God Simulator

Chapter 841: Second form!

 The world remains silent.

 You Xiang doesn’t know whether the sound he makes will get a response from the other party.

It also doesn’t know whether the monsters from the outer world can understand the weak cry of the Youzu’s power.

The other person may not care what the prey says.

 But even so, Yu Xiang still has to make a final attempt.

Countless wandering tribesmen live on the bottom of the sea all year round, but they always yearn for the sea and the sky, because countless tribesmen’s shells sleep on the bottom of the sea, which is the place closest to death.

  When a wanderer stops swimming and sinks to the bottom of the sea, that is the day when his life ends.

 You have to swim upstream.

 Otherwise, the shell will become heavier and heavier, until one day it can no longer support its own weight and will sink to the bottom of the sea and become part of the Death Mountain.

Only by going to the light sea can we have a chance to survive longer.

 To float, it is impossible to rely solely on Youzu’s own strength.

The turbulent force of the ocean is irresistible, and travelers can only drift with the current, so they need a boat.

 Every traveler is looking for a boat that can carry him to the surface. Unfortunately, most of the ship world is sinking, and only a handful can float or remain unsinkable.

The sea is vast and it is very difficult to find the boat you want.

Yu Xiang also encountered an opportunity between life and death because he was involved in an ocean storm.

It desperately clung to the surface of the ship world, stuck its shell in the gap above, and persisted in surviving the violent turbulence.

 The one who saved it was the leader of the ship, You Fang.

The opponent caught the swimmer whose outer shell almost shattered and fell off—it didn’t have to do that.

The wandering people are at home all over the world, and their life and death depend on the sky.

 Everyone will meet each other, but rarely get together. Because conditions don’t allow it.

 If two of the same kind stick together, the shells will break due to constant collision and friction, causing each other to be injured.

 Keeping a certain distance is the rule of survival for swimmers in the ocean.

 You Fang chose a road that no one has traveled before.

“Why don’t you give it a try? Maybe we are actually suitable for many tribesmen to squeeze together.”

A brisk and steady voice came from its shell: "The road in the past is not going to work, of course we have to try new methods."

 “I don’t want to wait to die.”

 You Xiang officially lived in this ship world and obtained his own life pool.

Since the Youzu want to talk to each other, they need their shells to hit each other to transmit the impact of their respective powers, so that the other party can understand what they mean. So in fact, there are many inconveniences for people of the same race living together. If they are too close, they may bump into each other and cause dizziness and pain. If they are too far apart, they cannot understand each other.

Yuzu's power is too small to transmit sound through the sea and land.

 But in this ship world, You Fang has created a passage.

  It collects the shells left behind after the death of each wandering tribe, and then embeds them into the ground and connects them together.

 The shell is not only strong, but also transmits force impacts clearly and sensitively.

The tribesmen who live here can talk to other tribesmen who touch the passage by knocking on one side of the passage. Even if they are far apart, they can hear each other's voices in the shell.

 Around the passage, You Fang built a life pool with shells and poured seawater into it, turning it into a fixed home for the You clan.

 If there is any situation, the sound from the channel can be transmitted into the life pool and directly to the home.

 When you don’t want to hear external sounds, you can also disassemble the connected shell.

Relying on the connection of passages and life pools, the wanderers in this world gather together. They have obtained a safe and stable living home, and they are united and dependent on each other as never before.

 Only later did you find out that you were not sure whether it was useful or not.

 “Give it a try.”

 This is what it often says.

It is also because of this trying character that during the cataclysm, You Fang asked everyone to stay in the life pool and not rush to the death mountain.

  It was not killed by the catastrophe, but died in the pool of life.

 You Fang died of poisoning.

Yu Xiang continued to pursue and dig, and finally discovered that there was a poisonous river underground, flowing through the life pool area of ​​​​Yu Fang.

 The toxins in the river were deposited at the bottom of the pool of life, gradually filling the entire pool with deadly poison. You Fang was poisoned to death in the pool, and the body inside the shell had dehydrated and decomposed.

  Its shell becomes part of the new road.

 You Xiang obtained the position of leader.

 It also inherited the responsibilities of the tourists and continued to engage in the work of building roads.

This work is the key to the development of the entire Youzu. As long as there is a road that can be reached, the Youzu can settle there. Even if we are far away from other people, we can still connect with each other through roads.

Yu Xiang’s greater ideal is to try to pick up more tourists from the sea and turn this ship into the hope of the future.

 It’s a pity that hope has not yet been seen, and the monsters from the sky have arrived.


waited for so long.

 Suddenly, a warm and majestic force surrounded Yu Xiang's whole body.

 It senses an indifferent will.

 —Be my apostle.

 Although Yuxiang didn’t understand what the apostle represented, it knew that this might be an opportunity.

 You show original intention and acceptance.

 Then that power penetrated into the body, making it stronger than ever before, and its thoughts became clear and clear.

 It knows a lot.

 Apostles are messengers of God.

 What came here was not a monster, but the powerful **** Yao.

 He sent gifts to Himself.

 You Xiang understood. Because it was the will of the gods, the King of the Sea did not dare to offend.

 After becoming an apostle, he can feel the vast will of God hanging over his head.

 The oracle came to my consciousness.

  —Introduce yourself and this place.

 You Xiang talked about the situation in the ship world.

 The apostleship ignites the fire of faith within him, which is a special gift of power. From this moment on, You Xiang has another pair of eyes, which can observe the surroundings through the power of faith.

 The blurry world became clear for the first time.

 After hearing its description, God sent another oracle.

The **** Yao gifted a large amount of sea water and brought with him a mountain of shells. The shells were connected to each other, like the remains of an unimaginably huge tribe of people who died.

In addition, God also gave a kind of pure water, which is very light.

 After touching it, I discovered that clean water does not need to be filtered through the body at all. It can directly replenish the dry body and wash away impurities that make the body uncomfortable.

 Then there is a food called meat.

 Swim towards the absorption and discover that this is a good thing!

It gnawed at the meat like crazy.

In addition, there are other things called food, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes...each one is full of living water, which makes swimming more satisfying and powerful than ever before.

 But the most important and delicious thing is the meat.

 “Thank you, generous Lord Yao!”

 Swim close to the ground and bow down to God with sincerity.

 God's existence is unlike any existing power.

 That is an impact of power that does not aim at destruction.

Rather, the core is to develop faith and expand civilization—or increase the number of believers.

 Simply put, God is the king who is above the king of the sea. God Yao patrols this world because it is his territory and it is a matter of course.

 Being able to obtain God's protection is the greatest luck for the wandering tribesmen who have been displaced and experienced the threat of death.

But for everyone to worship God, there still needs to be a process.

 You tribesmen can easily fall into fear and panic, and there are very few brave tribesmen like You Fang. Most wanderers just want to have a safe life pool, where they can lie down every day, move as long as possible, and avoid doing anything risky.

The mere knowledge of God’s existence is enough to make them scatter.

 The gods have only one request for Youzu.

—You are too weak. You must grow up well so that you can sail in the sea of ​​​​soil in the future.

 Swim towards and hit the channel.

 “I’m back, the danger is over.”

 Directly announcing the existence of the strange and powerful Yao God will make everyone fear and panic.

 So it changed the method.

Yu Xiang monopolized these foods, but the bones of the ancestors who were as tall as the mountains transformed the sea of ​​soil along the channel into a large circular river that could benefit most people.

 The energy flowing in meat and fruits makes the tribesmen extremely envious.

“Is this something that fell from the sky? It feels full of life, it shouldn’t be a bad thing.”

 “Can you let me have a bite too?”

 “This looks like it has no toxins, right?”


 You Xiang said: “I’m not sure yet because this is a brand new food variety. I will tell you after I confirm it.”

It feasted in front of everyone, eating and drinking freely.

  It attracted a circle of tribesmen around, and the sounds of hunger and longing came from the shell.

 “It seems delicious.”

"It's not poisonous. The leader has eaten so much."

 “It’s definitely not poisonous.”

 “It’s too cunning for the leader to eat alone.”


 Yu Xiang’s body grew stronger while eating and turned into a giant shaped like a hill.

 Everyone finally couldn't bear it anymore.

 “Chief, that is the power that can make you strong! We also want to eat it!”

 “Let us eat, let us eat!”


 “I’m not afraid of poison!”

You Xiang looked at it and said, "This is the food given by God. Lord Yao gave this world these delicious and energy-rich foods. I received the favor of the **** and became an apostle, so I brought these back." Divine grace…”

 It began to promote belief in gods.

Worship and sacrifice to the **** Yao are beneficial to the entire You tribe.

When they heard that such a powerful **** was coming, only a few tribesmen had the courage to say that they wanted to follow the **** and get food.

 Most of them conservatively hid back in the life pool.

 You Xiang also had a headache because of this. It seemed that this matter was not easy. Everyone's fear of powerful power runs deep into their bones, and they subconsciously choose to stay away and escape from existences they cannot understand.

But soon, almost all the tribesmen changed their attitudes and became loyal people of Yao God.

The reason is quite simple.

 The four forerunners led by You Xiang, through the power of abundant food, Almighty Stone and World Stone, completed a complete evolution in one leap and opened a powerful second form!

 They turned into [Void Fish].