God Simulator

Chapter 303: it doesn't mean i'm great

   Pasha was in the desert, standing in front of two and a half dragon corpses.

   It is a little regretful that part of the body of Red Dragon Puxi has been consumed by Baibao's experiment, and only the head and upper body are still intact, so it is half.

   Pasha was the first to perceive the half-body red dragon.

   Following Cancong's prompt, it dripped the dragon's blood on the dragon's corpse, and then put the dragon's head against the red dragon's head.

  Lu Yao saw a cloud-like image slowly floating out of the red dragon's body.

  The cloud continued to expand, and gradually there was a freeze-frame picture inside.

  The picture shows the red dragon flying in the air. The shape of the dragon has been greatly simplified, but it can still be recognized.

  The red dragon flew and flew, and then saw a white bird, which was much smaller than it. The red dragon's head is red, and he seems to like each other very much.

  Pu Xi flew over, and a bunch of garbled symbols appeared above his head, as if he was talking to Shiratori.

   Shiratori turned and flew away, completely ignoring it.

   Then Puxi showed a tearful expression on his forehead, and it flew back all the way, chatting to a big red dragon for a while, causing the big dragon to laugh.

  The screen ends here, and continues to rewind to the first encounter with Shiratori, repeating over and over again.

  Pasha said: "The memory of the red dragon is all about that bird, nothing else."

Can Cong explained: "The memories left in the dragon bones are usually the most memorable part of the dead dragon. Judging from its size, this red dragon should have just awakened for the second time, and its deepest memory is when it met this dragon. bird."

  Lu Yao understood.

  Red Dragon Puxi never forgets his favorite white bird, the more he can't get it, the more impressed he is.


   Pasha bleeds on the blue dragon and pays off with his head.

  A cloud floated from the dry body of the blue dragon Tiris.

  In the cloud is a dark world, the blue dragon curled up, it slowly stood up, spread its wings, the black world suddenly collapsed, and the surrounding became much brighter.

  After the black shell peels off, there is a larger lead gray world outside. The blue dragon dashed left and right, and broke the second world. Outside was a low blue sky.

  It flew into the sky, broke through the blue dome, and rushed into a huge light blue bubble.

  In the bubble, the blue dragon struggled hard.

  The bubbles are getting tighter and tighter, and finally the dragon is sealed in the blue film like a vacuum compression bag.

  The blue dragon twisted wildly.

  When it tore off the bubble film and came out, it became dying and soon stopped moving.

  Memory ends here, and jumps back to the initial screen.

  Pasha commented on Blue Dragon's past experience: "This dragon looks not young, but I didn't expect it to be very playful. It seems like it played itself to death..."

  Snowman Jimmy also said: "Why do you have to play this dangerous game? Isn't it good to make snowmen and have snowball fights?"

   "Uncle Jimmy was right."

  Pasha said: "I think it's because the blue dragon is only one dragon, and no one is with it, so I can only play this kind of thing by myself."

   Both the snowman and the young dragon sighed: "It's so pitiful..."

"It's not like this!"

  A small flame appeared on Cancong's forehead, and he explained for the blue dragon: "This memory is the experience of the blue dragon Tiris' four awakenings."

   "It was very difficult in the fourth awakening, and the injury was too severe to cause death."

   "And to activate the dragon's special [Endless Deathrattle], it can only be done by awakening four times."

   Pasha and the snowman stopped talking.

  Lu Yao clicked on Cancong to find out the details.

   "Master God, the characteristic of endless deathrattle is required to be used. It does not belong to any dragon clan itself, but the strange thing [Dragon Tomb] resonates with the blood of the dragon clan."

  This Long Su Zhu Cong said: "The Dragon Tomb is a strange thing between the virtual universe and the real universe. It has a very close relationship with the Long Su, and it is not just the cemetery of the dragons of the past dynasties."

   "The dragon tomb surrounds Longsu repeatedly, sometimes appearing in the real universe, and sometimes entering the virtual universe. It makes the dragon clan quiet and peaceful, and is crucial to the stability and development of Longsu."

   "There is a saying that the first dragons were born from the dragon tomb, so the relationship between the dragon clan and the dragon tomb is so strange. When the dragon clan is about to die, they always instinctively want to enter the dragon tomb."

   "There are many strange things about Dragon Tomb, [Endless Deathrattle] is one of them."

  Cancong explained: "After completing the fourth awakening, you will comprehend the [Endless Death Language] from the resonance of the Dragon Tomb. The condition for casting it is that you need to be near death, and the death language is limited to protecting your body and dignity."

   "The power of Deathrattle will gradually fade. As long as many epochs pass, the dragon's corpse will gradually rot, leaving only the skeleton. In fact, it will be fine at this time."

   "However, if the deathrattle is still there, if you want to touch or even try to desecrate the dragon's corpse, the deathrattle effect will be triggered. This is a curse at the rule level. Even if you are a title god, you will be seriously injured if you are positioned by the deathrattle."

  According to Cancong's description, the Dragon Tomb is a strange object between life and death. It swings between the virtual universe and the real universe, giving blessings and protection to all dragons who are about to die, and guiding them back to their hometowns.

   Being hit by endless deathrattles is the end of Yunluke.

  Lu Yao looked at the last dragon corpse.

   Pasha came to the side of the green dragon's head and had a **** touch with it.

  Antonios' dragon head also raised clouds.

  In the memory screen, a dialog box appeared on the simplified green dragon head, which was full of dense garbled characters.

  Suddenly, the green dragon's body split in two.

  The left and right halves of the body gradually recovered and became a green dragon with two identical heads.

  The difference is that the green dragon on the left breathes out its breath and looks fiercely, while the green dragon on the right curls up, looking timid and cowardly.

  Can Cong said in admiration: "This is [one divides into two], and it is also a very powerful high-level spell in the Dragon Art. It is amazing. It can be mastered after awakening three times. The green dragon's spell talent is very high."

  Lu Yao couldn't help looking at Pasha.

  It's a pity that the dragon I raise is not good at spells by nature.

  An idea floated above the head of the Dark Sun Dragon: "So what if you have high talent... To deal with such a guy, I only need ten purple rose flower boats, and I can easily kill them."

  Lu Yao said in his heart, you know how to keep pace with the times.

  He continued to look at the memory cloud map.

  After the green dragon is split in two, the evil dragon fights against the weak dragon. In the end, the two dragons merged into one body, but at this time they could not be restored to the original state. The green dragon's body was not broken into two halves, and finally the green dragon fell to the ground while repairing.

  The screen ends.


There was a sighing expression on Cancong's head: "[One Divided into Two] is a very complicated and difficult dragon law spell. You must split yourself into two different individuals, separating your personality and ability. Then Combine them into one and restore them to complete this spell."

   "If it can be done, it will be able to act in two different bodies and forms in the future."

  Failures and accidents of advanced dragon law spells, usually accompanied by serious injuries or even death.

  Lu Yao glanced at the two half-dragon corpses.

  According to Can Cong's judgment, the three dragons are all different-blooded dragons. Except for the unknown reason for the death of the red dragon, the other two dragons died of their own dangers.

  Awakening at a higher level and casting advanced dragon law spells all have huge risks.

  Lu Yao has a new understanding of the dragon race. This group has an extremely low fertility rate and often engages in high-risk activities. Of course, the number of dragon races is getting smaller and smaller.

   Cancong began to guide Pasha to learn how to arouse the power of the dragon corpse.

   "The solution is very simple."

  It said: "Please recite silently in your heart first to express your condolences and gratitude to them."

   "Then, eat them."

  Pasha had a question mark on his head: "Eating the same kind? This is too barbaric."

  Jimmy the Snowman also said: "Yes."


   Cancong has to emphasize again and again that this is the custom of the dragon clan.

  If you can’t return to the Dragon Tomb, and the corpses of your fellow clan wander outside, rot naturally in the epochs, or are swallowed, destroyed, and turned into trade goods by other creatures, it’s more respectful for the same clan to eat them and integrate them into yourself.

  The body of the dragon clan contains enormous power, which itself is the great result of the continuous transformation of dragon blood and spells.

  However, the always obedient Pasha firmly opposed it.

   "Mr. Cancong, I don't need to rely on cannibalism, I can awaken."

  The Dragon of Dark Sun spread its wings and said proudly: "I am a dragon, and I am also a Yao tribe. In the Yao tribe, even the weak and bully locusts will not eat their own kind."

   "Uncle Jimmy taught me not to think about taking things from the weak, but to challenge the treasure house of the strong!"

   "Doing this does not mean that I am great, but that I want power, and I will use my own method to obtain it."

   "Because I am a follower of God Yao, and I am the first dragon of the Yao clan!"

  A smiling face appeared on the snowman's head, and he shook happily from side to side: "Well said, Pasha! We want to take the treasure of the strong!"

   Cancong was speechless.

  Lu Yao was also slightly touched.

  Although Jimmy taught a little crookedly in many places, Pasha has already begun to show the snowman's crazy temperament of punching the strong.

  Yao dragons must have this kind of ambition.

   Very good, very energetic!

  Lu Yao called the Blood Knight and continued to use the traditional method to strengthen Pasha.

  Seeing the appearance of the Blood Knight, the Dragon of Dark Sun, who was originally high-spirited, trembled, and his wings drooped and clamped behind his back.

   "Mr. Blood Knight, can you..."

   It was Steel Armored Iron Fist who answered it.


  After being beaten until he became unconscious, Pasha finally entered his second awakening. It curled up like some kind of solidified paraffin.

  Lu Yao waited for about ten minutes, and the molting was over.

  Completing the second awakening, Pasha's body has grown a lot, his level has reached LV41, and his health has directly reached 8000+.

  It also has a new ability.


  [Strong Life] Having been on the verge of death for a long time, he has a new understanding of life and gains a lot of life and defense bonuses.


  The blood knight realized this ability in the blast furnace world, and Pasha evolved this characteristic during the special training of the blood knight, which can be regarded as a master-student inheritance.

  Pasha woke up a little bit, and Cancong asked eagerly: "Can you perceive the approximate direction? Longsu is too far away from the crawling area, but there are also many passage worlds here. As long as you can find it, there is a way."


  Pasha pondered for a while, and a rotating disc that looked like a compass popped up on his forehead: "I found it!"

  A prompt will pop up on the emulator.

  【Pasha got the coordinate system of Longsu. 】

  【The Yao nationality has the ability to record coordinates in the Jiedimensional space, and the perspective of spatial coordinates is officially opened. 】

  Lu Yao was overjoyed to see it, this is what he wanted.

   Dragon-shaped space navigator.

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