God Simulator

Chapter 449: Was I being too arrogant just now?

  Chapter 449 Was I a little too arrogant just now?

  Raymond never thought that he could become king.

   Originally nominated as a candidate, it was already far beyond my expectations.

  Although he did often say to others in the past that this country needs to revive itself, he will make the resurrected kingdom great...

"Most kings are renegades. They have never done everything they keep saying. This king has been changed from one term to another. How many have changed? The treatment of farmers, herdsmen and soldiers in our kingdom has never improved Pass!"

   "Not at all!"

"If I can become king, I will equip everyone with a tall and strong bone horse. Riding on it, you will be able to go wherever you want! Blow the evening wind and enjoy the simple pleasures of running and the sun .”

   "Others are fake, and it is true to have your own bone horse."

Craftsman Raymond often brags to people: "The ancestors of the bones are never afraid of hard work and fatigue, and they never ask for much. What do we want? It is respect and change. This is what the leader Maocao once said .”

   "If the king's coming to power can't change the status quo of the kingdom, then what is the king doing?"

   “We can always do our own work!”

   "Shh, Raymond. Keep your voice down, this king is stingy, beware of being arrested."

  People advised him.

  Raymond was inspired even more vigorously. He held up his arms that were not strong: "I am for the future of the kingdom, and I am fearless. This is the purest loyalty to the kingdom."

   Then he was arrested by soldiers and thrown into prison.

   King Chessack was not only stingy, but also maintained the resoluteness of a soldier.

  In prison, Raymond was required to create the same shields and armor every day, losing the most precious autonomy of craftsmen.

  By the time Raymond was released from prison, the outside world had changed drastically.

  King Chesak was executed for subversion of the kingdom's regime, killing a large number of innocent civilians, and a large number of corruption.

  Raymond is considered by everyone to be a hero who resisted the king. When the people elected him, he became the candidate for the next king in the first echelon.

   This made him feel very guilty.

   After all, I am just a whiny bone craftsman.

  Raymond believes that he is remarkable in terms of skills, but it is hard to say that he is superior to his peers in terms of wisdom.

  If you want to say that you have any ability, it is probably that you like to brag and dare to speak and act. This is not really an advantage.

  Raymond has no way to tell everyone-I'm kidding, brothers, are you serious?

  He is going to find the right time to lie about illness or other excuses to withdraw from the general election.

  But when he saw the final list, Raymond was suddenly shaken.

   Who is on the list?


   Soldier Huck. He lost a few bones in his neck and shoulders in the battle with the electric wolf. Since then, he has surrounded his neck with wolf skins and gradually became known to everyone.

   But he is just a soldier dressed in a peculiar way, and his appearance is more eye-catching.

  No one cares about the fighters who are really capable in combat and have made great achievements in battle.


   Officer Harrods. This fighting ability is very strong, and he always rides a bone horse to lead the way. He is a respectable bone knight.

   But there is just one problem.

   For Harrods, fighting is everything, and everything is fighting.

  Even if there are a hundred electric wolves in front of him, he will not hesitate to launch a solo charge!

   Either I die, or you die!

   Raymond didn't dare to think about him becoming king.


  Bone Priest Samuel, he is a rare professional in the kingdom, and also a rare wise man among the bone ancestors. Samuel has always been respected and admired by everyone.

  Samuel advocated splitting the kingdom into several small countries, which would help the growth of the sleepless civilization. Otherwise, the lack of stimulation and competition would cause the ancestors of the bones to become weaker and weaker.

   When he first heard Samuel's theory, Raymond was shocked.

  Although the specific principles are not clear, he feels that it is not a good thing for Samuel to become king.


   Craftsman Ricardo, he is Raymond's colleague.

  Ricardo has a dream, which is to build a road around the world with a lot of bones and debris, and all people live on both sides of the road.

   Complete the defense and control of the entire world through a ring of bones! Everyone can complete a world tour through the corridor of bones.

   This is a very grand idea.

   But it is also a practically difficult task.

  His slogan is, build a ring road!


  Farmer Stefan, a burly and tough bone ancestor. He has many years of farming experience and is supported and respected by farmers.

  The only fly in the ointment is that he is an extreme plantationist.

   To put it simply, Stefan believes that the planting industry is the pillar of the kingdom, and the priority should be above all other areas of the kingdom, and the farm should enjoy the most resource tilt and support.

   This point has also been agreed by many farmers.

  Compared to the previous candidates, he is already the most normal.


  After reading these candidates, Raymond fell into deep thought.

  If they can all become kings, why can't I?

   After personally experiencing the general election, Raymond realized that his competitors were not as strong as he thought.

  Because of the power and ruthlessness of King Chessack, civilians are very wary of officers and ministers, so the people who can finally stand for election are basically ordinary ancestors.

  Relying on his excellent bragging ability, as well as his experience of being persecuted and imprisoned by the king in the past, Raymond received a lot of support and reached the final ring all the way.

  Facing the only competitor, Stefan, Raymond won with ease.

  The reason is that Stefan's distinct theory of the superiority of farmers has allowed Raymond to get the support of other professionals.

  Besides, rather than getting those empty promises, great promises and glorious futures, everyone would rather have a bone horse at home.


  After becoming king, Raymond felt a headache when he saw the kingdom's resource list.

  According to the current skeleton inventory, there is no way to equip every household with bone horses.

  Pretend nothing happened?

   Or looking for excuses to procrastinate?

  Raymond deliberated, and decided to count as much as he could do.

  He ordered the artisans to make bone horses. The craftsmen calculated that at most, they could only use horse-drawn carriages to supply different cities as public vehicles.

  The shrinking of campaign promises made Raymond afraid to leave the palace. As soon as he went out, he might be hit by the flying cow dung. Although there were soldiers behind him to help block him, his appearance was really embarrassing and embarrassing.

   Fortunately, soon Raymond will not have to worry.

  What solves a problem is usually another, bigger problem.

  War is coming.

  The martyrdom apostle Appia officially announced to King Raymond: "From now on, the Resurrected Kingdom is in a state of war readiness."

   "The Twin Snake Empire has only suffered the first round of heavy blows. Fort Ironwood and Sweet City have been destroyed. The enemy uses the Twin Snake Empire as the main target of attack, and attacks on the Resurrection Kingdom are not ruled out."

  Raymond was taken aback: "Master Apostle, what is the origin of the enemy?"

   "It has not been determined yet, and no **** is responsible for it."

Appia said expressionlessly: "The enemy used the two small worlds as destructive weapons to launch a surprise attack on the Two Snake Empire, which caused a lot of damage to the empire's world rules. It is still unknown how it came to In the mainland of the empire... the enemy is expected to be at least at the level of a title god."

  "Considering the special and unpredictable attack methods of the enemy, the vassal civilizations around the Snake Empire may be the next target to be attacked."

   Raymond's skull felt chills when he heard it.

  The Empire itself was attacked.

   Enemies that cannot be judged.

   A devastating attack that comes and goes without a trace.

  Easy to destroy the explosive damage ability of the city.


  These descriptions made him smell the breath of death.

  The Resurrection Kingdom quickly entered a state of combat readiness. Due to the emergency, Raymond had to make a series of adjustments, all focusing on maintaining the kingdom's military defense force.

   Fortunately, at this time, the Yao people gave assistance.

  The leader of the Maocao Society invited a group of reinforcements from the Yao tribe. Among these reinforcements were mages, ghost scholars, and doctors. This gave Raymond some confidence.

  This is a world shrouded by messengers of the gods and martyrs, but it is also a world held by God Yao. If millions of people are in danger, God Yao will take action.

   In addition, Maocao also brought two special guests.

   "This is... Lord Boone?"

   Raymond was stunned.

  Why did the apostle of the Snake Empire secretly come to the Resurrection Kingdom? Now that the war is imminent, he should be stationed in the empire.

"King Raymond, I am here at the request of the Iron Duke." Boone, wearing a top hat and a tuxedo, said in a solemn tone: "When the empire is in danger, please protect the Iron Duke. Second son, until the empire is stabilized."

  He pointed behind him.

   Behind Boone is a short man in a robe. He pulled his hood down to reveal a pointy-nosed goblin face, only this time the young goblin was worried and his eyes were very disturbed.

  His name is Ferric Baron, twenty-three years old, the second son of the Iron Duke.

  Due to the destruction of Iron Dock, the most important territory, his father Iron Duke was already seriously ill, and his condition worsened due to the accident.

  When he was dying, the Iron Duke entrusted the territory to his eldest son Todd, and asked the apostle Boone to secretly send his second son to the Resurrection Kingdom, hoping to get a secret placement.


  Raymond didn't recover for a long time.

  What does this have to do with the Resurrection Kingdom?

A diplomat next to him whispered: "Your Majesty, the Two Snake Empire has an elector system, and one of the electors is the Iron Duke. Now that Fort Ironwood is destroyed, other parties will definitely further encroach on the duke's territory. Take control of the title of Iron Duke. So Lord Boone hopes that we can protect the safety of the little duke until the next emperor election..."

   It turned out to be fleeing.

   Raymond thought for a while: "I refuse."

  His answer not only shocked the apostle Boone, but also surprised Maocao. The little duke Baron behind him was depressed, staring at the floor in a daze.

Raymond has always dared to speak and act. He immediately said: "We respect the Snake Empire, but the Resurrection Kingdom has the laws and rules of the Resurrection Kingdom. We will not consume the limited resources of the Kingdom to continue to maintain a kingdom. A decent life for nobles in exile."

   "Do you know what you're talking about, King."

Boone suppressed his anger and stared at Raymond: "Having an elector here is a rare opportunity for the resurrected kingdom. How dare you refuse it? Don't think that the resurrected kingdom will be able to compete with the empire if it makes progress. Stand against each other, put away your arrogant thoughts!"

   "Master Apostle, let me make it clearer."

  Raymond is unwavering: "The Resurrection Kingdom is a multi-faith kingdom. We believe in the great messenger of the gods, the respectable martyrdom, and the protection of the powerful Yao God..."

   "We fear the gods and are devout and loyal believers. But now it is a secular issue between countries. The elector of the Twin Snake Empire is just an immigrant in the Resurrection Kingdom."

   "If you want special treatment, you can. The policy of the resurrected kingdom is how much ability you have and how much kingdom resources you can get. Iron Duke, what ability do you have?"


  The young goblin hesitated for a moment, and spoke the resurrection kingdom language that was not jerky: "I have studied in the Imperial Academy of Engineering, and I can design and manufacture long-tailed trucks and goblin gunpowder."

"very good."

Raymond nodded: "Then show your ability, Duke. In the Resurrection Kingdom, the greater the ability, the more resources, this is our special treatment for talents. If your ability can improve the progress of the civilization of the entire kingdom, Then even if you run for emperor, the kingdom will provide you with all support."

   "It's better for the king to refrain from such jokes." Boone said coldly.


  After the little duke was settled, Maocao said with emotion: "Your Majesty is really the most courageous king ever."

   "Because I am a devout believer of Yao God, Lord Yao God will give me strength and courage... If I encounter trouble, Lord Yao God will help me, right?"


   Seeing that Maocao was silent, Raymond's skeleton face froze: "Did I be too arrogant just now? Do you want me to apologize in private or something..."

  Maocao couldn't help laughing: "Sir Yao is with us, and the gods will protect this kingdom and the world. Your Majesty, please give full play to your talents and ambitions."

  Received a definite answer, Raymond immediately became energetic again.

   "What Iron Duke and Silver Duke, you have to speak with power when you come to the Resurrection Kingdom. This is the oracle of Lord Yao God, and it is also a fine tradition of our Yao people!"

  (end of this chapter)