Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1215: So hilarious

Before that, Li Feng never dreamed that he would dance with Scarlett one day, and he would be so close.

From the perspective of Li Feng, you can appreciate Scarlett's beauty and charm very well. As the two danced, a strange atmosphere began to brew.

Scarlett's figure is recognized by the world as good, and she wore a black tight skirt today, stepped on a pair of 10 cm high black high heels, and her dancing posture became more enchanting.

With Li Feng's current concentration, he couldn't help but breathe a little.

When the song ended, the two stopped their movements, and Li Feng said unfinishedly: "Thank you for dancing with me."

Scarlett calmly breathed, and smiled: "It should be me thank you. You helped me solve the big problem today."

The two talked to each other on the dance floor, and no one meant to leave.

At this moment, the music resumed and Scarlett tilted her head: "One more dance?"

"My pleasure, madam." Li Feng took Scarlett's little hand and gave a kiss, and then danced with her again.

"Damn Huaxia, I won't let you succeed, I won't!"

By the bar, Mark Jonathan saw his eyes split, jealous, and almost crushed the wine glass!


At first, it was good to only dance one dance, and when Li Feng and Scarlett danced, they both jumped out of the feeling, so the two of them danced one after another, and they jumped completely.

Scarlett’s dance skills are very good, and Li Feng’s dance skills are even more outstanding, such as mechanical dance, jazz dance, break dance, hip-hop dance, Latin dance and even ethnic dance. He can handle almost all dance moves at his fingertips, and it is closely related to dance music. Rhythm.

At the end, the dancing customers all stopped and formed a circle to watch the two performers.

Under the blessing of this atmosphere, the two jumped more and more, until Scarlett became tired, and Li Feng took another solo. In the tide of applause, the two exited and returned to the deck.

"I haven't been so happy for a long time, I am so happy, oh~"

After returning to the deck, Scarlett still looked very excited, dancing and dancing to express her true emotions, and finally shouted, causing everyone around her to look at her.

After becoming a star, Scarlett has a glamorous appearance, but behind her is under tremendous pressure that ordinary people don't know.

The pressure of interpersonal communication in the industry, the pressure of seeking self-breakthrough, and the pressure caused by the huge gambling debt owed by her father.

Like tonight, forgetting all worries and dancing as much as possible is the first time she has become a star.

It's not the first time that she dances with people. Only when she is with Li Feng can she feel this way. Perhaps being with Li Feng can make her feel...safe?

Li Feng smiled: "It is my honour to make you happy, dear lady."

Mark Jonathan, who had just returned to the deck from the bar, only felt that he had a mouthful of dog food!

In the ensuing time, the two chatted for a long time, and Mark Jonathan and Emily had become decorations and were completely speechless.

When the bar closed, Scarlett remembered that Li Feng had no place to live, and offered to invite him to rest at her home.

Mark Jonathan blurted out with Emily: "No!"

Scarlett glanced at the two of them and frowned, "Why not, Mr. Li came from afar, should he go to the hotel again at this late hour? You should know how dangerous LSJ night is."

In China, at two or three o'clock at night, a woman dared to walk alone on the street.

But in the United States, let alone a woman, even if the two elders are together, they dare not walk on the street. The gangsters and tramps on the street will teach you how to be a person every minute.

It's lucky to be robbed of finances, and you will lose your unlucky lives. This is the public order of the United States, and it is not bluffing at all.

"Of course we know, but you are Scarlett, the international superstar Scarlett. If you let him go to your house for the night, there will be an overwhelming scandal on the Internet the next day."

"Scarlett, he is from China. Once the scandal between you two occurs, have you considered the consequences?"

Emily persuaded earnestly.

In China, celebrity celebrities broke out scandals that hurt their popularity. It was originally a small fresh meat with top traffic. Once the scandals were exposed, their popularity dropped sharply, not as good as before.

Therefore, most of China's artists conceal their love affair.

However, it is different here in the United States. Star celebrities are all fair and honest when they fall in love, and their popularity has little influence.

Even if you keep changing objects, as long as there is no domestic violence, cheating, etc., the problem is not big.

But the premise is that the other party cannot be Chinese. Of course, this is for female celebrities, male celebrities do not matter.

Once a white female Internet celebrity in the United States, because of her boyfriend's Asian identity, she was vilified by some fans, and her popularity also declined rapidly.

In the U.S., race 7 cannot be regarded as ZZ correct. In fact, race 7 is regarded as ubiquitous in the United States. It cannot be said in public, but in private.

If you use the food chain analogy, whites are at the top in the United States, blacks and Latinos are in the middle, and Asians are at the bottom.

If the scandal between Scarlett and Li Feng is heard, Scarlett’s fans will go crazy, and the goddess personage she has always created will collapse!

Scarlett frowned slightly: "Mr. Li and I are just friends."

Mark Jonathan was overjoyed in his heart and said calmly: "Yes, everyone who knows you knows that you have nothing to do with him, but the paparazzi don't think so. They like doing nothing wrong."

"Yeah, you have to spread rumors if you have nothing to do. If you let the paparazzi take pictures of Li Feng going to your house for the night... the consequences would be unthinkable!" After speaking, Emily turned her head and looked at Li Feng with a full warning.

The appearance of this man made her feel Scarlett out of control, and she could not let Li Feng contact Scarlett anymore.

Also, this matter must be reported to the president, and the signs must be killed in the cradle!

Li Feng shrugged: "Stop talking, I'll go to the hotel."

What Mark said to Emily also made sense, and he didn't want to cause Scarlett trouble.

Besides, today he and Scarlett have been together for long enough. The so-called too late is too late, and the temporary separation makes it easier for the relationship to increase.

What's more, his fate with Scarlett will not stop there. I believe they will see each other again soon.

"Mr. Li..." Scarlett couldn't bear it, and she wanted to stay now.

Li Feng waved his hand: "I usually have trouble coming to the door where I am, so I still don't go to your house. I will ask you to come out if I have time."

On the first day of coming to LSJ, he forged two enemies. He didn't know if Jim and Marcus would get involved in the night, or separate Scarlett first.

After speaking, Li Feng waved at Scarlett, turned and walked out.

Seeing Li Feng's back, Scarlett's expression kept changing, and finally turned into a sigh.