God Simulator

Chapter 5: Hero Awakening

Chapter 5 Hero’s Awakening

 Lu Yaodian【Yes】.

The two pixel villains lit up with white light, and the title of [Hero] suddenly appeared on their heads.

 What makes Lu Yao happy is that, following the prophet, heroic characters can also be guided and operated.

 He selects certain places, and the two heroes will explore and patrol that area. Compared with prophets who like to use their thinking, heroes are better at exploring and conducting field surveys.

In addition, if you repeatedly click on the two pig-fish brothers, you will enter a more detailed character interface.

There are two pixel portraits of male heroes in this interface. The hero who likes pigs is muscular, and the hero who likes fish looks slender and flexible. They all wore the same leather vests and had no other equipment.


  【Hero Lv1】Fisherman

 Attack 1 Defense 1 Knowledge 0 Mana 0 Luck 1 Morale 0



 Attack 2 Defense 1 Knowledge 0 Mana 0 Luck 0 Morale 0


 The Pigfish brothers used to be fishermen and hunters.

Their panel data is a bit mixed, but after all, they are heroes who have awakened from ordinary pixel villains, so they can’t ask for too much.

What about the prophet?

Lu Yao clicked on the prophet continuously, and sure enough, the character interface also opened.

 The prophet is shown standing bare-chested and looking up to the sky.


  【Prophet Lv1】Farmer

 Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 3 Mana 0 Luck 0 Morale 0


 Wisdom Lv1: Wisdom is the key for the apostle to listen to the will of God. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it is to improve and understand various abilities.


 Compared to the pig-fish brothers, the prophet also has a special ability [wisdom].

Lu Yao placed the mouse on the six attributes, and the function of each attribute was displayed on the screen.

 Attack: Each point of attack increases the damage of all members of the hero unit by 3%.

 Defense: Each point of defense increases the health of all members of the hero unit by 3%.

 Knowledge: Each point of knowledge increases maximum mana by 10 points and daily mana regeneration by 1 point.

 Mana: Each point of mana increases the spell casting effect by 5% and reduces the spell cooldown by 4%.

 Lucky: For every 1 point of luck, all members of the hero unit have a 4% chance of double attack, triggering random beneficial events.

Morale: Every 1 point of morale gives each member of the hero unit a 4% chance to enter a high morale state. In the high morale state, the movement speed is doubled and the attack speed is doubled, lasting for 10 seconds.

 Seeing the descriptions of these six attributes, Lu Yao had an idea in his mind.

This is very similar to the Heroes of Invincibility series. It seems that in the future, both prophets and heroes can lead soldiers in combat operations.

The Garlic Tribe has a sparse population, and its production is still in the early stages of primitive hand-made farming. It has not invented agricultural tools, has no smelting, and has not mastered the production of weapons. There is still a process for the birth of professional soldiers.

Lu Yao selected the Pig Fish brothers and asked them to explore the forest together.

 At present, we can only rely on two single heroes. I hope they can have some good luck.

 A few minutes later, the Pigfish brothers really got something in the forest.

 “Discover the settlement of the forest tribe!”

“The forest tribe recognizes our faith, recognizes that we are also people of the gods, and is willing to communicate with us.”

“We were entertained and they wanted to trade hides and meat for the tribe’s garlic.”

Lu Yao asked them to return to the tribe and meet with the prophet.

 After learning about the demands of the forest tribe, the prophet fell into thinking.

“Should we tell the forest tribe about the black bear? The garlic tribe is still very weak. If we trade with the forest tribe now, we may be attacked by demon believers.”

“But this is also an opportunity for the tribe to go outside, trade the leather and meat we lack, and establish good relations with the forest tribes.”

 “What a tough choice.”

Lu Yao selected the prophet and moved him directly to the forest.

 Development is the last word.

If the tribe wants to avoid being beaten, it must seize every opportunity to develop rapidly. Otherwise, after the forest tribe is killed, the devil believers will turn around and have to deal with the garlic tribe. This is an opportunity not to be missed.

 An exclamation mark appeared above the prophet's head.

“Unknowingly, I came to the forest. It seems that this is the will of the gods. The gods thought that they should unite with the forest tribes, so they did so.”

 The prophet entered the woods and was greeted by a little pixel man walking out of the woods. The pixel villain wears a leather vest, which is also the iconic costume of the forest tribe.

A path was opened in the forest, leading to another tribal settlement deep in the forest. On the computer screen, the boundaries of observability expand further outward.

Lu Yao saw clearly from God’s perspective.

 The forest tribe seems to have hundreds of people, living in various tree houses in the forest.

 Different from the Garlic Tribe villain who does everything, the Forest Tribe has two clear professions.

Farmers specialize in growing berries and mushrooms and exchange food with other people.

 Hunters used traps and wooden spears to hunt birds, hares, and monkeys. They traded their prey to farmers and made leather from the skins of their prey.

Farmers usually stay in the tribe to take care of their berry bushes and mushroom fields, while hunters go deep into the forest or into the mountains next door in search of various prey.

 The leader of the forest tribe is called [Shaman] and wears a wooden mask. The shaman and the prophet have been having conversations, but these conversations are not displayed on the screen. The two villains seem to have opened a private chat channel.

About ten minutes later, several messages suddenly appeared on the game interface.

  【The prophet told the forest tribe about the attack of demon believers, and the attitude of the forest tribe became friendly. 】

The prophet taught the forest tribe how to grow and use garlic, and the attitude of the forest tribe became close. 】

  【The gift is completely completed, and garlic merges into the world. 】

  【The alliance between the Forest Tribe and the Garlic Tribe is successful, and your faith will be spread among the Forest Tribe. 】

Lu Yao was slightly pleased.

 The prophet performed a series of successful operations.

 With a population of hundreds in the forest tribe, there is a chance to gain a few believers. These are the sources of faith value that Lu Yao currently needs.

 An alliance gives the Garlic Tribe a reliable partner for trade cooperation.

 Most importantly, [the gift] has also been completed.

 He quickly clicked on the temple interface.

 Sure enough, the [Gift] slot has been emptied.

  In other words, now another thing can be transmitted to provide remote support to the Garlic Tribe.

Lu Yao was excited for a few seconds and fell into deep thought.

 What exactly does the Garlic Tribe need most right now?






Lu Yao was playing with the [Energy Cane] in his hand, and various thoughts came to his mind. Everything seems to have a use and is important to the Garlic Tribe.

Just when he was having a hard time making a choice, another line of subtitles appeared on the computer screen.

  【The forest tribe offered a sacrifice to thank you for the garlic. 】

 The second sacrifice!

Lu Yao quickly clicked on the temple.

  【Sacrifice】A green plant appears in the slot, which looks like a cactus.


  【Cactus Follower】: Faith +1/hour.

Faithful servants of the gods, they obey the orders of the gods and are responsible for the cleaning and worship work in the forest temple. They are a group of reliable and hard-working elves. Normally they are in the form of cactus, but they will become servants in front of the gods.


Lu Yao was stunned for a moment.


 He quickly took out the [sacrifice].

 In a blink of an eye, there was a round cactus on the keyboard.

It looks to be the size of Lu Yao's fist, and its appearance is no different from the cactus on the market. The plump green sphere is covered with spikes.

 Suddenly, the cactus swayed slowly, growing slender green arms and legs.

It bent its knees, put its round body (or head) on the table, and bowed to Lu Yao solemnly.

Lu Yao tried to say: "Can you clean the house?"

  The cactus attendant was still kneeling on the ground and nodded.

 “Then clean the ground here.”

  The Cactus follower received the order, jumped down from the table, landed gracefully and steadily, and then spread his legs and started running on the ground. It trotted along the ground, picking up dust, hair and debris from the floor wherever it went.

These clumps of dust and garbage are adsorbed on the surface of the cactus sphere, gathered together by it, and compressed into a ball shape.

It is like a small biological vacuum cleaner, quickly cleaning the floor spotlessly, even rolling out the debris and old dirt in the gaps. The cracked old-fashioned floor tiles had a clear shine, as if they had been waxed and maintained in a 4S store.

Lu Yao crossed his legs, opened a bottle of Coke he bought yesterday, and watched the cactus working, feeling inexplicably comfortable.

 It turns out that this is the happiness of the gods.

 (End of this chapter)