Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1222: A dragon soul heart

After Marcus and Barron agreed to Li Feng's terms, the next time was to pay and deliver the goods.

Barron Albert holds 15% of HN Pictures, Jim Albert and his elder brother each hold 1% of the shares. The current market value of HN Pictures is 45 billion US dollars.

Li Feng's acquisition of 17% of the shares would have to give the Albert family US$7.65 billion.

Marcus’s casino is not listed, but some institutions have valued it at about $5 billion. This evaluation can be found online.

Of course, Li Feng will not believe that its valuation is 5 billion based on such an assessment alone. Now he asked the system to make an assessment. The result of the assessment is more accurate than this, 5.5 billion US dollars.

With the system endorsement, Li Feng has a spectrum in his heart, and now proposes to buy it at a price of 5 billion US dollars.

Marcus knew the true value of his casino, and was a bit painful for a while, but under the threat of his life, he still agreed.

Next, Barron discussed with Marcus, each of whom should bear $2 billion in compensation.

In this way, Li Feng only needs to pay Barron US$5.65 billion and Marcus US$3 billion, for a total of US$8.65 billion.

Marcus and Barron now hope that Li Feng doesn't have so much cash in their hands, so that they can leave time for them to save the situation.

It’s just that Li Feng, a big local tyrant, would give them this opportunity? He has 11.4 billion pounds in cash alone plus 1.2 billion US dollars and 7.6 billion Chinese currency.

"Just a mere $8.65 billion", can it stump him?

Of course, it takes time to convert British pounds into U.S. dollars through conventional channels, especially huge amounts of billions of pounds.

But with the help of the system, things can be solved in a few seconds. After all, the system can directly convert some fixed assets into cash.

After converting part of the British pounds in the account into U.S. dollars, Li Feng said: "I have enough cash here. You can prepare a share transfer contract."

Marcus and Barron looked dumbfounded!

No...what is the concept that there is 8.6 billion dollars in the account that can be used at any time, and it is difficult for a wealthy man with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars?

Shocked and shocked, the two did not have any thoughts of suspicion. After all, Li Feng's brilliance from the opening to the present has been realized.

In the following time, Marcus honestly asked his secretary to bring his own equity documents, and Barron also asked his eldest son to come back specially.

By the time the three parties signed the equity transfer agreement, it was already 10 o'clock at night, and I was busy all day!

"The two bosses are both refreshing people and look forward to working with you again next time."

Li Feng satisfactorily put the file in his jacket pocket, got up and shook hands with the two.

Marcus: "???"

Albert and his son: "???"

No... How did Li Feng put it in the palm-sized jacket pocket?

The magician really hammered!

As for working together again... Hehe, can I say that I don't want to see you again?

After a long time, Marcus let out a sigh of relief and asked cautiously: "Mr. Li, can I know why you want to buy my casino?"

Barron agreed and nodded, this is something he also wants to figure out.

If Li Feng bought the shares of HN Films, he can understand. After all, Shengtang Entertainment under Li Feng's name is a film and television company, but he bought Marcus's casino for Mao?

In order to make money? Does Marcus’s casino have Osville more profitable?

Besides, it is not easy for a Chinese to open a casino in the United States. The relationship between all aspects must be balanced. Li Feng's force value is very strong, but he wants to balance these relationships only by force value, unless he is invincible in the world.

Li Feng pondered for two seconds: "Because you can't come up with enough cash to compensate me?"

Marcus: "???"

Barron: "???"

No...Because you can't come up with enough cash to compensate you, so you buy a company under someone else's name. Can you find a reason more than this?

Of course, Li Feng didn't buy Marcus's casino for this reason. He just felt that the casino in the United States was a place where three schools of thoughts gathered, which was conducive to the collection of some intelligence.

Hmm...even if he left the dragon soul, Li Feng still has a dragon soul heart.

Li Feng smiled and changed the subject: "Okay, it's getting late, you guys take this pill and I can go back to the hotel."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Marcus and the others were a little bit overjoyed, saying that Li Feng was finally going to get out.

When they heard the second half of the sentence, they fell into a state of bewilderment. What kind of pills?

"This is June Chuanchang Dan. After taking this pill, if you don't get the antidote within six months, you will die from intestinal puncture."

Li Feng took out four red pills from his jacket pocket and said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, we all did what you said, why don't you let us go?!"

Marcus asked angrily.

"Mr. Li, most of my hard work has been given to you, what else do you want?"

Barron also asked with grief.

Li Feng glanced at the two of them and sneered: "Don’t be as if you have been wronged so much. According to what you two did to me, even if I kill you, I should still kill you, but I didn’t kill you. , And allow you to be rich for the rest of your life, which is already very kind."

As soon as this remark came out, Marcus and others looked stagnant.

Indeed, although they suffered a big loss, Li Feng left them with billions of dollars in property. Even if they did nothing for the rest of their lives, the money would not be spent.

If Li Feng was cruel and killed them directly, they would not be able to reason.

"I will give you June Chuanchang Dan because I can't believe you. If your performance in the later period can satisfy me, I will give you the antidote."

"Of course, you can also choose not to eat, then I can only kill you now. Choose one, I give you the right to choose."

Li Feng played with the pills and said with a smile.

Marcus and the others looked at each other. They wanted to say that neither of these two roads were chosen, but they were not qualified to negotiate with Li Feng.

After struggling for a while, Marcus and the others obediently took the pill from Li Feng and swallowed it openly.

Li Feng is not afraid of their cheating, this medicine melts in the mouth, and it is impossible not to swallow it with it.

After exhorting them a few more words, Li Feng smiled and said, "Mr. Marcus, this is the most lively time of the casino, are you interested in taking me around?"

Marcus's mouth was bitter, and he nodded and said, "Of course, it's my honor."

Li Feng nodded and walked out of the villa first.

Half an hour later, an extended Lincoln stopped at the gate of the Massa Casino. After seeing the extended Lincoln, the security guard at the door immediately came over.

"Boss, you are here." The security guard respectfully opened the right rear door and bowed.

"Well, good performance, I will give you a salary increase later." Li Feng got out of the car and laughed.

Security: "???"

No... Why is there a Chinese in the back right of the boss's car? What's the situation?

"Ah, this is Mr. Li from China. He bought my casino. From now on he will be the owner of the Massa Casino." Marcus walked out of the car from the other side and said with a complex expression.