God Simulator

Chapter 361: What is a fighting nation?

  Chapter 361 What is a fighting nation?

   Received a signal from Lu Yao, Isabel asked: "Tell me about the Battle of Fenglong."

   "This is a long story. After all, it is a full-scale war in which the real universe bets on the virtual universe. It has been a long time ago..."

  The sound of typing on the keyboard came from the earphones, and Song Shiyi seemed to be checking information temporarily.

"The reason for the Battle of Sealing the Dragon was that Long Su put the channel world on the edge of the tree-like civilization in the human leap area. This is something that we humans cannot tolerate. This is equivalent to placing a military base on the border. The Dragon Clan It may be used to threaten all human beings in the universe at any time."

   "The seriousness of this incident is like other ethnic groups setting up military fortresses near the Dragon Tomb in Longsu."

   "We demand that Longsu withdraw the world passage immediately, and keep a safe distance from the tree civilization. The Dragon Clan directly dispatched the sub-dragon army, stationed in the world passage, and continues to deploy other passages."

Song Shiyi said: "At that time, the person in charge of Longsu was Zhulong. It not only rejected our reasonable request, but also openly declared that the place where the dragon passes is the territory of the dragon clan. Any species that dares to resist in the territory of the dragon, The result can only be destruction'."

  According to various ancient document records of the committee, the dragon tribe was powerful at that time, and the dragon lodging passages built were all over the leap area, and the dragons from all walks of life led the sub-dragon army to conquer the Quartet in the virtual universe, and it was rare to meet an opponent.

  The human group is stumbling, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, civil strife continues, civilization is destroyed again and again, but it can always be revived again.

  In a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, the attitude of the dragon clan towards humans is mainly contempt and ridicule.

  Long Su intersperses the passage world in the tree-like civilization of the human leap zone. The purpose is simple and direct. It is to turn the entire human civilization system in the virtual universe into a puppet through colonization and garrison.

   This is the premise of war.

  Lu Yao typed on the mobile phone to remind Isabel to inquire about the details of the tree-like civilization at that time. The key point was to figure out what a tree-like civilization was.

  Song Shiyi seemed to be looking for relevant information, and her speech speed was obviously slowed down: "At that time, dragons would occasionally come to human tree-like civilization, and some peripheral passages would be established, similar to the embassies between countries now..."

  "The dragons managed to push these passage worlds, changed their positions and directions, and kept trying to approach them, forming an encirclement of a part of the civilized world area. In the follow-up, they soon declared war on the "giant civilization" adjacent to the human tree civilization. "

  “Although humans and giants have been at war with each other for many years, they immediately reached an alliance consensus at this time. Humans began to fully assist the giants against the dragons. This is how the battle of sealing the dragons began. The defenders are us and the giants, and the attackers are the dragons.”

  In just a few words, she briefly explained the tree civilization.

   To build a tree-like civilization, a main civilization is needed as the root. To lay this foundation requires not only a stable and species-rich huge world as the soil, but also the cooperation between the sailors.

  The human pioneers cooperated with each other and finally planted the foundation of the human race in the leap area.

  This civilization has bred many branches, and various civilizations intersect and grow in diversity. The branch civilization obtains the foundation and experience from the root civilization, and then continues to explore and evolve along its own route.

  Many civilizations have grown and evolved from this foundation.

Just like a giant tree growing in the leap area, sometimes the tree will be full of branches and leaves, sometimes withered branches, but it can always bear some fruits over a long period of time—including not limited to powerful species, new technologies and materials, Cognitive abilities, knowledge systems, and experiences of civilizational destruction.

  The fruits of the tree-like civilization will also feed back and strengthen all members of this system.

   In the Leap Zone, tree civilization is a stable survival system. It is a huge battleship carrying countless people, and it is also a safe field composed of many civilizations.

  "...In the early days of the Battle of Sealing the Dragon, the battle was extremely fierce. Whether it was humans, giants or dragons, many sailors continued to die."

  Song Shiyi's voice became serious.

   "Especially our alliance, in the face of the huge number of dragons' miraculous offensive and the impact of the Yalong army, a large number of frontline worlds have been destroyed, and they have been in a passive state for a long time."

"The giants also played a vital role. Almost all of them confronted the most powerful dragons on the most dangerous battlefields... After resisting the most difficult stage, our resilience advantage was revealed. The most advanced development of human civilization When it is fast and most likely to make leaps and bounds, it is the moment of life and death crisis.”

She said: "The pioneers on the front line were killed, and the title gods also evolved in battle after battle, becoming new sailors, and continuing to lead the battle. Many title gods entered the rear of the Dragon Clan. Through continuous guerrilla warfare and destruction, Disrupt the attacking power of the Dragon Clan..."

   "Unable to attack for a long time, the disadvantages of the Dragon Clan are gradually showing."

"Longsu is a group that exists in the form of big families. The continuous reduction of family members has made many big families unbearable. Serious differences and divisions have emerged within the Dragon Clan, and the desire to fight has dropped significantly. Candle Dragon, who dominated the entire war, promised The lightning victory of the Dragon Clan completely declared bankruptcy, and its deity was also questioned and liquidated by the Dragon Clan."

   "Due to the very low fertility rate of the dragon clan, it is difficult to replenish after losing a short period of time. Many dragon clans chose to withdraw from the war and withdraw their own people. Therefore, the dragon clan's army is fighting less and less, and the more we fight, the stronger we become..."

  The war ended with the dragons finally withdrawing their troops, and the dragons had to negotiate peace with humans and giants.

  Since then, Long Su’s attitude towards human beings has undergone a huge change. Human beings have formally talked with the Dragon Clan on an equal footing, and even had a honeymoon period of mutual cooperation.

  The Nine Harvest Pillars built on the earth are the witnesses of that period. Many respected dragons came to the earth to communicate and seek union with human pioneers, and many people also worshiped dragon totems.

  Lu Yao couldn't help but think of the Dragon Clan's attitude towards other civilizations.

  Zhou Island is a resort for dragons to heal their wounds, Zhuri Bay has become a cafeteria and shopping mall for dragons, and Xueqiu is a black prison built by Yinglong... If they are identified as chickens by the dragon clan, this is what happens to them.

  From this point of view, the people on Earth can be regarded as a fighting nation, with hard bones and fists.

   It's still the same old saying, one punch is enough to avoid a hundred punches.

   After the fight, everyone can speak calmly.

  Isabel said to the mobile phone again: "The Jiuhe Pillar here is destroyed, was it dismantled by humans?"

"No, it was the Qinglong that destroyed the Nine Harvest Pillar, and it didn't explain why. It's just that according to the relevant sporadic records, the Qinglong has disappeared since then... It's a pity that the pioneers of all dynasties spoke highly of the Qinglong, saying that it was a He is a respectable Zunlong and a wise man with far-sightedness."

  Song Shiyi said: "According to the information you found, it should be that Tai Sui can sense the channel world and be attracted to it. It's just that there is no such thing in the information about Tai Sui. It must be some accident."

   "Qinglong destroyed the Nine Harvest Pillar, presumably to contain the danger in advance."

"Many early records and ancient voyagers said that Qinglong stayed on the earth for a long time, spent a long time here, established a long-term close friendship with humans, and was already half a human voyager. In many legends and stories, many people with godhead claim to be the descendants of the dragon, and this dragon refers to Qinglong."

  Lu Yao suddenly realized.

  At least the mystery of the destruction of the Jiuhe Pillar has been solved, and it was Qinglong's handwriting.

   "Thank you."

"a piece of cake."

  Isabel hung up the phone.


  Back in the house, Lu Yao threw the phone back into the hands of Slymode in Shacheng.

   At this time, several new reminders popped up on the simulator.

  【Cat Grass has completed the awakening of blood. 】

  【The cat grass awakened the chinchilla. 】

  【The cat grass has become a legend. 】

  Lu Yao clicked on the entry, and the perspective immediately jumped to Ice Lake City in Blood Hill.

  In the world of ice and snow, there is a big fluffy cat standing beside Maocao.

  It has two triangular pointed ears pointing to the sky, and its oval pink body looks like a chubby bear with a white belly. The big cat stood upright, its two small round eyes looked a little dazed.


  【Blood Demon Totoro LV55】

  HP: 6531/6531

   Mana: 998/998

   Damage: 63

   Defense: 33

   Speed: 18

  【Wisdom LV2】



  【Life Sharing】

   Summoners will share health with Gorefiend and enjoy the health they steal.

  【Blood Element Mystery LV2】

  In the blood elemental environment, it can continuously restore health and mana, and the attack has the effect of [life sucking].

  【Silver Dragon's View】

   Possesses the outstanding eyesight and insight like a silver dragon, and can have a panoramic view of scenes in extremely distant places.


  【Life Suck】: It can restore vitality by causing damage, and the effect is related to the level of this ability.


  Mao Cao carefully touched Totoro's belly with her paw: "Are you really Totoro? How can you come back from the dead?"

   A bunch of illegible symbols appeared above Totoro's head, as if he was encrypting the call.

  Lu Yao suddenly had an idea and pulled out the [Eye of True Sight].

  Under the influence of the Curse of True Sight, Dragon Language was immediately translated clearly.

"...my dead soul sleeps in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, revived because of your call. I can sense the dragon's blood in you. Although it is very weak, I came here because of your call. Of course, other people who came over wanted to All the guys who got involved were killed by me, Jie Jie."

  My Neighbor Totoro grinned triumphantly, the corners of its crescent-like mouth stretched wide.

  Lu Yao noticed that the [Heterogeneous] on the cat grass panel has been replaced by another ability.


  [Blood Element Summoning]: Summon a partner through blood elements. After the callee responds, they will share life with the caller in the form of a blood demon. (1/1)


  Lu Yao couldn't help rubbing his hands.

  This [Heterogeneous] card draw has something new, here is a buy one get one free!

   You're feeling lucky, Ah Cao!

  (end of this chapter)