Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 1: Tony Dunn?

The loud noise stimulates the brain nerves, and the decibels can cause deafness. A dazzling white light shot into the eyes, and the temples were bulging and painful.

Dunn couldn't help squinting his eyes, but the white light did not disappear, but spread to the entire world.

What the **** is going on? Am I in the rock club scene?

Dun En cursed in his heart and opened his eyes, but what rushed into his eyes was a big scary face. A black face covered with sweat, the heat from two black holes under his wide nose seemed to have touched his face. The white teeth in the cracked mouth are as frightening as wild animals, and of course the bad breath comes out of it.

What followed was a fierce, frontal collision. Dunn felt as if he was hit in the chin by a heavy punch, and the whole person fell backward.

Wow! They overturned a box of water bottles placed behind them. The weight of the two people rested on the poor plastic bottles, and they collapsed overwhelmed. The white water splashed out, and even a jet of water shot from the mouth of a certain bottle, directly hitting the face of the "pond fish" behind, and the other "pond fish" rose up into the sky like frightened sparrows.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"How is this going?!"

"Team doctor, team doctor!"

"How did you kick?"

"I was pushed over by that **** number 14... I didn't mean it..."

Dunn was lying on the ground, staring blankly at the strange faces surrounding him. Some of them looked anxious, some were gloating, and some were covering their faces without seeing any expressions. It's still noisy all around, but the loud noise just now has changed its tone, and there are boos and laughter.

This is where? Who are they? How is this going?

"Oh! Wait, let's see what happened on the sidelines?" The live broadcast commentator suddenly became excited. He stood up and looked down from the top bleachers. "Forest's main forward David Johnson (David`Johnson) was bumped into the sideline coaching bench during the fight with the opposing players. Poor Coach Tony Dunn just stood on the sidelines directing the game...Oh! Look at the terrible conditions on the ground, this is really a spark The collision against the earth! This is much more interesting than a dull game!"

Dunn was lying on the ground, his light gray suit was soaked, wrinkled with grass clippings and dirt, it looked like a rag that had just been used.

A man with a big nose and black beard and a little like Super Mario appeared in his field of vision. He quickly took out the white gloves from the leather bag he carried with him and put it on, and then began to examine Dunn's body.

"Is there any obvious pain in the ribs?" He pressed his hands on Dun En's chest and pressed hard. "The chin...well, some bruises, are your teeth loose?" He opened Dun En's mouth again and tilted his head to observe. Although he kept asking questions on his mouth, he obviously didn't expect to get answers. These were just his habit of talking to himself. "Then... the eyes." He set his gaze on Dun En's eyes, and he found a problem: Dun En's eyeballs did not seem to have moved, his eyelids never blinked, and his expression was dull, that is, he did not frown. , Don’t cry out, silence is like a dead man...


Hell, he seems to have landed on the back of his head!

"Hey, Tony, Tony? Can you hear me?" He stretched out his hand and shook in front of Dunn's eyes, his tone obviously more anxious than just now.

Dunn's eyes finally turned, and he focused his sight on this person's face, strange, but somewhat familiar...

"The referee blew the whistle and suspended the game, and he ran to the sidelines...I have explained a football game for 31 years, and this is the first time I have seen a coach injured by his own player! I bet Coach Tony Dunn must Will be a news figure, even though he himself may not like to be famous in this way..." BBC commentator John`Motson continued his chatter. "The Forest team is really unlucky. The team is two goals behind. Now their acting coach Tony Dunn is injured by his own player. You know, this is their home court! On their home court!"

At the same time, the TV screen began to play the previous scene repeatedly. David Johnson was pushed hard by the opponent in a fierce fight with the opponent on the 14th, and then the **** man leaned towards Tony Dunn, who was standing on the sidelines. But the strange thing is that Dunn could have avoided it. He had plenty of time, but at this time, he stood on the sidelines like a puppet, watching his players crash into him. Then it was the scene where the narrator couldn't help squinting his eyes, turning to the beginning, grinning and saying, "Oh, God!"

The players of the Forest team crowded around the coach's bench anxiously. The center of the crowd was naturally Dunn lying on the ground. The black forward David Johnson who made a mistake knelt on the ground and kept praying. If his coach has any shortcomings, he will be the first player to kill his own coach on the court.

Unlike the nervousness of the forest team players, most of their opponents stand on the court and watch the show with their arms around. There are also curious people who take on the role of scouts for the whole team, run to watch the excitement, and then run back to the crowd. Share the situation with their teammates.

The Forest fans in the stands seemed not worried about the life and death of their head coach. They were taking this opportunity to curse their team’s poor performance. Various words starting with "F" or "S" came out of their mouths. The countless high raised middle fingers set off the “0:2” on the big screen especially dazzling.

The forest team doctor Gary Fleming (Gary`Fleming) is still doing his best. He clearly saw Tony's eyes move a while ago. Why didn't he respond?

He patted Tony Dunn's face, but still did not respond. The acting head coach of the team was lying on the ground like a wax figure, with his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide, as if he had seen something very surprised.

The blue sky, white clouds like cotton candy, faces with different skin colors and different expressions, and the noisy environment are all familiar, but so strange, as if they are thousands of miles away.

This...what the **** is going on? !

The referee motioned to the team doctor to watch and deal with it. He could not stop the game endlessly because of an off-court injury. He blew the whistle to get the players back on the court, and the game will continue, even though the Forest players have no intention of fighting.

"But he may even have his life in danger!" Fleming was angry at the referee's indifference. He pointed to Dunn who was still lying on the ground and shouted at the referee.

"Then you call the ambulance, I'm just the referee!" The referee went back without showing any weakness, "Moreover, he doesn't seem to be as dangerous as you said." He pointed to Fleming's back and ran away. Back to the court.

Fleming turned and went back to see Dunn slowly standing up after touching the back of his head, and he quickly went up to support him. "How do you feel, Tony?"

Dunn asked blankly: "Where is this?"

Fleming turned around and cursed an swear word, which has been really unlucky these days. "Des, Des, come here!" He beckoned a blond man on the coach's bench to come over.

The man named "Des" ran over. "How is Tony?" he asked in a low voice.

"It's terrible. He even asked me where this is?"

Des' reaction was exactly the same as Fleming just now, he also turned his head and cursed an swear word.

"I suspect that this was the result of a blow to the back of his head when he fell to the ground just now."

"Is it bad, Gary?" Des bit his lip, his face serious.

"I don't know, maybe good, maybe bad." Fleming shook his head.

"what does that mean?"

"In a good situation, he has only a short memory loss, and it will be relieved after a rest. In a bad situation...Do you still need me to say?"

Des waved his hand to signal that he understood. "Then what do you do now? Send him to the hospital? But now the game is still going on, and we are behind, we need him to direct the game..." He turned to look at Tony Dunn next to him, but he was surprised He found that Dunn was slowly moving to the player channel alone.

"Hey!" Des hurriedly dropped Fleming, ran forward and grabbed his colleague. "Tony, where are you going?" In the noisy environment, Desi's claws and teeth actually had the effect of "whispering".

Dunn looked back at Des blankly. This look made Des's heart cold. Now the golden light of the setting sun above their heads was brilliant, but he could not see any brilliance flowing in the pair of eyes.

"Tony, where are you going?" Des repeated.

"I...I don't know, maybe...I'm going home..." Dunn murmured, still trying to free Desi's hand.

Fleming also ran over from the side: "Tony, you can't go home now. We are playing, you are the head coach, you have to direct the team!"

The pull of the three men at the passageway attracted the attention of the two teams' benches and the stands. Even the players on the field would glance at here from time to time.

Dunn suddenly laughed: "Am I a coach?" This is ridiculous, how can I be a coach... Although I am a fan and often play football manager games, how can I be a coach? This must be a dream, or a **** nightmare! "Ok...well, you are..." he looked at Dess and said.

Fleming said like the two who introduced the first meeting: "He is Des, Des Walker. The former England international, the central defender, only retired from the team last season. Now he is your colleague and your assistant."

Dunn nodded, and then said to Dess, "Okay, now you are directing the game for me, and I'm going to rest." After speaking, he broke Dess's hand away and no longer ignored the huge boos and two behind him. The dumbfounded person walked into the passage.

Fleming looked at Dunn's back, then at Des Walker.

Walker sighed heavily, turned and walked back. "This game can't be played!"

Dunn sat in the passage with his back against the wall, looking at the surrounding environment blankly. On the white wall opposite him is a huge sign. Below the big red "mushroom" are three wavy curves, and below it is an English word: Forest.

Where am I? What is going on? I didn't **** drink a little too much, then I had a fight with two rascals and was attacked. Then... how did I come here? Look at the people with high noses and blue eyes who are talking bird language, am I dreaming? Still watching a movie?

Dunn touched the back of his head, there was still a faint pain.

What a mess, attack Lao Tzu, beat Lao Tzu behind!

He grinned and cursed.

He is a fan, he likes to drink a little wine, watch games in crowded places, such as bars... During the recent period, his favorite team has been unbeatable and even loses. He was in a bad mood. He was agitated by two opposing fans. After drinking and anger, the two sides moved on. He was one against two and he was not afraid. Reluctantly, the other party played yin, one attracted his attention in front, and the other sneaked around behind him and gave him a sap.

Then he opened his eyes and found that he was in a noisy environment, and then he was knocked to the ground by a black man. Others were saying things he couldn't understand—he could understand every word and every word they said, but he couldn't understand their meaning. He felt that his brain seemed to be torn apart, split into two parts, one part was familiar with this environment, the other part was at a loss and panic.

"What's my name?" He muttered to himself, but suddenly he covered his mouth. It wasn't until this time that he realized that he had been speaking in bird language-English.

"Guri, how did this happen?" This time it came out and became his native dialect again.

Dunn was going crazy, he found that there seemed to be two completely different thoughts in his mind. For a while, let him believe that he was an Englishman named "Tony`Twain" (Tony`Twain), and then he thought he was a Chinese Sichuanese named "Tang`En" (Tang`En).

He slammed into the wall and finally calmed down his hot mind a little. He closed his eyes and searched carefully. Then he found that he was in the stadium, City`Ground. At this time, the game outside was an ordinary English Premier League game, with Nottingham Forest (Nottingham`Forest) being coached by him against Walsall (Walsall).

Dunn, who finally understood where he was, stayed again. This was so incredible that his brain stopped responding after being overloaded. He slumped in the player tunnel, opposite the Nottingham Forest team emblem, and there was a huge boo outside. And all this seems to have nothing to do with him.

"...The above is the scene that happened at the City Stadium this afternoon. The forest team's acting head coach Tony Dunn stood on the sidelines and was knocked down by his players, and then seemed to fall into a brief coma. When he got up again, he walked straight. Entered the player channel. Des Walker directed the rest of the game on his behalf and attended the press conference. But at the press conference, Coach Walker refused to disclose all information about Coach Tony Dunn."

Where is Dunn at this time?

He is competing with the mirror in his home.

Compared with the bright lights and laughter of the neighbors around, Coach Tony Dunn’s house looks like a ghost castle. At eight o'clock in the evening, it was still dark and no lights were on. With the faint light of the street lamp outside, Dunn stood in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. A middle-aged ghost with a tall nose, deep eye sockets, blue eyes and slightly curly brown hair.

In fact, Tang En from Sichuan, China is only 26 years old. At this moment, the person in the mirror even has head-up lines! Thirty-four years old! This is the age of Tony Dunn. Before that, Dunn had been forced to accept another fact: It was not 2007 when he was fighting with others, but 2003, January 1, 2003. The price for him to accept this fact was the New Year's calendar which was torn to pieces with the family portrait of the Nottingham Forest team in the 02-03 season.

He not only leaned over an Englishman inexplicably, but also traveled forward for four years and three months!

Although he never thought he was handsome, he could attract the favor of many women. But anyhow, he looked at that face for twenty-six years and didn't feel bored. Now suddenly he was about to accept another self and another face, he just felt irritated.

"Who is this dog?!" He snarled at the mirror, and then smashed the mirror with a punch. The self in the mirror suddenly became countless. The fragments fell to the ground and made a smashing sound, and countless faces looked at Dun En as if they were laughing at him.

Dunn felt a little dizzy, and he took a step back, leaning against the smooth wall and gasping for breath.

Why is it yourself?

Dunn, who had stayed quietly in the dark for a few minutes, gradually calmed down, and he decided not to think about such complicated issues. He has a habit in China. Whenever something goes wrong, he will find a place to drink. There are CD bars everywhere, maybe I can find a *** or something by the way. He habitually treats Nottingham as a CD in his heart and decides to go out and find a bar to spend some time with him. He doesn't care what he is now.

Glancing at the hazy sky outside, he put on a thick windbreaker and walked out the door.

"In his home game, I lost to the underdog Walsall 0:3. The Forest team has really been unfavorable lately. Paul Hart, who was placed in high hopes, did not bring good results to the team. He gave the ball after the previous round. Team chairman Nigel`Doughty submitted an application for resignation and was quickly approved. Today is their acting coach Tony Dunn coaching the first team for the first time, but he did not expect to be on the sidelines. Bumped. Let's take another look at the video. He seems to be shocked and forgot to dodge..."

Today’s sports news is being broadcast on a TV fixed on the overhead, and the focus is naturally on what happened on the sidelines of the Nottingham Forest game.

There was a boo in the noisy bar.

"I've never seen such a shameful head coach!" A drunk man raised his **** to the TV. "That Tony Dunn, I know him! The little boy who used to be Paul Hart's assistant in the youth team. To be honest, I don't have a very good impression of him, taciturn, and look timid. Could it be that Do you expect such a coward to lead the Forest team out of the predicament? Nigel, the old guy, has lost his previous ambitions, and now the Forest team is over! It's over, it's over..." He muttered and lay on the table next to him. Full of empty wine bottles skewed.

When the drunk had just finished the long talk, Dunn just pushed in. The sound of the door attracted the attention of most people who were drinking and chatting in the bar. Everyone turned their eyes to the door. When they saw who came in, they were first surprised, and then there was a playful smile on their faces.

"Hey, look!" A typical British middle-aged man stood up holding his glass and shouted, "Our coach Tony Dunn is here!"

"Woohoo!" the people in the bar booed "welcome".

"Cheers to his beautiful defense against Johnson's breakthrough off the court!" The middle-aged man raised the glass in his hand, and the people around immediately followed and raised the glass in his hand. "Cheers!!"

Another obviously drunk man stood up slantingly, walked in front of Dunn, held a beer bottle in his hand, reached his mouth, and asked with a hiccup: "Coach Tony Dunn, that was the first time. Beautiful defense, but obviously neither the referee nor the public opinion... don't think so... uh! How do you, how do you see?"

After asking, he turned his head and laughed at the other people in this bar.

Dunn didn't want to cause trouble, he was here to drink to ease his sorrow. So he pushed away the bottle in front of him with a sullen face. Then he walked straight to the bar and said to the bartender inside: "Please bring a bottle..." He habitually wanted to say a bottle of "Xiao Er"-Xiaoping Erguotou. Although he is from Sichuan, he went to university in the north. , I have been in love with this strong alcohol since then-but he found that he could not speak "Little Er" in English, and more importantly, he quickly realized that it was in the UK, not in China. He bowed his head and murmured a curse, then changed his words: "Here is the strongest wine."

The others who had been observing him all yelled loudly when he said he wanted the strongest wine.

"Yo! Tony the coward drinks alcohol too?!"

"We have milk that we just squeezed out. Would you like to taste it? I still think milk is more suitable for you, Tony!" A fat man squeezed his drooping chest with both hands and screamed, while the person next to him was lying on the table with a smile on.

The young bartender was at a loss in the face of these excited customers. He wanted to get the wine but was stopped by the alcoholics: "Get him juice! Juice!"

"No, it's still milk, we have the freshest milk juice!"

"Ah ha ha!"

The owner of this bar was disturbed by the noise outside. He came down from the upper floor and stood at the top of the stairs. He saw that almost all the guests who had not fallen asleep on the table were gathered in front of the bar. Among them was sitting a will The man wrapped in a black trench coat was laughed at by the drunks.

"Guys, what's the matter?" His loud voice suddenly silenced the tavern. When the arrogant alcoholics just saw the people standing behind them, they all became quiet.

Dunn found it strange, who could make this group of people honest with just one sentence? He turned his head slightly, and saw a person coming out from the shadow of the stairs.

The young bartender quickly pointed to Dunn and said to the man: "Boss, he wants a strong drink."

The visitor was a little surprised after seeing who was sitting, but he still said, "Give it to him."

"But... but they won't let..." The bartender looked at the drunkards who had returned to their seats with embarrassment.

The man looked around the bar, but anyone who was caught by his sight lowered their heads, either pretending to be asleep or drinking vigorously. Dunn became more and more interested in the capable middle-aged man in front of him.

"I don't think anyone has any objections. Pour him a glass of Scotch, and I will treat him." The bar owner turned to ask Dunn, "Single or double? Add ice and water?"

Dunn was surprised and asked: "Add rock?" (In the bar, "Add ice", they don't say "With`ice" but "With`rock")

The drunkards laughed from the crowd.

The bar owner laughed too. "I forgot who you are..." He poured half a glass of golden whiskey into the glass, and then added half a glass of water. Then handed it to Dunn: "This is the wine from my hometown."

Dunn took a sip and coughed immediately. He rarely drank foreign wine. What's more, this pure Scotch whisky also has a strong coke flavor.

There was a burst of gleeful laughter in the bar.

"The Tony Dunn I know never drank, and he lived like a true traditional Puritan. And he wouldn't look at me like this, don't you know who I am?" The man stared at me. Dunn looked, Dunn found that he seemed to be seen through everything by this man. He had to find a way to hide himself.

"Uh...I," Tang En lowered his head and took another sip. This time he didn't dare to let the wine stay in his throat for another second, and swallowed it directly. The uncomfortable feeling was lightened. "I fell on the side of the court this afternoon..."

There was another burst of laughter.

The man touched the back of his head to express understanding.

Someone next to him helped Dunn to clear the siege, and a voice shouted: "It seems that our coach Tony has really broken his head! The person sitting next to you is the pride of Nottingham Forest and the hero of the two European Championships. , Mr. Kenny Burns (Kenny`Burns), winner of the 1978 Stanley Matthews Award! He is a hundred times stronger than your idiot! Stupid! You are a idiot!"

Although Dunn thanked this person for introducing him to the big man in front of him, and it was very detailed, it did not mean that he had to accept this insult. When a person first arrives in an unfamiliar environment, he is easily nervous and restless, and there will be a lot of nameless fire in his heart. And this kind of nameless fire has accumulated since he lost a big face on the court today. When he entered the bar, those people insulted him. He endured it, but it didn't mean he could continue to endure it. What's more, he himself is not a good stubborn. When he was in China, he was a grumpy, irritable and impulsive "angry young man", otherwise he would not go through a fight with others...

The people behind him laughed loudly, yelling "stupid donkey stupid donkey", but the object of his mocking snapped back and poured out the only half glass of wine in his hand. The golden Scotch whisky gleamed brilliantly under the light, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then shot it precisely on the hapless face—precise and beautiful like David Beckham’s right foot Free kick.

The unlucky guy who was splashed with wine just wiped the wine off his face and opened his mouth to curse: "You **** bastard..."

"Bang!" His **** was smashed back by a thick wine glass, and Tang En quickly rushed to the opponent with the wine glass in an unexpected way. He has tolerated this tone too much. He came to this place inexplicably, and walked forward inexplicably for four and a half years, and was inexplicably mocked and insulted... He wanted to find someone to vent now, whether he knocked down others or Someone knocked him down.

The two slammed into the table behind, and the empty wine bottle fell down and broke to the ground with a crisp sound.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Tony Dunn, who was just like a coward, would suddenly explode.

The first person who reacted was the bar owner Kenny Burns. He pushed a fat man standing next to the bar and shouted, "What are you doing standing stupid? Pull them away!"

This sound awakened everyone, and everyone swarmed up, pulling away the two people who had been entangled together. In addition to the terrible conditions on the ground, blood was oozing out of the forehead of the person who was beaten, and a red circle appeared there, which was the mark on the mouth of the cup. In addition, he received a punch on his left cheek, as red as if he was drunk.

As for Dunn, there was nothing but messing up his hair and clothes. He seemed to have vented his anger when he was pulled up. He did not want to rush to chase after him. He straightened his clothes and hair, and then snorted at the hapless guy who was being held up by his companions: "I don't care who you are Don't mess with me."

Then he turned to Burns and said, "I'm sorry for making a mess of you here. It's too **** today..." He was annoyed when he thought of being crossed, "Someday...I will personally apologize and compensate. Don’t worry, too."

Then, without waiting for any sign from the bar owner, he turned and walked towards the door. When he passed by the fat man, he sneered: "You should save your milk for yourself, fat pig."

Everyone watched him push the door, but no one thought of stopping him, so they just watched him leave, leaving a mess.

There was silence in the bar. At this time the drunk drunkard sat up from the table, looked at the silent room and the mess, and asked in confusion, "Did I miss something?"

Dunn walked blindly and desperately, crossing one street and another, without knowing where he went until he felt tired. He sat down on a bench by the road. He had just had a fight, but he didn't feel relieved, on the contrary, he was more upset. Because he realized that he could only accept this helpless reality-he became an Englishman, and he couldn't go back.

Damn it. He looked up at the sky, and he could see nothing but the thick dark clouds. He still doesn't understand why he is that person. If all this is an arrangement of fate, is there any special reason for fate to choose himself? Or, fate also randomly draws one out of a pile of table tennis **** like a lucky draw, and which one is drawn, deserves bad luck.

I don't want to be this **** coach! I don't want to be a ghost! Let me go back, let me go back! Can Dunn shout like that? No, in Dun En's twenty-six years of life, he has never bowed his head to anyone or anything. He is like a stone in a pit-smelly and hard. So he didn’t accomplish anything. He was listed by the teacher as the most difficult student to discipline since elementary school. In the university, because he was unlikable, he didn’t have any good deeds in joining the party or staying in school. After graduation, he was always excluded from work. None of my friends...In short, it was a very failed 26 years of life.

Dunn raised his head again and looked at the dark night sky. He suddenly figured it out. Since your "past life" was quite bad, why not use this opportunity to have a different life? Although he has never been a football coach, he has watched football for more than ten years. He has played football manager games in every generation. Knowing the nature of the work of some coaches, isn't this a good opportunity to challenge?

He stopped thinking about why God chose him as such a boring question. He just needs to think about how to be more like a real professional coach. Although this will be difficult, it is worth trying.

"Hey, buddy. You broke into my home without my permission, I will call the police if you don't leave dozens of times!" An old voice suddenly sounded nearby. "Ten, nine, eight..."

Dunn looked blankly at the old man standing opposite, holding many newspapers in his arms, and holding a half-bitten hamburger in his hand.

"This... is your home?" He pointed to the bench under his hip.

"of course."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Dunn got up from the chair, and the other party immediately sat down, and then lay down. Cover yourself with the newspapers in your arms and press them firmly between the back of the chair and your body.

Looking at the contented beggar eating the burger and lying in the "newspaper den", Dunn even thanked God for not allowing himself to be "possessed" on him. Fate is not bad for him.

A taxi dropped off in front of him, he walked up quickly, and got in. Dunn looked at the beggar lying in the cold wind enjoying the "dinner" for the last time in the car, and asked the driver to take him back to the strange home.

Starting today, a whole new world is slowly unfolding in front of Dunn's eyes.

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