God Simulator

Chapter 261: What is this **** crazy about?

  Chapter 261 What is this **** crazy about?

  The battle of the gods is approaching, and You Guishen quickly mobilizes for war.

  He dispatched two apostles, let Blow sit in the rear, continue to lead the funeral clan to make black tombstones and cultivate ghouls, and let Hobard deploy defenses in the front, adjust and relocate the tombs, and build a wartime front.

  One inside and one outside, one in front and one behind, the two apostles form a linkage and echo.

  The enemy came fiercely, but the first few rounds of attacks were defeated by the tombs, and even the ghouls had no chance to make a move, and those ridiculous bamboo figures were burned to ashes.

  You Ghost knows, this is just a temptation.

  After repeated feints, the Bamboo Reed King dispatched the real main force. All kinds of giant bamboo beasts appeared on the horizon. They crossed the border and rushed into the tombs against the dark fire to wreak havoc.

  The War of the Gods is a war started after the Kingdom of God borders. The most important bargaining chips for both sides are faith reserve and population, but the territory itself is also a strategic resource.

   This is related to the strength of the rules behind it.

  Generally speaking, the wider the kingdom of God, the stronger the power of rules, and the narrower it is, the weaker the power of rules.

  The power of rules is a double-edged sword.

  Powerful rules can better maintain the stability of the Kingdom of God. The change of era will bring about various changes and expansions, and it will also eliminate internal chaos or external interference in the world faster.

  On the other hand, it will restrain all kinds of life in the Kingdom of God, making the world border more solid, and it will be more difficult and laborious to transform the gods.

  As the departure of a large kingdom of God accelerates, the cost of power of faith will be even greater.

  And when the Kingdom of God borders and overlaps with each other, the power of the rules of the two worlds will also intersect and conflict with each other, causing a series of changes in the bordering area.

  The battle of gods is not only a duel between gods, but also a fight between gods and warriors, behind which there is also the entanglement and mutual influence between rules.

   To completely occupy a kingdom of God, the easiest way is to kill the local gods. When the old gods fall, the fire of local belief will be extinguished immediately. It becomes very easy to receive the legacy of the old gods.

   But in actual combat, this is not easy.

  The gods will not show up easily in wartime, and they must confirm the absolute superiority of the gods before showing up. Before that, both sides will sit in the rear, remain patient, and wait for the other side to show its flaws.

  On the frontal battlefield, the soldiers of the Kingdom of God led by the apostles fought each other.

  Occupy more enemy territory for a long time and weaken the enemy's population, so that the power of one's own rules can better radiate around, allowing one's own side to be in the home combat environment.

  Take this battle of gods as an example.

  The ghost world is mostly swamps, tidal flats and lakes, a humid and cold world; the Zhulu country is hills and mountains dominated by forests, with a warm climate and more sunshine.

   Ghouls hate sunlight, and they will become weak when exposed to sunlight, but bamboo people hate water, and they will move slower and be more likely to be injured when soaked in water.

  As the Zhulu country continues to advance, the power of rules on the other side is also gradually changing the landforms at the border, evolving in a direction that is more beneficial to them.

  You ghosts and gods can see it.

   He is in no hurry.

  Exchanging space for time is the strategy of the ghost world.

  He deliberately reduced the attack frequency of the tombs in front, and deliberately created the illusion of defeat to paralyze the enemy's aggressive pursuit.

  As long as the bamboo beasts and bamboo people can rush all the way to the hinterland of the tombs, the ghouls and high-level tombstones can form a strong encirclement and severely damage the main force of the enemy.

  Unfortunately, although the enemy won all the way, they did not advance rashly.

   It can be seen that Zhulu King also has a wealth of experience in divine warfare, and has not been dazzled by partial victories.

  So Youguishen entered the next stage.


  The world of ghosts has a racial advantage, ghosts.

  The ghosts are not good at fighting head-on, they will disperse as soon as they charge, and they are irreversible after being injured. But they have special shapes and can hide in various environments.

   Some of the alert and tenacious ghosts were trained by the apostle Blow as ghost scouts. During wartime, they will sneak into the enemy's rear quietly, collect various information about the enemy's kingdom of God, and destroy it under command.

  While the battlefield in front of the ghost world has been defeated repeatedly, the ghost scouts in the rear have achieved great success.

  Their investigation confirmed that the real core of Zhulu Kingdom is Lumin.

  This group of short and dexterous villains, they like to have long reed ears tied on their heads, they look weak and weak, but they are the brains of the Bamboo Reed Kingdom.

  The reed people planted bamboo forests in the rear to help the bamboo people to thrive. They are also good teachers and helpful friends of the bamboo people. The bamboo animals, bamboo fortifications, bamboo buildings, bamboo swords, bamboo spears, and bamboo armor on the battlefield were all designed by the reed people.

  If the sword and shield of Zhulu Kingdom are brave bamboo people, then the holders of the weapons are smart reed people.

  The ghost scouts were ordered to carry out a large-scale assassination of key Lumin.

   This caused heavy losses to Zhulu Country.

  As revenge, the Zhulu Kingdom sent a large number of bamboo birds to attack and destroy the rear of the Ghost Realm.

   Although the core forces of the two major kingdoms of God, the Funeral Clan and the Lumin, although they did not go to the front line, they are still losing.

  War is not only about who can cause more damage, but also who can accept losses better.

  With the appearance of [Crazy Tombstone] and [Bamboo Bird], the war of gods has entered a more intense and cruel stage, and the population reduction on both sides has accelerated sharply.

  The apostles also finally joined the battle.

  Although there is only one apostle in the Zhulu Kingdom, the apostle named [Bamboo Man] is of a very high rank.

It uses a special bamboo pole weapon, jumps around on the battlefield with the bamboo pole on it, and smashes the tombstones like apes... Hobard is extremely difficult to deal with, even with Blow behind him, he can barely hold on to the situation .

  The ghost world is still at a disadvantage.

  But You Guishen still has a trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

   As long as the Zhulu Kingdom dares to press on with an army and rush all the way into the hinterland of the Ghost Realm, He will have a deep space to maneuver.

  At that time, the lurking ghost scouts can no longer be marked one by one. The Miracle of the Ghost God will use the ghost scouts as a lead to burn most of the reed people to ashes. The immortal fire will burn in the bamboo people's base camp, and it will be time to turn the tide of battle.

  When the enemy is strong and we are weak, you must have enough patience and concentration.

   Just as You Guishen was paying attention to the battlefield, the sand walker Yan Jiu suddenly appeared on the front line and fought with the bamboo beast.

  You ghosts and gods are overjoyed.

   Well done, hit me hard!

   Sandwalker has a mysterious origin, but he is an extraordinary person of LV33, and his rank is higher than that of Blow and Hobard. He shot the bamboo beast, which can effectively relieve the pressure ahead.

   It would be even better if he could get rid of Takeo.

  Unfortunately, at this time, Bamboo Man was fighting against Hobard in another battlefield.

  You Guishen's attitude towards Sandwalker is very complicated.

   When He first saw it, He was overjoyed.

  The Kingdom of God still has this kind of extraordinary person, let’s transform into an apostle first.

   The result is rejected.

   You Guishen was stunned at first, and then out of anger.

   Actually rejected the call of the gods? What an arrogant mortal!

   If you are not your own, then you are the enemy!

  You Guishen once wanted to execute this rebellious Sand Walker.

   He finally refrained.

  Sandwalker claims to be from the Yao tribe, but he made a mistake in ascension from Yunzhong Temple and came here.

  Yunzhong Temple...

  You Guishen looked at the huge and terrifying white vortex.

  Vortex World, Yunzhong Temple.

  His heart was heavy.

  Sandwalker is absolutely unable to break through the boundaries of the world by his own ability.

  Only God can do it. Even if the gods make the move, at least the title gods have the ability to forcibly open the cross-border passage.

  But...it is unheard of for the Vortex World to be used as a training ground for believers.

   Sandwalker claims to be an ordinary follower of the gods, and ghosts and gods believe in them.

  Seeing the coming of the god-born giant, You Guishen realized that he still underestimated the gods behind the Sandwalker.

  This is the apostle of LV99.

   Not because it only has LV99, but because it's in the crawl zone. The upper limit is blocked here, and it can only reach LV99. In other words, the prototype of this apostle is at least from the Leap Zone.

  The fact that some of the god-born giant's abilities are sealed and cannot be used is the best proof.

  It is called [Yao God], and it is not listed in the temple of the gods. The title of **** is to show people by title...then it is most likely the main **** who is transcendent to the gods.

  The main **** has many names. For example, the Goddess of Hunting is also called [God of Fertility and Fertility], [Goddess of Healing] or [Goddess of Purification]. It is normal to have never heard of some ancient and weird names.

   You Guishen felt somewhat fortunate.

   Fortunately, I was stable enough to not kill Sandwalker in a fit of anger.

   It is a main **** who is staring at this place.

  He immediately stated in a cryptic manner that Blow and Sandwalker should have a good relationship.

   Could it be that the vortex world of Yunzhong Temple has some kind of secret, or is it a special resource?

   You Guishen is still thinking.

  Suddenly, the whole world shook violently, a huge hole was opened in the clouds, and the power of rules began to fall into abnormality or even partially fail.

  The rain is flowing backwards, the wind is forming bunches, and in the alternating black and white light, the outline of a fuzzy world emerges on the horizon.

  You Guishen was dumbfounded.

   Still coming to a kingdom of God?

   He immediately viewed the intruded world.

   Fortunately, it is an ordinary gravel world.

   Disasters really come in groups.

You Guishen didn't have time to deal with it, but the Kingdom of God rumbled again, the sun in the sky disappeared without a trace, and strange indentations appeared on the ground... This time was much more serious than last time, You Guishen once suspected that the Kingdom of God was going It fell apart.

   Fortunately, the ghost world resisted tenaciously in the end.

   It's just that the whole world has become chaotic and messy, and basic rules such as climate and geography have been severely damaged, making the entire kingdom of God strange and dangerous.

  The only good news is that the distant Zhulu Kingdom is also full of yellow sand, and the sky is collapsing.

  The falling gravel world collapsed and produced countless gravel and sand, countless tongues of fire emerged from the cracks in the ground, and lightning **** of light appeared in the air. They spread around and exploded when touched. Both ghouls and bamboo people had to avoid this natural disaster.

  Both sides withdrew tacitly, shrinking and rectifying.

   It's hard to say who will win if the fight continues, the rear will definitely be gone.

  You Guishen was even more frowning.

  God Wars can still cease fighting, and sudden natural disasters are the most terrifying enemies in the crawl zone.

  Thinking of this, his resentment towards King Zhulu deepened.

  What's wrong with this bastard?

  I am working hard in the Vortex World, and you rushed over like a **** madman to start a war, who did I mess with? !

   It’s all right now, let’s finish playing together! Nobody wants to run away!

   Are you happy now? Happy?

  You Guishen felt that maybe he was too lucky in the past, and the bad luck accumulated for a long time finally broke out.

  Although there were many dissatisfaction and grievances in his heart, You Guishen still smashed his teeth and swallowed it.

  Living in the crawl zone, everything has to look ahead.

  He calmed down and thought of a way.

   Maybe Sand Walker can come forward and formally initiate communication with King Zhulu.

   Both sides can't afford it anymore.

   If you lose face, you will lose face.

  The Kingdom of God is important.

  (end of this chapter)