all.

“We are the decryptors of the past.”

Teacher Fabiani proudly said: “Only by understanding the past can we find the future we want for the present.”

“We are followers of the **** Yao, who is equally tolerant and generous to all people and professions.”

“This is what distinguishes Yao from other gods.”

 “God so loved the world.”

Neither the Uzi Kingdom nor the Fearless Empire has such a profession, nor has there ever been such a god.


 Uluru came out of his thoughts.

The Dixing Boat has docked at the underground arch exit in Crystal City.

Even if he relies on physical memory, he can drive a vehicle at high speed underground.

 Time is urgent, the teacher is going to the Valley of Gods in the eastern continent. He dug up the seeds of the former Rose Kingdom and needed to hand them over to Lord Pinkman, the apostle, in order to better cultivate these magical ancient species.

Other apprentices have to go back to the museum to report to the Yancheng Council and display the newly unearthed ancient cultural relics.

 So the task of Crystal City was first given to Uluru.

 He needs to investigate, excavate and restore the ancient history of the Fifth Fearless Empire and the current situation before its fall.

Uluru feels a bit ridiculous.

 The imperial army invaded the territory of the Kingdom of Wuji, and the gods they believed in buried the empire.

The Uji tribe, who are the sworn enemies of the empire, as archaeologists want to protect the empire's sites and cultural relics and bring their history back to the world.

God Yao bless you.

 I hope everything goes well and that the ghost of the empire doesn't hit me.

 Uluru prayed in his heart.

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 (End of this chapter)