God Simulator

Chapter 257: Elite admission

  Chapter 257 Elite Entry

  The war of gods started, and the funeral clans woke up one after another from their deep sleep. They removed the black tombstones at the rear and rearranged them at the front.

   This is also the fastest way to build a defense line.

  The group of tombs formed an insurmountable barrier. Hundreds of black tombstones spit out ghostly fire at the same time, making it difficult for the enemy to break through this layer of defense.

  Even if there are occasional ones rushing forward, they will be blocked and intercepted by the ghouls, and they will cooperate with the ghost fire to destroy them.

  Yanjiu saw all this in his eyes.

  The ghost world is waiting for work, but the strategic situation is not optimistic.

   Enemies are not ordinary people.

  In the Bamboo Reed Kingdom on the attacking side, the main frontline vanguards are all bamboo beasts. They are composed of bamboo figures in different shapes.

  Bamboo figures are tall and slender, composed of bamboo tubes. Their bodies are extremely flexible and have strong resistance to blows. Their weaknesses are slow speed and insufficient damage burst.

  But in the face of the tomb group front in the ghost world, the shortcomings of the bamboo people are not a problem.

  They have enough time to fuse with each other and piece together into bamboo beasts. Some bamboo figures become joints, some become spines, some serve as limbs, some become body bones, and some build heads.

  Many bamboo figures cross each other and join the battle in the form of bamboo beasts.

  Each bamboo beast is like a two-story wooden house. They usually wear special bamboo armor, and their bodies make creaking sounds when running, but they are light and flexible when fighting.

  They can greatly stretch the body, and can turn and turn in various incredible ways, making it difficult for the ghosts of the tombs to cross-hit.

   Burned by the dark fire, the bamboo beast will shake off the bamboo armor on its back, or evacuate immediately, replace the bamboo man in the rear, and charge again.

  Bamboo Beast has two attack methods.

  One is the simplest savage collision, through the extended sword horns, bamboo spears and bamboo thorns, piercing and tearing ghouls while running at high speed, destroying the rammed earth, bricks and stones of tombstones and even ghostly fire skeletons.

  The second is to transport bamboo warriors.

  When the bamboo beast breaks through the fire net and reaches the inner circle, it can spit out the bamboo man in its stomach.

  At this time, the bamboo warriors in armor and holding swords rolled out one by one. They would quickly dig up the black tombstone with chisels and pickaxes, rush into it and occupy it.

  Ghost has no power to fight back against the bamboo warrior. So once approached by the bamboo beasts, the ghosts had no choice but to abandon the tomb and retreat. However, not far behind, the funeral clan will create new black tombstones to continue to defend.

  The front line was stalemate amid repeated tension between the two sides.

  The weakness of the Phantom Realm's lack of mobility is gradually exposed.

  Yanjiu has been in the ghost world for many years, and he has a basic understanding of the situation here.

   Regardless of the nearly 100,000 people in this kingdom of God, most of them are ghosts. The ghosts gather together to live in the black tombstone, which can increase the lethality of the ghost fire, and can continue to feed back this spectacle.

  The ghost's combat power is weak, and it lacks equipment such as ghost armor. So they rely heavily on Tombstone Ghostfire and Tombstone Guardian Ghouls in combat.

  Once the two layers of defense are breached, the ghosts lose their ability to resist.

  The most core funeral family, the number is actually only about 200 people. They are both superhumans and mutants of ghouls. The chance of birth has always been low and their lifespan is long, but they cannot reproduce like ordinary people.

   One death and one less.

  The bamboo beasts also understood this point. While destroying the tombs, they specifically attacked the funeral clans who appeared around the black tombstones for repair and construction.

  In comparison, the number of bamboo people is larger, their strategies and tactics are more diverse, and they hold the initiative.

  After probing, the Zhulu Kingdom confirmed that the ghost world lacked countermeasures, and then divided the bamboo beasts to attack and pull from different areas and fronts.

  It seems that the bamboo beasts in many places are dying, but Yanjiu, who can move quickly through the sand, can see clearly that most of the bamboo beasts are feints, and their real target is the funeral. They do not hesitate to exchange their lives to consume the real core strength of the tomb group

  If the war of gods cannot end in a short time, it will become a competition of comprehensive strength among the kingdoms of gods.

   Having personally experienced the battle between King Wuji and Boshen, Yan Jiu already knew about it.

  But the ghost world is not completely at a disadvantage.

  The funeral person can use the body to accommodate ghosts. After the death of the bamboo man, the ghosts will be taken away and transformed into a living force in the ghost world, and the tomb group can be slowly strengthened.

  So although the scale of the tombs is gradually shrinking, the individual strength continues to increase. The front line is basically all second-order tombstones, and the rear supports third-order tombstones.

  During the three years, the war intensified. Soldiers on both sides were killed in battle, and their hidden powers were exposed.

  A Tier 4 black tombstone appeared on the battlefield.

  It has four floors, but the stele is covered with bloodshot eyes. The left half of the face of the skeleton above has carrion, and the right half of the face has only bones. There are two green fires in the eye holes.

  It chewed with its upper and lower jaws together, and gave out a strange grin.

  The ghostly fire gushing out from the eyes of the half-faced skeleton is very sticky, and will ignite at a single touch, and will spread quickly on the bamboo beast, full of lethality.

  When the fourth-tier tombstone first appeared, the two bamboo beasts were burnt to black ash in the first fight.

  The skeleton watched the prey struggling and howling in the flames, and let out a piercing laugh.

   Before the people in the ghost world were happy, the half-faced skeleton sprayed flames on its own people, burning the four ghouls to the ground, and finally turning them into coke.

   This crazy skeleton does not distinguish between friend and foe, as long as others enter its attack range, they will be burned by it for fun.

  The fourth-order tombstone has changed from [Black Tombstone] to [Crazy Tombstone].

  Yanjiu finally understood why the fourth-tier tombstone was no longer visible.

   This uncontrollable thing is a disaster in peacetime.

  The hundreds of ghosts in the fourth-tier tombstones were completely absorbed by the skeletons, almost sacrificed, and the cost was extremely high.

  Zhulu Guofang immediately took countermeasures.

   A never-before-seen bamboo beast enters the battlefield.

  They are like large pointed dragonflies, relying on thin and wide wings to glide in the air.

  Yojiu was very surprised.

  The Zhulu Kingdom can actually control the high-altitude area, which is really the worst news for the ghost world.

   Soon he discovered that he overestimated the bamboo man.

Bamboo birds cannot fly autonomously. They need to stop on the towering and continuous flying bamboo towers built by bamboo people, and then the flexible bamboo ropes composed of many bamboo people stretch the bamboo birds in the shape of arrows and throw them out with great force .

   The whole process is like archery.

  The bamboo bird in the shape of an arrow is shot into the clouds, and then it will open its wings and start flying with the help of high-altitude winds.

  This process requires tall and special bamboo towers, the precise cooperation of bamboo people, the precise control of bamboo birds, and the use of weather and wind.

   Yanjiu observed secretly, and found that the success rate of bamboo birds taking off was not high, and often failed to take off and fell. Presumably this is also the reason why the Zhulu Kingdom was not fully rolled out at the beginning. Like the fourth-order tombstone, it is worn out and immature.

  Even if it succeeds, the bamboo bird cannot fly for a long time. It basically circles around the battlefield, draws an arc and then turns back to fly back.

  If you do not return in time, the height of the bamboo bird will drop rapidly, making it difficult to control, and it will easily fall into the enemy-occupied area.

  Although it is impossible to fly long distances, it is also true that it occupies the commanding heights.

  Bamboo Bird's strategy is of great significance. Not only can they cross the line of the tomb group and clearly observe the arrangement of the tombstones in the ghost world, but they can also further investigate the location of the funeral family behind.

  They began to drop bamboo people into the depths of the ghost world, destroying and assassinating the funeral clan everywhere, making the arrangement of crazy tombstones in front of them like punching cotton.


  Shiojiu wasn't going to make a move.

   This is a war between two gods, and a confrontation between two kingdoms of God.

  In the final analysis, I am just an outsider. The apostle Blow also said, let him not participate in the battle of gods.

  But not long ago, a group of bamboo birds suddenly aimed at themselves.

  Bamboo soldiers descended from the sky one by one, standing still unscathed after twisting their bodies. They held bamboo swords and spears, and launched swift and violent attacks on him.

   "Finally found you, spies of heretics!"

   "You are secretly collecting our country's secrets in the rear, don't even think about running away today!"

   "Today you will die!"

  Yojiu was also a little helpless.

   Originally, he only wanted to watch, but he was still involved.

   When war comes, no one can really stay out of it.

  That being the case.

   Then enjoy the battle.

  Yanjiu regained his face from the blurry sandy head, he raised his hand and said, "Yanjiu, Yancheng, please advise."

  (end of this chapter)