God Simulator

Chapter 363: immortal person

  Chapter 363 Immortal

  After the warning appeared, Lu Yao immediately looked towards the void space.

  There is no abnormality around, Tai Sui is at least one screen away.

   The downside of the crawl zone is revealed at such moments.

  There is no perspective similar to the wide-area mini-map. Players can only see this narrow area of ​​their own world, and it is inconvenient to drag the mouse to extend it outward.

  Since the entire crawling area is actually a three-dimensional structure, no matter which direction the viewing angle is dragged, there will be a certain blind area.

  Lu Yao didn't know which direction Tai Sui came from, and he didn't dare to set sail and speed up rashly. If it happens to run into the direction the opponent is coming from, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

  He can only lock the perspective and wait patiently.

  While waiting for Tai Sui, Lu Yao's mind was running fast.

   The crawling zone is like a dark jungle. Every player in it has a limited range of observation, and the upper limit of speed is also locked by the rules.

  Tai Sui enters the crawl zone, so it stands to reason that he will also be bound by the rules here, and cannot break through the speed limit.

   That is to say, as long as Lu Yao accelerates fast enough, Tai Sui can only keep a relative distance from the whirlpool world, and it cannot touch it until the faith is burned out.

  Of course, these are speculations at present and need to be supported by the actual situation.

   Soon after, a mass of white pixels appeared on the screen.

   This white area comes from the right side of the screen, and it looks like some kind of large ball made of countless small squares.

  Tai Sui looks like a giant bust floating in the void.

  It has a human-like head, neck, and chest, and has two arms, but it is missing from the waist and abdomen, and there are many slender tentacles floating on the half-waist break.

  Tai Sui's head has no facial features, only the horizontal and vertical grid pattern of the cube itself. Where the face should have been was a smooth golden mirror, like some kind of mysterious sacrificial mask.

   In the center of this golden cheek, there is a sunken hole.

   There is also a large piece of damage on the chest of the bust, as if it was smashed open by a strong external force, revealing a heart-like red heart between a large number of squares.

  The red heart is also made up of red squares, which indicate light when inside, reminding Lu Yao of the breathing light on the mobile phone.

  Tai Sui's arms are extraordinarily slender, like two pieces of soft white kelp or wings, with a wide and flat palm and five fingers, but also a block combination structure.

  Lu Yao called out [Eye of True Sight] to investigate.


  【Tai Sui】【Chaos】【Weakness】

life value:? ?

   Mana: ? ?


   Defense: ?


  【Old God Curse LV99】



   Judge and eliminate the target by swallowing.

【immortal person】

  Cannot be completely destroyed, can always be reborn and revived from death and annihilation.

  【Furnace of Life】

  Collect all kinds of life, recast and reorganize them, select new forms and types from them, and adapt and evolve to different environments.




  【Divine body】:?


   Sure enough, it is Tai Sui.

  Even the Lord God-level Curse of True Sight can't detect the details of this thing, and the specific values ​​are all a series of question marks.

  Even so, every one of its abilities feels oppressive.

  [Disarm] will remove the attack and damage capabilities of all existing objects in the surrounding effective range.

  [Swallowing] is the characteristic description of Tai Sui assimilating and devouring the world.

  These two abilities made Lu Yao think of 【Beast】.

  Tai Sui is like the ultimate body of a world beast.

  [Immortal] is even more outrageous than [Undead], almost printed the words "Immortal and Immortal" on his body.

  The last [Furnace of Life] was unexpected to Lu Yao.

  Based on fragmentary information, he subconsciously felt that Tai Sui was a top predator that devoured all kinds of worlds. But the ability of the melting pot of life shows that Tai Sui seems to be more than just a glutton.


  Lu Yao immediately set sail in the opposite direction of Tai Sui.

  The Yunzhong Temple, which is shaped like a white vortex, turns slowly, and the flying speed increases rapidly.

  Tai Sui followed closely behind.

  Lu Yao didn't hold back anything this time, and the red number 10 was always displayed in the upper right corner to ensure that the limit speed was full.

  The vortex world rampages in the crawling area, dragging the boulder worlds blocking the road into the ring boundary group one by one, and speeding up the many surrounding worlds.

  After running for a while, Lu Yao discovered a strange thing.

  Tai Sui, as he deduced in advance, cannot break through the speed limit here.

   Not to mention the limit speed in the crawling zone, it didn't even accelerate at all, and was moving at a very basic slow speed.

  Tai Sui seems unable to observe and perceive the surrounding situation, it just follows the Jiuhe pillar in the vortex world and flies straight all the way.

   Only when it directly touches a certain gravel world, does it regain some kind of activity all of a sudden, and slowly closes those wings-like arms to capture it firmly.

   After grabbing the boulder world, it will hold it close to the hole in the golden mask, and then the world will be gradually sucked in and digested.

   During the whole process, Tai Sui's head will fly out some debris and debris-like substances, accompanied by a large amount of white mist, these debris will also quickly dissipate in the surrounding environment.

   But one thing is always, Tai Sui has always been firmly behind the whirlpool world.

  Even if Yunzhong Temple continued to accelerate and threw it farther and farther, it didn't give up at all—it's just that Tai Sui really wouldn't accelerate, as if it only had the speed of a turtle.

  Lu Yao carefully kept a distance from Tai Sui, so that Tai Sui was at the far left edge of the screen.

  For two full hours before and after, he operated and observed.

  Tai Sui is different from the ordinary gravel world. It is not affected by the regular turbulence, and there is almost no situation of spinning in place or azimuth deviation. So although it is not fast, it can move faster than the normal gravel world without resistance.


   After observing, Lu Yao basically confirmed one thing.

  Tai Sui is "blind".

  It doesn't have the ability to clearly perceive the outside world, and can't figure out the specific situation of the surrounding environment. It just follows the blood mound where the Jiuhezhu is located, just like a big dog that finds bones with its sense of smell.

   If the distance is quickly extended beyond two screens, it will lose the target and maintain a drifting state similar to dormancy.

  Lu Yao also had a guess in his mind.

  Tai Sui's body with only the upper half of its heart exposed, as well as its weakness, confusion, curse from the old gods... and even loss of perception, should have suffered some kind of severe injury.

  So for so many years, due to the damage of the Jiuhe Pillar, it was unable to find the specific location of the blood mound, and just drifted with the flow, whether it could capture the gravel world to see its fate.

  It is now in a state of extreme weakness.

  Is there a way to control Tai Sui? If Tai Sui can be stabilized, maybe we can find some clues of the dragon clan, and even find other passage worlds based on it...

  Lu Yao calmly weighed himself.

   Can't do it.

  Tai Sui will devour the world it touches, making it impossible to anchor it. In the past, the dragon voyager made many attempts at risk of death, and the final solution was to put it to sleep, and let it change from an ecological state to a dead state.

   Forget it, it’s better to stay away from Tai Sui.

  Lu Yao was about to run away when he suddenly recalled what Can Cong said.

   "...Relying on the hook pierced into Tai Sui's body, the dragon clan was able to change the trajectory of Tai Sui's world, pulling it to circle and wander in the void."

   "This bought enough time for the dragon clan to develop. In the end, the dragon clan completed sufficient combat preparations, transformed Tai Sui from a living body into a dead state, and Tai Sui also became a controllable booster for Long Su."

  Rely on the Tai Sui Hook to pull Tai Sui to wander and move in the virtual universe.

  Lu Yao thought about it and was going to make a small attempt.

  For the sake of safety, he chose to use Zhoudao World as bait.

  In this primitive world, the only red thorn snake that could evolve wisdom is still in a beast-like stage. It is also the lowest value among the three channel worlds, and it is the most suitable for dangerous experiments.

  Before using it, Lu Yao transferred all the deep sea lords inside into the blood sea of ​​Blood Hill, and only kept Slimmode's avatar to continue observing there.

   Having prepared everything, he carefully manipulated Yunzhong Temple, threw out the continents surrounding the vortex world, and then controlled this kingdom of God to approach Tai Sui who was behind.

   Taisui is huge in size, compared with Zhoudao, it is about the same size as the hole in Taisui's gold mask.

  Following Karon on Zhoudao, Tai Sui suddenly recovered from the state of lying still. Its weird head twisted and its arms stretched slightly, obviously flying towards Zhoudao.

  Lu Yao operated Zhoudao to lead forward.

  Zhoudao set sail and accelerated, Tai Sui followed behind.

  The two sides have always maintained a certain distance, but this distance will gradually shorten, because Tai Sui is minimally affected by the regular turbulence in the crawling area.

   As the distance got closer, Lu Yao immediately accelerated to ensure a relatively safe distance.

  Just in this way, he has to do two-line operation.

   It is necessary to control the vortex world, but also pay attention to the pulling of the island behind, and keep Yunzhong Temple-Zhoudao-Tai Sui in a straight line, so as to be better involved.

  After repeated contact and exploration, Lu Yao gradually became proficient in this method.

   I have to say that the method left by the Dragon Clan is very effective.

  Tai Sui is not a conventional intelligent life, it is more like a manifestation of natural disasters on the material level, and its powerful power relies on instinctive desires.

  Lu Yao used the island with Jiuhezhu as bait, and he succeeded in fishing.

   While pulling Tai Sui, he controlled the Vortex World to move forward.

   If you want to go out or control the world, then speed up the escape of Zhoudao, reset Tai Sui to the state of lying dead, and then continue to pull and fish.

  Doing this not only accumulates experience in dealing with Tai Sui, but also lays the foundation for further research on Tai Sui.

   Specifically how to turn a living body into a dead state, Isabel asked Totoro, and Totoro said he didn't know anything. We can only wait for the update of the Yao World Era to see if there is any relevant information about Cancong.

   While Lu Yao was practicing micromanagement, he suddenly discovered that Tai Sui had actually stopped advancing.

  Lu Yao was puzzled.

   Could it be that Tai Sui felt that he was being fished?

  He tried it, and found that Zhoudao was wandering around Tai Sui, and Tai Sui remained motionless, maintaining a still and drifting posture.

  Lu Yao tried to use the Vortex World to throw a gravel world and hit Tai Sui.

  The moment the two sides touched, Tai Sui suddenly came alive. It slowly grasped the gravel world with its arms, and put it into the hole on its face to **** and digest it.

  A large cloud of white mist appeared on its head, like an old smoker puffing away after getting cigarettes.

   After filling his stomach, Tai Sui swam towards Zhoudao again.

  Lu Yao realized.

   You can’t use fake bait for fishing, and you have to give it some real fish food once in a while, otherwise Tai Sui is not purely stupid, and it will be identified as a fake and give up chasing.

  Lu Yao also noticed that after Tai Sui ate the gravel world, the fragments floating from his head were actually displayed as [Almighty Stone].

   Slow down.

   Doesn't this mean... Tai Sui is a semi-human refining machine? Can the Almighty Stone in the gravel world be quickly refined and squeezed out?

  Lu Yao's eyes suddenly glowed.

  Even a piece of toilet paper is valuable, and so is Tai Sui.

  (end of this chapter)