God Simulator

Chapter 803: God gets tired too

 “What kind of person is Vasily?”

Block asked.

Sitting opposite was a well-dressed young lady. She wore a black fur coat with a soft pink long-sleeved shirt underneath, and a thin gold necklace tied around her white neck.

This woman named Yan Jing is the lady of a big business owner in Crystal City. She is currently on vacation in Yaocheng.

 It took a lot of effort for Bullock to find this opportunity to meet her.

Yan Jing gently stirred the tea in the cup with a silver spoon. She seemed to be recalling something. Her young and smooth face showed a somewhat confused and clueless expression, and her lips could not help but pursed slightly.

This beauty is Vasily’s former lover.

Yan Jing said: "You are a werewolf, right? Do you work in the [Investigation Bureau]?"

 “No, I am not a werewolf, nor am I an agent of the Bureau of Investigation.”

 Block has become accustomed to this kind of question. He declared to the other party: "I am an orc from Zhoudao and a private detective."

"Orcs...canines?" Yanjing suddenly asked, "Why are you asking about Vasily? What happened to him?"

"I was entrusted by my employer to find Mr. Vasily. Because Mr. Vasily has been out of contact for a long time, I found you, Miss Yanjing, after making inquiries."

 “Can you tell me who hired you?”

 “It is related to the employer’s privacy and cannot be disclosed.”

 “Then can you tell me whether you are a man or a woman?”

"Feel sorry."

Yan Jing seemed to realize that this was a bit rude, so she said instead: "I have no other ideas, it's just that I haven't contacted him for a long time. I don't know how he is doing now. Is he married?"

 “Not as far as I know.”

Block said patiently: "Mr. Vasily seems to be focused on studying magic talismans. In terms of private life, you have not heard that he has other lovers since then."

"Is that so? That's the kind of person he is...who is completely involved and doesn't care."

  Yan Qing showed a certain expression of pleasure and relief on his face.

Block knows very well that if you want to obtain intelligence, there must be mutual information exchange.

 So he was not stingy in answering Yan Qing's questions.

 It can be seen that this ex-lover of Vasily still has some feelings for him. This is not necessarily love, it can be a subtle nostalgia between friends and lovers, or it may just be a possessive thing.

 Block has deep experience with this.

“In my memory, Vasily was always distracted. He would talk to me and then suddenly freeze up. Sometimes when we were sitting in the car, he would also be in a daze alone, which was hard to predict.”

Yanqing took a sip of tea.

"If you ask him what he is doing, he doesn't know. Sometimes he forgets everything around him. We met in the engineering school. That afternoon I was looking at the newly planted roses in the school, and he was looking at it. And I was driving home at night and he was still there watching."

"He has been like this since he was a child. He can enter the daze time at any time, most of the time unintentionally. He can also actively adjust to that state, thinking about nothing, not caring about anything, and just letting himself become blank."

“That is a kind of talent. When you are unhappy and troubled in life, you can empty yourself like this and cut off the connection with your surroundings. It is really enviable to be able to escape so effectively and quickly.”

 Yan Jing had a sweet smile on her face.

Bullock said: "Can I ask, how do you know Miss Yanqing?"

 “Rose, rose.”

 She spoke in a relaxed tone.

"I majored in [Trade] and [Theology] in school, and the elective was [Rose Horticulture]. Vasily also took rose classes. The roses he planted were very strange. Those roses grew like spiral structures and were colorful. . However, he was also scolded by the teacher for this, saying that this method of grafting, transplanting and magic energy modification would cause roses to become deformed and might mutate into unpredictable varieties, which would bring danger."

"The shape of flowers is related to the soil and the angle of light. Vasily used this method to turn the roses into that wonderful look... the rainbow rose, although it is not the same variety, but it impressed me. I think it is very interesting. , I went to ask him for advice, and we got to know each other that way.”

"Vasily had a blind sister Yelena. His sister always dreamed that she saw rainbow-like roses, but the child was born blind and had neither seen a rainbow nor a rose. Vasily I want to grow rainbow roses and give them to my sister when she regains her sight.”

Yan Qing leaned on the chair, gold-rimmed red rose earrings swaying lightly under her earlobes.

“Vasili is a very courageous man. After he met me, he quickly told me with a rose that he liked me and hoped that I could fly with him.”

"I remember that he took a wand made of many red rose petals. It was not very big, but it was big enough for us to sit on it together. He proudly showed this result to me and was very eager to get my evaluation. "

She recalled: "When the wand flew, it would scatter petals like the tail of a meteor. It looked very beautiful, but it just couldn't fly too far."

“He said he was going to fly, and that was really just flying... Later, we made an emergency landing in the mountains to repair the wand, and we got soaked in the rain.”

“It’s very relaxing to be with him. It’s a joy to meet such a person, even if we just walk a distance together.”

"But don't get me wrong, I didn't miss Vasily, and I was the one who broke up with him later. He is a very good lover. If I stay eighteen forever, I will probably be with him forever. But if I want He is definitely not a good partner for marriage."

Block nodded.

The young lady in front of me knows exactly what she wants.

It is not easy for many people to be able to calmly express what they need and confess their desires.

"Vasili has a worry. He always feels that the sky will fall." When saying this, Yan Qing looked serious: "He feels that the world is becoming lush and expanding because of the existence of gods. There are too many needs for the gods, and the gods will be tired... Because Lord Yao often appeared in the past, but now he has given less and less oracles. The reason is that Lord Yao has too many worlds to take care of. Just like taking care of a rose. Gardeners and gods also get tired.”

“Vasili is obsessed with magic talismans. He wants to use the power of magic talismans to observe the gods.”

“He also wanted to suddenly appear in front of Yao and surprise the god. This is what he wanted to do.”

“Later I broke up with him, and he went to study there after receiving a scholarship from the [Magic Monastery], presumably for the sake of his sister. For him, the most important thing is to restore his sister’s sight... You said he disappeared?”

Block said: "Yes, Mr. Vasily stayed in the monastery for 5 years and then disappeared."

 “Disappeared? Did you leave without saying goodbye?”

“No, one day, he disappeared into a house in the monastery, leaving behind only the [Rose Talisman] he had written—which has been determined to be an amazing invention.”

 “Rose Talisman? He still likes roses so much…”

Yanqing couldn't help laughing, her focus was not on the magic talisman.

"This is indeed like what Vasily would do. Usually he looks very ordinary, even a little silly. But sometimes he will suddenly appear, and it is always difficult for people to forget him."

These words reminded Bullock of another person he met.

 That's Vasily's sister, Yelena.

 Her description of her brother was completely different from Yanjing’s.

"He is obsessed with that woman, but that woman is just playing with him. Just listening to my brother's description, I can feel it. She is not a good woman."

Yelena’s eyes have been cured.

 She has slender yellow hair, but her eyes are very sharp, and she doesn't look like she was blind for a long time.

 She showed unabashed hostility and dislike towards her brother's lover.

"What my brother thinks is that if he can make a great magic talisman and get the approval of the gods, then Yan Qing will be able to stay with him for a long time without any worries, and he will not have to worry about the pressure from his family."

 “But that woman was just playing with his feelings.”

Yelena snorted.

 Block changed the subject: "So when was the last time you saw your brother?"

  “At the end of December last year.”

Yelena recalled: "At that time, there was a small dried flower exhibition in the Resurrection Kingdom. I was a horticulturist and was sent there by the flower manor that hired me. I met my brother. He seemed to be in good spirits at the time, but he was as thin as ever. , but it doesn’t look like he’s malnourished.”

"He told me about the progress of magic talismans, saying that [Rose Magic Talisman] can help many people who don't understand magic talismans at all, so that they can use it immediately. Because he made functional sentences in it, as long as those sentences are By replicating it, many functions can be realized.”

The girl spoke softly: "He wants to use magic talismans to make many jewelry-like tools to make casting spells very simple, and even complex spells can be completed with just the movement of fingers."

 Block asked again: "In other words, Vasily has no signs of leaving."

 “No. Where could he go?”

The orc detective nodded and wrote down all these contents in his notebook: "Have you seen that Miss Yan Jing?"

"When I regained my sight, they had already separated, but I had seen that woman's crystal appearance. She was indeed beautiful, otherwise she wouldn't have fascinated my brother so much... My brother has always been obsessed with her. If you look for that woman, you might know something."

Yelena suddenly said: "Is my brother dead?"

 “Just missing at the moment.”

Block said.

“Then who hired you to find out the whereabouts of my brother?”

 “Sorry, this is employer privacy.”

 The detective stood up and lowered the brim of his hat: "Well, thank you for the information. Do you have Feng Mu?"

“Yes.” Yelena took out a shiny stone from her small backpack.

 Now this is the most popular communication tool among the Yao people.

 The two Feng Mothers touched each other and left a sound. As long as that sound is triggered, both parties will know that the other is looking for them.

 “Then, if you have any news, please inform me.”

 Block said goodbye and left.

Yelena didn’t seem to know.

 The treatment she received, as well as the financial resources behind the treatment—and even the direction of the project that funded Vasily in the monastery, all came from Miss Yanqing.

This is also news given by the employer.

 Block’s work this time was mainly to determine one thing.

Is Vasily an illegal demon?