God Simulator

Chapter 729: invisible wind

Chapter 729 The Invisible Wind

 “Zhang Ye.”

 After his name was read, Zhang Ye hurried up.

Taoist He said to him expressionlessly: "You have been approved to be exempted from the trainee stage and directly participate in the official work of Feizhou Ring Road. You are also the first alchemist to set foot on the Ring Road. I need to make one last confirmation. .”

“Researcher Zhang Ye, do you know that you may encounter unknown difficulties and dangers, including falling meteorites, dust storm attacks, regular turbulence, etc., which may endanger your life.”

 “Yes, I understand.”

“Do you know that when you enter the Ring Road, you will be committed to solving a series of world-class problems such as controllability of the elemental magic well, upgrading and supporting the flying boat, coping with void turbulence, etc., and serving all people who use the Ring Road?”

"Yes, I know."

“Can you devote yourself to the great cause of space navigation, be grateful to those who impart knowledge, and strictly keep relevant secrets?”

"Yes, I can do it." Zhang Ye raised his head and chest.

Taoist He finally showed a smile on his face, and he stretched out his white and powerful right hand: "Welcome, Researcher Zhang Ye, I hope you like the life in heaven. Let us also see the power of alchemy."

 “Do your best!” Zhang Ye shook hands with the other party solemnly.

“Then you go home and have a good rest for a month. Then go to Greentown Base and take a flying boat over.”



Zhang Ye sat on the walnut wood seat of the flying boat and looked down through the crystal boat window.

The flying boat has broken through the thick sea of ​​clouds and is getting closer to the ground.

 The land is mottled with alternating colors of yellow, green and brown, and the vast land is covered with winding ridges. Slowly, the black dot-like town gradually became clear, but in the air, they looked like small boxes.

 As he got closer to his hometown, Zhang Ye became a little nervous.

 It has been seven years since he left Jindan Kingdom.

 Everything stems from the deal between the eldest brother Zhang Cheng and the colossus totem.

The will of Yao came and destroyed the two gods in the past overnight, tearing apart the deceptions and lies they had spun in the name of "gods".

The monk-shaped **** "Meichibo" is a **** demon, and Ao Monk is the shadow demon sent by it. The purpose of Monk Qing walking in Jindan Kingdom is not to save the world, but just to gain more believers.

Zhang Ye had some suspicions before.

Although he is not as sharp as his elder brother Zhang Cheng, he is not dull either. To become a qualified alchemist, you must not only master various knowledge and skills of alchemy, but also learn to find new directions from the various inherent tools and technical means.

 Compared to his eldest brother, Zhang Ye is more reserved both in the technical field and in expressing his personal opinions. He will never speak out if his ideas are not stable and mature enough.

 Zhang Cheng is practical and can solve problems immediately, more like an alchemist, while Zhang Ye pursues perfect and clear principles, which is more suitable for an alchemist.

 The two brothers joked that they should switch careers.

When the eldest brother made the [Calm Pill], Zhang Ye was studying the basic theory of alchemy. When the eldest brother perfected the [Powan Pill], Zhang Ye continued to derive the alchemical formula.

  Among the group of alchemists, Zhang Ye is an outlier.

He likes to delve into various phenomena, analyze various alchemical devices and tools, find and summarize the rules, and explore the connections and commonalities behind things.

 Zhang Ye is often asked.

 “What’s the use of this?”

 It’s of no use at the moment.

Zhang Ye also answered honestly, and then received more puzzled and strange looks.

 Only his eldest brother Zhang Cheng always supports him.

“Everything in this world has its purpose, but what you do has not found its place yet.”

 Zhang Ye didn't think too much. He could get happiness from the derivation and calculation of alchemical formulas.

 This is enough.

 In fact, alchemy has a very complete process, classified symbols, and formula reaction system, but most of these are simplifications in practical application. But few people have studied why alchemy can transform one substance into another.

 Zhang Ye was very interested.

 Alchemy is not about making things out of existence. These things exist, but cannot be seen with the naked eye, or they exist in another way, maybe on leaves, in metal, in insect carapace, in bird feathers, in dried blood, or even It is invisible in the air.

For example, an alchemical material commonly used by alchemists is called "life salt". This is a substance that looks like salt, but it contains great power.

  It can be said that the salt of life is the magical key to the alchemical device. It is extracted by alchemists from the materials left behind by many curse insects through a complicated reaction process.

 As long as you put the life salt into the alchemy device and ignite it, the powerful energy in it will be released.

 Common wooden oxen and iron horses require life salt to drive them in order to maintain the strength to carry heavy objects and the speed to break through various terrains.

When faced with a strong enemy, warriors will take out special life salt that has been compressed and solidified, and smear it on their weapons and arrows to give them powerful power. Arrows can penetrate iron armor, and swords can also cause burning damage.

 The higher level is the "Flying Wing".

Flying wings are a masterpiece that alchemists are proud of. People can fly like birds. Mechanically, the flying wing relies on the instantaneous ejection of the base. The instantaneous explosive power required by the base can only be achieved by life salt.

 Warriors can be ejected directly into the air from their iron horses and glide in mid-air.

 Further, the "Golden Wing" is not only a flying vehicle, but also a combat device. The seventy-two copper blade wings mounted on it can be fired as weapons. In addition, a lightning tube is fixed on the armor gauntlet.

When facing an enemy, the lightning tube will release a strong light, temporarily blinding the opponent, and at the same time, it will eject a jet of life salt that is almost electric light to kill the enemy. It's just that the production cost and consumption are too high. In the past, only the country's leader Feng Danzi had one.

Zhang Ye’s long-term research found that the life salt itself exists in nature, and it is further concentrated after being digested by the curse insects, so it can be refined.

The life salt highly praised by alchemists is called the Almighty Stone in the Yao civilization. The Almighty Stone in the Jindan Kingdom was extracted and collected in the form of gravel, but the Yao people were transporting it back and forth one by one, which shocked him greatly.

 Zhang Ye was brought to the Yao world because of an inconspicuous research.

“Did you derive this yourself?” Taoist He asked him, pointing to the alchemy formula on the paper.

 Zhang Ye said yes.

 He thought that he was worthy of being an apostle and could recognize various writings and languages.

   “The salt of fate waits for speculation…”

Taoist He stared at the paper and read the words on it: "The use of life salt is just like the universal transformation of alchemy. There is inevitable loss. This loss far exceeds the calculated loss... Therefore, it can be proved that life salt It was transformed or combined with an unknown substance, resulting in the loss of parts.”

“According to the basic principles of alchemy, matter will not disappear out of thin air, and the loss of life salt will inevitably lead to the birth of other substances.”

"In the closed cabin of the experiment, the salt of life drove several wooden oxen to walk back and forth for a whole day. No new visible objects were produced, no thick smoke was emitted like a flame, and there was no additional increase in wind. There is no measurable amount of material in the house, but the life salt has decreased. From this, it can be inferred that when the power of life salt is realized, the material transformed and combined has the ability to pass through most materials, or it can enter another world."

“This substance that comes and goes as freely as the wind is most likely the real product of the salt reaction. Let’s call it “invisible wind” for the time being. "

Taoist He's face became more and more serious.

He continued to read: "...the invisible wind has the ability of space. It is the result of the reaction of life salt. The life salt has been continuously consumed for many years. From this, it can be inferred that this world is full of invisible wind, and they interact with us. Passing through, there will be no direct impact on each other..."

"The whole world is filled with this kind of material, which means that it is harmless to normal life forms, but cannot be observed and touched, but this space force is everywhere. Its existence represents a special transformation, That is, it changes from a force that can be felt to a space that cannot be felt.”

 The apostle looked over suddenly: "You researched it all?"

"No." Zhang Ye said honestly: "Many of them are also questions discovered by alchemists in the past, and the formulas they derived. I just wanted to find out the answer based on them, so I made this speculation."

 “You follow me.”

He Taoist grabbed Zhang Ye and took him to the resurrection kingdom of Yao civilization. Before Zhang Ye had time to observe this vast new world, he was surrounded by a group of apostles, and each of the big shots exuding a strong sense of oppression began to question him in turn.


 After theoretical discussion and experimental testing, we finally came to a conclusion.

 The "invisible wind" deduced by Zhang Ye is the "dark element" that the Yao civilization has been studying.

 The discovery that dark elements have spatial attributes broke the existing thinking and bottlenecks of the Yao clan and allowed the apostles of the Secret Art Research Institute to find the right direction.

 Zhang Ye became a researcher there.

 Then he was ignorant, studying alchemical theory and element theory with big figures like the apostles, while supplementing the knowledge base of the Yao people. By now, he has basically caught up.

After the trip there, he took the initiative to apply to go to the [Feizhou Ring Road].

 The reasons are equally curious and interested.

 A man-made ring road that surrounds the world is like the reins to tame a giant beast, making Zhang Ye feel very handsome and crazy.


As the flying boat landed steadily, Zhang Ye patted a box behind him and said, "Zequiel, let's go."

Zequiel, the treasure monster, followed him and jumped out of the cabin.

 Seven years later, Zhang Ye returned to Jindan Kingdom again, smelled the familiar sour air, and his body relaxed.

 “Zhang Ye.”

 Zhang Cheng, wearing iron armor, stood beside the two iron horses and had been waiting for a long time.


Zhang Ye laughed, fixed the Mimic Quezel behind, and then rode with his elder brother.

 “It’s better to go to heaven. A true man should have his ambitions in all directions.”

 Zhang Cheng continues to support his younger brother.

 Zhang Ye said: "Brother, take off your helmet."


 Zhang Cheng did not answer.

Zhang Ye had already expected this reaction. He sighed: "Brother, are you already a ghost?"

Zhang Cheng slowly took off his helmet, revealing an old face inside, but under his neck was a body made of metal.

 Zhang Ye was stunned: "This, this..."

 Zhang Cheng grinned: "I will no longer be a human being of flesh and blood!"

He moved his arms and made a metallic clicking sound: "How about my mechanical prosthesis? I don't want to bow to death so early, so I gave up my weak flesh and blood body and chose this set of coverage. The entire body, only the mechanical prosthetic limbs of the head and internal organs are retained. Based on the Heart Eclipse Seal, my internal organs are not bad now, but my bones and muscles are severely atrophied."

“Thanks to God Yao, I am now the first mechanical alchemist, and in the future, more and more alchemists will embrace the mechanical body like me!”

Zhang Cheng clenched his fists with five fingers, his eyes flashing with confidence: "We will soon let everyone know what amazing achievements an alchemist will make when he has a long life!"

 (End of this chapter)