God Simulator

Chapter 717: zenith gate

Chapter 717 Gate of the Zenith

Lu Yao looked at the captured Black Angel.

 The biggest difference between it and Yuren Xingtian is that its wings are black and there is only one.

 The panel of Black Angel is also a series of question marks.

However, you can see densely packed negative states such as [Seal], [Weakness], [Disarm], and [Bleeding].

Lu Yao typed.

  —Introduce yourself.

Crosell was silent for a while, and a dialog box appeared above his head: "I am an ordinary black angel. According to the division of **** areas, I am counted as a member of the [Heavenly Army of Death]. According to [Angel of Death] Samael, headed by."

Kali next to him interjected: "They [the Heavenly Army of Death] launched a large-scale attack on the demon god's residential area near me, causing serious damage to the demon gods. Two demon **** pillars collapsed as a result, and one demon **** was missing. .”

 Lu Yaoxin said that it seems that the Black Angel and the Demon God have also gathered in the area.

 In the face of war, it is also a wise choice to form a team.

 Crossell was silent.

Kali continued to introduce: "This guy has become a black angel. He has lost half of his power as an angel and half of his wings. Now that he has arrived in the Void Universe God Realm, he is bound by the rules of the world and his power has been reduced by half. He only has half of the power he had in his heyday in the past. It is in 1/4 state. Now I have applied [Disarm] to it. You can kill it, chop it, chop off its head, or just use the body."

“Well, Mr. Yaoshen, if you have anything to do, call me. I will go to defend the Demonic Pillar first.”

 Lu Yao did not stop him.

Safety first.

Crosell just stood silently, with a bunch of negative status bar stars twinkling above his head.

Lu Yao picked up the potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth again. He had the habit of eating them immediately after opening the package.

 In the end, Crosell couldn't help but take the initiative and said: "Do you want to use my body as a trophy, or make a specimen?"

 “Is it used to draw blood or make medicine?”

 “Nothing at all…”

 A black line appeared on the head of Black Angel: "You can kill me, but you can't insult my dignity! Otherwise I will pay all costs to fight back!"

 Lu Yao: “…”

What did Kali say to it?

 Lu Yao typed with one hand.

—Talk about the current situation of the **** war.

Crosell responded quickly this time: "In the near-ground area, we have the advantage, but in the far-ground airspace, the Demon God is stronger."

"Not long ago, our side was victorious, and the attacks and destruction of various demon **** pillars were very effective. The [Death Heavenly Army] shot down several demon gods and sent them to hell. However, as the demon gods in the distant airspace gradually returned to support and took measures Air suppression, and part of our side was also suppressed."

“In general, we will continue to adopt guerrilla and harassment tactics, and the powerful demons in the distant airspace will continue to increase their defenses. It is expected that the stalemate and repeated battles will last for a long time...”

It did not conceal the situation of the war.

 Then, Lu Yao asked a question that concerned him more.

 Why did the Black Angel take the initiative to attack the Demon God?

 Normally speaking, when a war breaks out, there must be irreconcilable conflicts of interest.

But Kali never said this. According to the condition of his mental impairment, it was more like he felt it was unimportant than deliberately concealing it.

“We have no choice,” Crosier said.

“If the Demon God completes the airspace layout and completely seals the outer space, the Demon God will completely control the sky, and the Black Angel will be trapped in hell.”

"We are not many in number, our organizational and construction capabilities are weaker than those of the Demon Gods, and our external operations and acquisition of faith are not as good as theirs... We must take advantage of our immediate combat power and flexibility to destroy the Demon God pillars they still have left on the ground, and lift them from the ground Launch a counterattack."

 Lu Yao was a little dumbfounded.

This is not what I thought.

 Are the dark angels who dare to love the vulnerable group?

 Through Crossel's description, Lu Yao understood the ecological status of the two demons.

In the earliest Gray Vision, the Black Angel maintained its advantage over the Demon God for a long time.

 In terms of physical speed, dexterity and strength, the [Featherman Level] is stronger than the [Main God Level]. Therefore, once there is a conflict between the two parties, even if the whole body is covered with breath soil or forbidden stone armor, the Black Angel will always win more and lose less.

But as the years changed, the demon gods invented the Demon God Pillar, and everything changed accordingly.

This kind of architectural structure was very inconspicuous at first. It was more like a vehicle and a place to live upward in search of living space.

The Black Angels don't care. As long as they are willing, they can destroy these pillars that the Demon God has worked hard to build at any time. In addition, the Demon God always avoids the Black Angel and has given up most of the **** areas to avoid the Black Angel, so there seems to be no threaten.

The demon gods built a defensive wall around the demon **** pillar. This wall is also vulnerable to the Black Angel and can be easily overcome.

 The wall can further evolve, connecting and extending pillars, ultimately forming a precise and changeable three-dimensional fortress. These fortresses not only have complete layers of defenses, but also have means of active attack. The most famous of these is the Demon Scythe.

That is the huge sickle-shaped stone lock created by the demon gods from the forbidden stone. They can control the demon **** pillar to throw it, cutting off the soft soil rope connecting the ground behind the black angel, thus turning the black angel into rootless water. Hovering in the air, and then becoming a target for attack.

No matter how flexible the Black Angel is, the soft rope behind it is always connected to the ground, which has become a fatal flaw. The Black Angel is restricted to fighting at low altitudes and close to the ground. If it is slightly higher than the ground, the soft soil rope behind it will be exposed to the attack range of the Demonic Pillar.

 The farther away from the ground, the greater the advantage of the Demonic Pillar.

Although the Black Angel still occupies more than 70% of the surface area of ​​​​Hell, but going up from the surface is the territory of the Demon God Pillar.

Demon gods gradually encroach and monopolize the airspace near the periphery. They can always be the first to obtain the prayers from the outside world to the demons in hell. If they respond, they can obtain this batch of faith.

 As one goes and the other goes, the gap in strength between the two sides continues to narrow.

Now, the Demon God has almost monopolized the airspace above the ground. Any Black Angel who wants to go to the sky has to be wary, fearing that he will be cut off from the ground at any time, and being knocked down to the ground is the best outcome.

“…The root cause of the war is not us, but the demon gods who are cutting off the relationship between **** and the outside world. If we don’t rise up to resist, we will eventually be completely locked in the shell sandwich composed of **** and the demon **** pillar.”

 A sighing expression appeared on Crosell's head.

"For example, now, the [Zenith Gate] jointly built by [Chiyou], [Dress of Heaven] Ishtar, and [God of Earth Fire] Hephaestus has completed the area of ​​​​the airspace above the ground. Full coverage.”

"The [Zenith Gate] is completely open in the air, and it is a whole piece of floating land paved with forbidden stones. Different from the floating islands and aerial platforms in the past, this is a real land, with complex internal and external features. The huge structure of the terrain, with huge pillars and circular tunnels underneath, continuously **** in the soil of hell..."

Black Angel paused: "With its floating land as its core, the roads and floating islands in the sky extending in all directions are more than ten times its own area. Surrounding the [Zenith Gate], there are numerous Among the fortifications, there are many powerful weapons with destructive power made of light gold.”

“[The Zenith Gate] has attracted many demon gods to join, and Kali is one of them. Its power is still increasing and upgrading, and the size of the floating land and the islands it extends are also continuing to increase.”

"Destroying any area will not cause it to collapse. At this stage, under the special rules of Gray Vision, it has become an indestructible monster."

That area covers the airspace and ground below, with a network of criss-crossing roads in the middle. Only some circular lift zones in the fixed sky can rise, and the rising demon pillars there need to be safe and reliable before they can be opened. This is also the origin of the name [Zenith Gate]. "

Lu Yao also took a breath of cold air.

 Good guy.

 The demon gods who worked together to create the [Zenith Gate] were all famous gods.

Chi You is the military leader in Chinese mythology, Ishtar is the **** of harvest and war in Sumerian mythology, and Hephaestus is the **** of craftsmen in Greek mythology.

The three demon gods are all knowledgeable about combat and technology. The joint efforts of these powerful forces to create a major project that is close to creating the world has really put a lot of pressure on the Black Angels on the ground of hell.

This is equivalent to saying that everyone has agreed to swim and live in the sea, but why did you create an artificial island?

 You need a permit to go to the island.

Chi You and other demon gods took their existing advantages to the extreme and completed the crushing of the Black Angels in the field of infrastructure.

Lu Yao couldn't help but feel a little suffocated when he brought the perspective of Black Angel.

 But he didn't understand one thing.

Since the Demon God can build infrastructure and can burn Forbidden Stone and Light Gold on a large scale, you Black Angels have all the advantages, so why don’t you do the same?

This question caused a string of ellipses to appear above Crosell's head.

It hesitated for a while and finally said it.

"The Feathers have never been involved in production. In the past, the Curses and Cursed Insects were responsible for these arduous processes. They turned into Black Angels. The Feathers were just to avoid the disasters of the rules and were not good at these. In addition, the work spirits were almost destroyed by the demon gods. After plundering everything, it will be difficult for us to obtain labor..."

"The original order is the most suitable for the situation in hell. Although the Black Angels have a great advantage, due to tradition and personality, they all live alone and cannot be condensed into a large and orderly whole. Therefore, the Black Angels remain strong , Hell is the most stable. And if the roles are reversed, the demon gods' strong ambition and warlikeness will cause endless disasters. Even if they defeat the Black Angel, they will still have endless civil war."

 Lu Yao agrees with the last part of the sentence.

The demon gods created the Demon God Pillar and studied the new materials and techniques that the soil can create. They are obviously not lying down.

 But one code equals one code.

I was overtaken, so I couldn't rely on others to run faster.

The group of Black Angels retains some of the characteristics of the Feathered People. They are arrogant, extremely egotistical and aristocratic. It is difficult for them to convince each other. As time goes by, the gap between them and the clumsy and hard-working Demon God will naturally become wider and wider. big.

 There is no cure for lazy dogs, and it is impossible for a lone wolf to maintain a stable and large territory.

Now completely suppressed by the infrastructure field, the Black Angels became anxious and finally reached a regional consensus and formed a group to launch a fierce attack on the Demon Pillar and Demon God.

If the Zenith Gate cannot be opened, then we can guerrilla and attack other weak demon gods, and concentrate our superior strength to harass and attack the ground demon pillars. This is generally the idea. The Black Angel's single combat power is still strong, and its combat power is still strong in the near-ground area, causing great pressure and threats to many demon gods.

 “That’s all I know.”

Crosell said: "I hope you can give me a dignified death. I would be very grateful if you could grant my request."

Lu Yao fell into deep thought.

 Is there a way to maximize the value of Crosell?

How about...removing the head?

Throw your head into the mimetic burying box too? Leave your body behind and use it as a tool?

 (End of this chapter)