God Simulator

Chapter 611: I've never seen this

  Chapter 611 I have never seen this

  On the throne, the pharaoh's facial carapace was tense, and he said nothing.

  Commander Charles, who was standing in the shadows, lowered his head and remained silent, for fear of irritating the owner of the dog city.

  Frontlines had been reporting frequent successes.

   [Magician Principality], [Underground Principality] and [Magician Principality] and other resource lands were destroyed by quick attacks one after another, and the main combat force [Principality of Gods] was killed by [Wolf City]. The [Wilso] at the core of the enemy was blocked by the [Underworld World] and [The Ship of Judgment and Law], cutting off the connection with the outside world.

   The demise of the Whistleblowers is just around the corner.

  Who knew that He endured it until the critical moment, and then detonated the wolf guards of the civilians and the infected sentinels at the same time, causing chaos in the Wolf City. At the same time, the whistleblower opened the worm nest channel that had been built for many years, and summoned a swarm of cursed worms at the world-killing level, and the situation was instantly reversed.

  The two main war gods, the Goddess of Melancholy and the God of Wolf, both sent notices.

  Although the words are used differently, the main meaning is the same.

  —Due to the ravages of insects, this battle of gods ends here.

  Although he didn't know the specific situation of the battle ahead, Charles knew that Inucheng had paid a huge price in order to move these two title gods.

  First of all, the ancient covenant with [Wolf City] was consumed. This agreement was an alliance between the two worlds in the name of the gods Anubis and Upaot, but this time it will no longer be valid. For this reason, Dog City also supplied Wolf City with 100 million military expenditures for the Fire of Faith.

   In order to invite the Goddess of Melancholy to join the battle, the Scarab Menis paid 200 million beliefs, just to use the [Underworld World] and [The Ship of Judgment and Law], which are titled gods, to ensure that the whistleblower cannot escape.

  Finally, he invited God Yao to act, which was also an insurance policy.

  The purpose is to blow the whistle and kill people.

   Can consume so many resources, but get a failure result.

   This is something that Canucheng cannot accept.

   What's more serious is that if the whistleblower escapes and recovers this time, Dog City will have a powerful enemy, and there will be endless troubles.

  The strategy has completely failed.

  Charles is also worried.

  From now on, I am afraid that the defense force will be further improved, and more stringent patrols and investigations will be carried out on the dog city. The Whistleblower's family must still be moving in secret, lurking and infiltrating at any time.

   This will be a long and difficult tug of war.

  On the throne, the scarab Menes stood up with a flail in hand.

"Very well, the city of wolves not only failed to complete the extermination of the whistleblowers, but also asked me for compensation - because their two vassal kingdoms were destroyed by the swarm. I need to pay an additional 60 million for the fire of faith, really Our good ally."

   "It's not even as good as the other side. The Goddess of Melancholy just said that this operation has come to an end."

  Menis paced slowly beside the throne.

   "Relying on others is ultimately unreliable. Dog City must form its own strength. It seems that there are some mistakes in my strategic planning."

"Based on the black market, intermediary employment and entrepot trade, it seems that the conditions are not yet ripe. There is no reliable and sufficient deterrent force, and the rapid development strategy focused on the domestic market lacks solid support. It is necessary to develop the dog city's own external force. ..."

  Charles listened silently.

   Regarding the dog city strategy after Kaesong, Menis also asked for its opinion.

At that time, Charles agreed with the owner of the Dog City: by using the unique and strong faith reserves of the Dog City and the world characteristics of being easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is possible to contract out the threat of external force, so that it can establish an external defense system in a short period of time. Influence, follow-up to build their own strength can be done slowly.

  Dog City only needs to improve the defense and security system in the city, and strengthen and extend it on the basis of undead warriors and black jackals.

  By adapting to local conditions and introducing species that are suitable for the survival of Dog City, the world can be gradually restored to life.

  The advantage of the strategy of employing outsiders and guaranteeing domestic protection is that it starts quickly and can devote most of its energy to internal development and civilization restart. The sooner you connect with the outside gods, the sooner you can integrate into the needs of various mythological systems and reshape the influence of Dog City.

  The only shortcoming is that the **** entrusted to be used as a deterrent of external force must be strong and reliable enough.

  So this time Dog City hired a total of three gods: the [Goddess of Melancholy] located at the top of the temple, the [Wolf God] who has an innate cooperative relationship and covenant with Dog City, and the mysterious [Yao God] who maintains trade.

  Unfortunately, it's still a bit short.

   Charles sighed inwardly.

  It seems that Dog City has to continue to be closed, internal and external forces must be developed and reserved at the same time, and manpower will become very scarce.

  It takes time to cultivate gods, it takes time to build and develop, it takes time to adapt and grow civilized species, and there are still whistleblowers watching...

  At this moment, an undead warrior outside came in and reported: "Report to Your Majesty, the apostle Maocao of the God of Yao came to visit and said that he inherited the oracle of the God of Yao."

  The tentacles on the scarab Menis's face moved slowly: "Let her in."

  He sat back on the throne.

  Charles stood under the stage.

  Maocao, dressed in a black robe, stepped down the steps from the darkness to the light. She is a cat person, with cat ears growing in her hair, and her eyes turn into vertical pupils from time to time.

   Maocao bowed lightly: "Greetings to the Lord of Dog City, I have come to inform you of the battle situation on the front line by the oracle."

  Charles thought to himself, sure enough.

   "The whistleblower has been eliminated by our side."

   Charles heard his fingers tremble.

  Menisi remained calm.

  The Lord of Dog City said: "I don't doubt the power of God Yao... It's just that [Goddess of Melancholy] and [Wolf God] have sent apostles to give feedback, saying that the swarm of world-killing insects appeared from the passage..."

   "The swarm did appear."

   Maocao replied: "But it doesn't prevent us from killing [Whistleblower], you can check."

  Menis was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head.

   "As expected of Lord Yao! Good, that's great!"

  After being confirmed, Charles was not too surprised.

  Honestly speaking, it feels that it is not normal for [Whistleblower] to not die this time. The only thing I didn't expect was that God Yao, the deterrent force, was needed to cover the situation in the end. It was indeed much more difficult than expected.

"The other two main battle gods directly chose to leave the battle and evacuate, but since we agreed to Dog City, we had to fight against the bug nest and the bug swarm to kill the whistler, and the loss was not small. So Lord Yao said, we need to add money .”

   "It's easy to say, this is easy to say! It should be!"

   "Please quote a price."

   "Lord Yaoshen said, please pay as you see fit."

  Menis’s voice became brighter, and he said with a smile: “Canucheng will pay another 200 million beliefs to make up for the extra expenses and the loss of insect swarms of Lord Yao’s battle.”

  Charles has followed the Master of the Dog City for many years and knows his style very well. He is not afraid of high expenses, and he is not stingy in investing. As long as the core goal can be achieved, it is worth it.

  Continuing to ask for additional military spending after failure, and settling the additional money that was accidentally returned to the right track are two different things.

   "Pleasant cooperation."

  Mao Cao also said politely: "I hope to have more cooperation with Quancheng in the future."

   "There will be, for sure."

  Menis said categorically.

  Then the two sides chatted about the situation on the battlefield, but Maocao basically mentioned everything, only saying that he was in the rear and did not know the specific battle situation on the front line.

   Not long after, Maocao froze suddenly.

  Her eyes became blank and empty, and a majestic force lingered around her body.

  After regaining consciousness, Maocao's eyes regained their brilliance.

   "Your Majesty Menis, Lord Yao is studying a feathered man. Excuse me, do you know how to wake up a feathered man from a deep sleep?"


  The tentacles on both sides of Menis’ cheeks stretched out curiously, but he pondered for a moment: “There should be only two situations when the feathered man fell into a deep sleep.”

   "One is that it falls asleep spontaneously, and the other is that it is forced to fall into a deep sleep because of self-detachment or other reasons."

  Maocao said: "It's a long-term sleep, surrounded by swarms of insects, and when you wake up, you abandon your previous life."

   "Completely forget the past?"

  Meinis said: "That should be caused by [White Fire]. Some Yuren are unwilling to strip themselves for various reasons, until the White Fire surrounds and burns them, and then regenerates from it."

   "Different feathered people have completely different characteristics, but as Lord Yao said... To wake them up from this long-term recovery sleep, it may be necessary to use strong external force stimulation, otherwise the natural awakening will be very slow."

  Catwoman asked: "You mean..."

"Yuren will not die—so please do it without any scruples. And because [White Fire] destroyed all the past, at this time, Yuren is in a newborn state of ignorance and dullness, just like a baby, the more powerful The more you attack, the more you can get His approval."


"But there is one thing." Menis warned again: "The feathered people will quickly recover their instincts, hunt and devour the gods, and the awakened feathered people have the strongest attack desire, because they need to obtain a lot of power to replenish themselves. who are most attractive to them.”

"This instinct is hard to get rid of, but in the void, they will become weaker and weaker until they return to the stop zone. So in fact, it is very troublesome and extremely dangerous to wake up the sleeping Yuren, and it is difficult to get any rewards .”

   Soon, Maocao came to a standstill again.

  This time, she waited for a long time before she came back to her senses: "Your Majesty Menis, that, the feathered man has been awakened, but has no head. Will this affect it?"


The scarab Menis touched the beetle's back shell on his face with his hand: "I've never seen this before. It's probably because I was still in the recovery period and was forcibly awakened, causing my head to be awakened before it fully recovered... Maybe in the future... It will grow out."

   Waited for a while.

   Maocao asked again: "I found the head, but I don't know why, it is eating those cursed insects, what's going on?"

   "Oh! My guess was right."

Menis clenched his fists: "Because the body's repair has not been fully completed, it needs to supplement the weakness of the body. And haunting the feathered people, the low-level curse worms with the instinct to guard the feathered people are not only the soldiers and servants of the feathered people, but also his It’s their food. It’s like a lot of chicks eat the eggshells after breaking their shells.”

  "These low-level curse worms should normally come after the power of the feathered people. The closer they are to the feathered people, the easier it is for them to get the chance to evolve from the power emitted by the feathered people—that is, to become cursed."

   "Only when they become cursed, can they learn to think and develop complete self-awareness."

   "It's an exchange that either turns into food or goes a step further."

   Maocao suddenly said: "So that's how it is."

  Meinis finally said: "Yuren is very dangerous, even if he is awake and weak, please be careful, Lord Yao."

   "Thank you for the reminder, then I will take my leave first."


  After the other party left, Charles couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, does God Yao want to subdue Yuren?"

   "As far as I know, that is impossible. As I said just now, if the weakness reaches the extreme, Yuren will return to the stop zone...but this is not important."

  The tentacles and worm feet on Menis' face slowly relaxed: "For us, the most important thing is that the Dog City strategy has a strong external support."

"God Yao is stronger than expected. His greatest advantage is that as long as he pays enough fire of faith, he will get things done, and he will not and has no interest in interfering with other issues... The goal of our bet has already No need to pick any more."

   "After His triumphant return, I will discuss this matter with our most important friend in the future. There are not many other things in Dog City, but I have saved some faith."

   "As long as we give enough, our powerful friends will stand by our side. And Lord Anubis said many years ago that if you control death and corpses, you will control wealth..."

  The Lord of Dog City crossed his hands and fingers, sat on the throne and said: "Charles, go prepare. Put all the relics left by the fallen gods on the shelves, and the portal of [Western Paradise] can be opened at any time."

   "Go to the Liuli Kingdom over there, and tell the outside world that our dog city will start buying **** bodies again."

  Charles bowed: "Yes, Your Majesty."

  (end of this chapter)