God Simulator

Chapter 458: Monsters from the Yao tribe landed outsi

Chapter 458 Monsters from the Yao tribe landed outside Dog City!

 The palace was silent.

Several commanders stood by the pillars below, waiting silently.

 The ruler next to the throne was silent.

 He ​​turned his back to the group of capable men and looked at the huge and transparent round crystal dome above his head, trying to get some kind of enlightenment from the sky.

The sun shines through the crystal into the temple, coating Kebuli and his throne with a divine golden light.

No one said a word.

 It seemed as if something invisible and unspeakable was peeping in the palace, and no one wanted to violate this taboo.

 Suddenly, there was the sound of rushing outside.

  The sound has already arrived before the person arrives.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, monsters from the Yao tribe have landed outside Dog City!”

Kebley turned around: "Speak clearly."

 The person who came to report was a short undead warrior.

He knelt down on one knee facing the throne: "Your Majesty, that monster is covered in black robes. It is bigger and bigger than the ordinary Yao people. It has no eyes and wears a helmet that completely covers its face."

“Its body is made of gold or silver, and there are two high bulges on its back that look like bones or folded wings, which cannot be identified under the black robe.”

"According to the scouts' judgment, it is not a living person, but it is not any existing undead life. The monster can talk, and it is talking to Lord Charles."

“The soldiers didn’t dare to get close. They only heard sporadic words like ‘Menis’s basic skills are poor’, ‘His understanding is backward and his operation is not good’, ‘Teach him a lesson’…”

As soon as these words came out, the commanders couldn't help but whisper.

Menes, who Dog City could not compete with, was actually judged as weak by the monster sent by the Yao tribe. Looking at its posture, it seemed that it had come all the way to teach Menes a lesson.

 The current situation is truly disturbing.

"Shut up!"

Kebli growled.

 The palace became quiet again.

 “Look again.”

 Soon, another soldier returned quickly.

 “The mind-reading devil is heading towards Menes’ area!”

The soldier said nervously: "Your Majesty, that monster has the ability to read minds. Just by looking left and right, it can discover the arrangements of all our soldiers, and even predict each of our next moves. It is very scary..."

 The commanders all looked at the leader on the throne.

Kebli just said calmly: "I know. Keep exploring."


 A new round of frontline intelligence was once again sent to the palace.

“Your Majesty, the name of the incomprehensible monster is the King of Chess, and he claims to be one of the holy wishes of the Yao people. It comes here to play chess with Menes.”

This news left everyone a little confused.

 The next scout arrived shortly afterwards.

“Report! Mr. Chess King crossed the front line and met Menes! Menes escaped!”


 Everyone in the palace was in an uproar.

The commanders could no longer bear it and rushed forward one after another, surrounding the soldiers who reported the news and questioning them.

"Did you see this with your own eyes? Soldier, you must be responsible for everything you say. Do you know what you are talking about?"

"How did they meet? Why did Menes run away? Did they fight?"

 “Speak quickly! Tell me clearly what is going on!”

“You said meeting, not playing chess? Why did Menes run away?”


Faced with various questionings, the undead warrior stammered: "I saw it with my own eyes. It's true, it's true, commanders, it's true."

"As soon as the monster appeared, Menes woke up immediately. As soon as he saw the chess king, he... ran away."

"The King of Chess has some kind of incomprehensible curse. Menes becomes extremely weak in front of it, as if his strength has been sucked away by the opponent. Menes is unable to resist the King of Chess at all. These are what the warriors have seen with their own eyes. You can ask Commander Charles, he’s right there!”


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the palace looked at each other.

Kebley was a little upset: "Call Charles back!"



Charles hurriedly arrived at the palace and knelt down on one knee to the ruler on the throne: "Your Majesty."

"I have blocked other people, tell me what you saw and know, I want all, no details, not a single bit."

Kebli’s voice was heavy.

 “Yes, Your Majesty!”

 Charles cleared his mind and tried to calm his breathing.

 He was still immersed in the incredible experience before.

“I received the envoy from the Yao tribe at the north gate of Dog City. He introduced himself and said that his name was the chess king and that he was a chess player from the Yao tribe. He came to Dog City to play chess with Menes.”

 “Do you believe it?” Kebli asked.

 “The subordinates don’t know.”

Charles worded his words carefully: "However, the chess king also revealed some news, saying that Menes had pestered God Yao for a duel before, and after losing, there was no news... So this time God Yao sent someone to visit to see if he was okay."

  Keble: “…continue.”

"The chess king and I said as we walked, there is no need for the soldiers to stare at him. He is not a combat member. He comes here just to play chess. The chess king has a special ability to predict our next move. This ability is amazing. It requires If you haven’t experienced it firsthand, it’s really hard to believe.”

Every move of the armored man appeared in front of Charles' eyes.

“After entering the front line, the chess king walked directly to the area where Menes was. As soon as the chess king appeared, Menes immediately got up from the ground and ran away into the distance..."

Kebli's dark face turned slightly red, a sign of his agitation.

“Escaped? Where did you escape to?”

"The direction Menes fled was the area where his original tomb was. He shrunk his body and moved very quickly. The chess king chased him all the way to Menes's grave, but found no trace of Menes. He must have been hiding. It will take some time to find it.”

The tentacles on Kebli's head were trembling slightly, and he tried hard to suppress his anger and unwillingness.

 Finally, his shoulders slowly calmed down: "The chess king really has the ability to make Menes weak?"

"It's not so much weakness, but more like a... special rule restriction. Indeed, as soon as the chess king appears, Menes itself becomes visibly weak." Charles replied.

 “Sure enough.”

Kebli paced back and forth beside the throne.

“It is the power of the title [The Place of Decisive Battle in White City]. If Menes continues to win, he can completely suppress the enemy, leaving the enemy with no power to fight back and can only surrender when facing him."

"I asked you to send a lot of things there before, just to avoid letting him use this title against us, which would be a troublesome matter."

Charles suddenly realized it, and his eyes flashed red.

"However, if Menes uses this title, if he is defeated, he will also gradually find it difficult to deal with the winner. This is a double-edged sword. The power of the title only further extremes and accumulates the strength and weakness, reducing the loss in the process."

"If I'm not wrong, Menes should have been defeated by the **** Yao one after another. The strength and weakness have been imbalanced, and he will no longer have the ability to face the **** Yao. This is also the result of Menes' instinctive behavior... He has encountered many people who are beyond him. The truly strong man is seeking his own death."

  Kebri sighed: "Both me and Menes, in the final analysis, we are still a little inferior in strength. My symbiosis ability must be effective at close range, and this precious opportunity will not appear again."

Seeing the King of Tombs showing rare tiredness and self-blame, Charles couldn't help but feel unwilling to do so.

"Your Majesty, can you be frank with the Yao people...do you want them to help you control Menes? According to my contacts with them, as long as the price is right, many things can be discussed."


Kebli raised his head and looked at the sun behind the dome.

“Charles, my pain is the pain of my own weakness. The appearance of Yao is just a clear demonstration of this fact again... Even if there is no Menes incident, there will be other events to verify this.”

"In the final analysis, Dog City is a dead city stuck in the past. It will only get weaker and weaker, even if a large number of gods have been buried. But it cannot breed life here, and the rules of the world are sealed and bound. It is a city that continues to The rotting giant.”

"Okay, recognizing one's own weaknesses and limitations is also a necessary ability for survival. Now let's talk about how to negotiate Menis business with the Yao people."


 Leaving the palace, Charles met the chess king waiting at the north gate of the city.

 “Sorry for the long wait.”


The chess king in black robes didn't seem to care. He just said: "It's a pity that I couldn't play chess this time. Menis actually escaped from the battle. This guy is really fragile. Was he really a **** before?"

Charles could only smile awkwardly.

 After returning to the Resurrection Kingdom, Charles went to visit Maocao outside the temple without stopping.

"Ms. Maocao...that's the situation. We hope to get strong help from you to control Menis today, and we are willing to pay a handsome reward for this."

 Mao Cao did not express his position.

The wise insect next to him spread his hands and said: "So, how much is Mr. Kebli willing to pay? He is a title god. We, the Yao people, are a race that advocates peace. It is very difficult for us to intervene in your internal affairs..."

“We have always maintained the greatest respect and respect for Yao Shen.”

Charles raised his right index finger: "Lord Kebli is willing to pay 100 million Fire of Faith to ask Lord Yao to take action so that we can gain permanent control of Menes."

 Zhichong and Maocao looked at each other.

Maocao finally spoke: "It's a matter related to a god. I must ask Lord Yao for instructions first."

 “Understood, I can wait.”

 Charles nodded.

 About an hour later.

Mao Cao slowly opened her eyes and stretched out her paws forward: "The great Yao God agreed to participate in this cooperation. So I wish our cooperation goes smoothly and we can capture Menis as soon as possible."

 Charles took a deep breath and shook hands with the other party.

“With the help of Yao Shen, I think we can accomplish this goal very soon!”

 Both parties took what they needed and showed relaxed smiles.

 (End of this chapter)