God Simulator

Chapter 894: Devil's gas station

Long night bars open at sunset and close at sunrise the next day.

 You have to cross a slippery and steep narrow mountain road and pass through a wet and labyrinth-like forest to reach here. Therefore, most of the regular visitors here have extraordinary abilities. Some land in flying boats, some turn into big birds, and some ride on the wind and clouds.

Since Roy doesn’t need to rest, he usually sits in a tree and meditates, or looks for plants suitable for making wine.

 It is difficult to see Rita until the door is open.

 She would always stand in the bar when the door opened, welcoming every guest elegantly and politely.

 As the only staff member here, Roy has received a lot of attention.

The vast majority of them are female customers. They implicitly give him handkerchiefs, quills, and silver or enamel collar clips, while the more unrestrained ones directly invite him to his residence or hotel.

Roy refused them all.

 Women who are close to him will only become unhappy.

 He is under the protection of Dionysus, but that may not be the case after leaving.

 Two days later, Mr. Jin came to the bar again.

 He seemed to be in good spirits that day. He changed his previous moodiness and raised his head and chest in high spirits, as if something good had happened to him.

 “What would you like to drink today?” Rita asked.

 “Sourberry wine, on the rocks.”

Mr. Jin happily drank three large glasses in a row, then wiped his beard with his big hand and laughed.

 “It’s cool, it’s cool!”

 He seemed to need someone to share his joy with, but Rita was busy, so he found Roy.

"Brother, you are an elf, so you should know very well about planting trees. If you don't have manpower, just spreading seeds, it will be difficult to lay out a large-scale forest area in a short time. This is what we are doing. It takes a lot of people, a lot of people.”

Mr. Jin took a sip of wine: "All our workers ran away before. There is nothing we can do about it. If the workers cannot survive, they have no choice but to run away or be hired away by others with better wages. Our business cannot be done. Go down and leave the previous place. There are strong local forces there. We are not opponents, so we can only leave."

"Then we went to the current boss, the big boss. He gave us a piece of land, a big piece of land, and found us workers. The workers also did a good job, and we also have a future. Everything is fine. Got it!"

"The most important thing is that in the past, those guys were fighting over each other in a barren mountain. Now that we have jumped out, there is no need at all. We have our own territory. It won't be long before we can fight back. We will become It is extremely powerful and we will take down a large area of ​​forest!”

Roy raised his glass: "Congratulations."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mr. Jin’s beard stood up proudly.

 It can be seen that he is really happy and he cares about his forest farm.

Mr. Jin added: "What's the matter with your curse?"

 Roy told him again.

 “You are cursed by the old gods.”

Mr. Jin narrowed his eyes.

Roy was stunned: "The curse of the old gods, is that the curse before the gods fell?"

"It's hard to say." The other party touched his beard with his hand: "I don't know much about curses, but I have a friend who knows a little bit about it. I asked him to come over and ask."

Mr. Jin walked out.

 Before Roy had finished a glass of wine, Mr. Jin came in with a friend.

The man's whole body was wrapped in armor, but this appearance was not uncommon. Ghosts or special ethnic groups were accustomed to traveling in armor.

Mr. Jin introduced: "This is Master Jue, he is a well-informed monk."

Master Jue looked at Roy for a while and said: "It is recorded on the pagoda that there are two ways to [Curse of the Old Gods]. One is that a curse seal can be completed when the god's divinity is broken, and the other is that the being who was once a **** can also use the title to cast it. Curse. The strength of the old god’s curse is related to the strength of the caster.”

“The [Curse of the Old Gods] on you is the highest LV99. It is unrecognizable to ordinary people. It is a negative effect that is difficult to remove.”

Roy felt very strange: "In other words, the one who cursed me was a fallen god, or a **** from the past?"


The armored monk continued: "Only gods can lift the curse of the old god. However, the level of this curse is too high, and erasing it is very expensive. Recovery is always much more difficult than destruction."

Mr. Jin asked: "How much is the consumption?"

 “The power of hundreds of millions of faiths, and a godhead to absorb the curse.”


Mr. Jin’s expression also changed.

Roy sighed.

 It is impossible for me to have such conditions.

Master Jue thought for a while: "However, there is a place that can eliminate special negative effects."

“The Silver Plains on the other side of the world is a completely different world. The rules and powers of our world will fail when entering there. It is an even more complete forbidden zone for gods than the border zone.”

 In the Silver Plains, existing power will gradually become ineffective.

  If you stay there for 15 days, you will lose all your existing supernatural powers. Converted to Yao people's time, it is 30 years.

The people working at the local research station are basically skeleton ancestors. They have almost all lost their little strength, and even [Endurance] and [Order] will disappear.

The only things we can rely on are trust in each other, the strength of our bodies, and the knowledge accumulated in our brains.

It is not only these forces that will be eliminated locally, but also the negative characteristics caused by various rules.

The monk told Roy: "Even in the best case scenario, if you eliminate the curse of the old gods there, you will also lose the ability of the elves and no longer have a long life."

“In addition, the conditions there are difficult and dangerous, and there are many unknown risks. Please make your decision carefully.”

Roy felt a glimmer of hope.

For him, he would rather lose his short and comfortable life than be tortured by the lingering curse. This is Roy's rejection of the one who imposed the curse.

 The most important thing is that this is something he can do on his own strength, which makes him feel at ease.

But Roy is going to learn more about Silver Plains and needs to be prepared.


Roy stayed at the Long Night Bar for a whole year. During this year, he figured out why so many people always came here to drink.

 The various "nectars" made by the boss can make everyone dream.

For example, "Long Night" can turn various pressures into dream piercings, thereby releasing depression and reducing mental burden.

“Intoxication” makes people have beautiful dreams and immerse themselves in things that are difficult to achieve in dreams, so as to make up for regrets and fulfill long-cherished wishes. Many people come here for this purpose.

“Sinking” has the opposite effect. It will create a cruel and tortured illusion, making people experience pain while half drunk and half awake.

At first, Roy felt puzzled because there were quite a few customers who liked to indulge.

 Do you still feel happy when you are tortured?

 Is pain also a kind of enjoyment?

 Later he gradually understood.

The cruel dream spun by sinking can help people stay awake and abandon their weaknesses. It can also allow some people to see what failure will make them like. For many people, it is more like a kind of self-alertness.

 One day, a woman in a black dress came to the bar.

 Her appearance filled the place with an uneasy atmosphere.

Although the long-night bar was noisy in the past, everyone maintained an unspoken understanding and controlled conflicts and contradictions within a certain range.

However, the arrival of the woman in black dress today suddenly broke a certain balance. First, two customers who were laughing and chatting got into a fight. They took out two black magic guns and sprayed each other. One was killed and the other was injured on the spot, and the scene fell into chaos.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people started rescuing the wounded, argued, and then turned into a melee. The entire tavern was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The woman in black skirt sat on the chair, admiring all this with a smile.

 The boss told her: "You are not welcome here, please leave."

This was the first time Roy saw Rita looking so angry.

"It's really too much. I just had a glass of wine. It's obviously their problem, so why should it be blamed on me?" The woman held her chin in one hand with a sad look on her face: "Isn't it sinful to just look at it?"

"You know you are here and you will drive them crazy." Rita said coldly: "Please don't come here again."

 The woman crossed her long legs and looked sideways at the boss: "Then give me a cup of "Long Night". "


 “It’s so cold.”

The woman frowned: "I came all the way here just to have a glass of wine, and later I have to collect intelligence for the big shots, make reports and manage expressions. It's so bleak that I can't even get a glass of wine after working hard. life.”

 She noticed Roy next to her: "Mr. Elf, can you give me your "Long Night"? "

Roy handed her the wine he had not yet drank.

"Thank you."

The other party took the glass, took a sip, and squinted his eyes to show his happiness: "After a busy work day, having a drink all night is the best thing."

"Thank you for the wine. Since we are destined, I will also help you make some small changes."

 She looked at Roy from side to side.

“Your condition is not very good. You are under the [Curse of the Old Gods]. Hey, you have offended a powerful character.”

Roy briefly talks about his situation.

 “I know who put the curse on you.”

She looked thoughtful: "That kind of behavior, as well as the wording and tone, and the way of power, is [the female ruler of the sky] Ishtar. There will be no one else."

“Ishtar will do this kind of thing. She will curse men who cannot get her and torture them. Of course you will not remember her appearance, and her appearance will not be remembered.”

"But now she has probably forgotten you. Ishtar is very fond of the new and dislikes the old, and is always looking for new people to like. Poor elf, you are so unlucky."

This is the first time Roy heard this name.

 “Goodbye then.” The woman in black stood up, put down her wine glass, and walked lightly into the night.

As soon as she left, the whole bar suddenly returned to normal. The customers who were fighting to the death quickly stopped fighting, and there was a trace of confusion on each other's faces, as if they couldn't understand why it had become that situation before.

Roy asked Rita: "Boss, who was that just now?"

"[Charming Tongue] Cecia, a great demon, is here in person." Rita looked at the door: "When she appears, she will change everything and make the situation go to the other extreme. This is It’s her nature and her hobby.”

"Although Cecia is not a demon from the Demon Association, she is Lord Yao Shen's **** announcer. Here she returns to her natural nature and acts wildly, but in front of Lord Yao Shen, she must be obedient and obedient. She must be under great pressure... "

 Roy suddenly realized.

Long-night bars seem to be the devil’s gas station.

He suddenly thought.

 Is telling herself the source of the Old God's curse part of her game?

Roy felt it was time for a change.

 He was not sure whether this was the influence of Cecia's power.

 He must eliminate the curse of the [Goddess of Heaven] and can no longer be marked prey.

Rita said: "Well, good luck. I'll treat you to a drink when you come back."

 The two of them raised their glasses and clinked their glasses.