Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 751: Volume 6 Crimson leaves the life of foot

After training, Van Nistelrooy took a shower in the locker room and did not go to the parking lot. There may be fans waiting for his signature. He walked straight out of the head coach's office and knocked on the door.

After training, the players can take a shower and change clothes and go home, but the coaches often have to get together, summarize today’s training report and give it to Dunn, so that he, the head coach, can master the team at the first time Case.

Now Dunn was looking at these reports. He heard a knock on the door and thought it was Tang. He didn't look up, just said: "The door is open, you just come in."

Van Nistelrooy pushed the door in and called out, "Boss."

Dunn looked up and found Van Nistelrooy, he was a little surprised: "What's the matter, Luther?"

Van Nistelrooy nodded, "Well. I thought about one thing for a long time. I think it's better to tell you, boss."

Dunn put down the training report in his hand and listened in a respectful manner.

"My contract with the club will not expire until June 30, 2012?"

Dunn nodded: "Yes. If your performance is stable, I plan to renew your contract for another year..."

Van Nistelrooy shook his head: "No, boss. I decided to retire after this season."

Dunn could feel his body jump while sitting on the chair. He thought he had misheard: "What did you say?"

"I mean I will retire after playing this season, boss." Van Nistelrooy had to repeat it again.

Dunn wanted to ask again loudly. This time it was definitely not because he thought he had heard it wrong, but an impulse caused by... a mixture of disappointment, anger, and surprise.

But after he got up, he abandoned the idea.

"Today is not April Fools' Day, Luther." He smiled, grudgingly.

"I'm not kidding, boss."

"Your body is recovering very well, I can't think of any reason for you to announce your retirement in advance."

"It's just looking good on the surface, Boss. And retiring at thirty-five is not early."

"If your injury has not healed, I can continue to let you heal your injury, I'm not in a hurry, you don't have to worry..."

Van Nistelrooy laughed: "I'm worried about this, boss. I'm a professional player, not on the bench, on the stands, on the injury list, not playing a game and still getting paid. People. I was absent for a whole season and a half. If I continue to be absent, I might as well announce my retirement now."

"Hey, Luther." Dunn's tone became a little harsher, "It made you miss the game for more than a season before, just hope you can play longer in the future."

"Boss, why does a 34-year-old forward want to play longer?"

Van Nistelrooy’s rhetorical question stopped Dunn.

Yes, thirty-four years old. Basically, one season is one season, and he may suffer injuries or retire at any time. Why does he want Ruud van Nistelrooy to be thirty-six or thirty-seven?

"Hey, Luther. If I say I don't want you to retire, I want you to keep playing, do you believe it?"

Van Nistelrooy smiled and didn't answer, obviously he didn't believe it. This is not like a head coach can say.

Dunn also laughed, treating this as a joke.

"I think your experience can help the team."

Van Nistelrooy believed this explanation, but he shook his head: "I am not the only one with experience. Gypsies are very good. Before I move to the Forest, I just want to prove to Ferguson how much he let me go. Big mistake, but I never thought that there would be future champions... Now I don’t want to prove anything to anyone anymore. I took everything I should take. My career was perfect. To be honest, boss …I don’t have the motivation to continue playing. And you hate people who have no motivation to play, right?"

Van Nistelrooy stood in front of Tony Dunn, laughing lazily in the afternoon sun.

Dunn opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

"I don't need to use honor to spur myself anymore. If I continue to stay in the forest team without a sense of honor, I think it is unwise. It is better to retire and give the opportunity and position to younger people."

"Did you make this decision because I bought Ibisevic?"

"No. I thought about it this way when I was still lying in a hospital bed in the US. Don't you think this is a way to help the club reduce its financial burden?" He laughed.

Dunn couldn't laugh, he looked at Van Nistelrooy with a stern face.

"In short, I decided, Boss. I will not play another season. I want to spend more time with my family in the future. Boss, you are also married, you can understand my feelings Right? Playing football or doing anything is to make money, and no matter how much money is made, it is just to have time with my family. I think I have now reached this final stage."

Van Nistelrooy always had a smile on his face.

Dunn knew he couldn't talk about the Dutchman. Retirement is one of the most important decisions in the life of a professional player. If he can say this, it means that he has been thinking about it for a long time. This consideration will not be easily influenced by others.

He sighed, a little depressed.

"I think I am a failure, Luther. Whether it's you, Demi, or David... I have persuaded you to change your mind, but I have never succeeded. You never let me do what I want... "

Van Nistelrooy smiled and didn't take Dunn's words. He knew that Dunn had actually agreed to it in his heart, but this very strong person didn't want to accept it happily.

"Can I ask what you plan to do after retirement?"

"Go home, go home in Holland, with my wife and children."

When Dunn heard him say this, he suddenly felt like a "landlord". He smiled and said, "When the weather is good, just lie down and bask in the sun?"

"Maybe to plant flowers, teach children to play football, go shopping with his wife, travel around..." Van Nistelrooy also laughed. The retired life is very attractive to him. He can finally no longer have to think about training every day, about the game, about how to stay in shape, about fighting with others in ninety minutes... The record for the most goals scored by active players in the Premier League and the history of the Champions League The shooter with the second most balls, these auras will be far away from him, but he doesn't care.

"It's an enviable life..."

Dunn sighed, put away the report on the table, and walked to Van Nistelrooy: "Let's go, go home."


Watching Van Nistelrooy drive the car out of Vilford's door, Dunn was still leaning against the front of the Mercedes-Benz Jeep that Shania gave him. The weather today is good, the Nottingham area is sunny, although it is a bit hot, it is better than rainy days all day long.

He suddenly wanted to bask in the blazing sun.

He never thought about how he would live when he left football. The first thing I open my eyes every day is not to consider the content of the training and the opponent in the next round of competition. Most of the day I just sit in the sun, sunbathe and play with my children, and it is night.

He felt that such a day would not come until he was very old.

The phone in my pocket rang.

"Hey, Uncle Tony!" Shania's voice jumped out impatiently when Dunn just got on the phone.

"Ha, Shania."

"Is it two exercises a day today?"

"Uh, no. What's wrong?"

"I'll wait for you to wait until lunch will be cold!" Shania was very angry.

Dunn raised his wrist to look at his watch and found that it was a little too much...

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Shania! I'll take care of something here, I'll forget it, I'll come out immediately..." Dunn hurriedly drilled the door while holding the phone.

Van Nistelrooy is right, he is also a family person, and he can appreciate the feeling of wanting to be with his family.

"I'm dead, Shania. I promise..."

Shania interrupted him: "Drive slowly, don't rush to be careful of the accident. I'm just a little worried, see if you haven't come back. It's fine now, it's nothing, you drive slowly."

Dunn opened his mouth but said nothing.

"See you in a while, Uncle Tony." Shania's mood obviously improved. She kissed on the phone, and then hung up.

Dunn was still holding his mobile phone, maintaining the posture he had just got in the car.

——Why are you playing football?

——In order to make money.

-Why is it making money?

——In order to have time with family.

——But I don’t have time to spend time with my family in order to make money.


Players can choose to retire at the age of 34 or 5, and they still have their beloved for most of their lives. Where's the head coach? Ferguson is 70 years old and still in the position of Manchester United manager...

When the former Liverpool coach Hollier was busiest, he only went home twice a year, once for his wife's birthday and once for Christmas. He stayed in the hotel all the other time, with the team.

The head coach of the England team is the highest-paid coaching position in the world, and it is also a "fresh and sweet" in the eyes of many people, but in fact many head coaches in England keep this position away. In addition to the pressure beyond the imagination of ordinary people, it is the fact that being an England head coach is more busy than a club head coach-an England national team head coach can be as busy as a head of state. Being a club head coach will have some time of his own every day, as long as this person is good at using and distributing it reasonably. But to be the head coach of England, you must stick to your post 24 hours a day.

Dunn thought he was lucky. He had helpers like Tang and Chris Luck to help him solve specific problems, so he could share the world of two with Shania. If he is the head coach who must be hands-on in everything, I am afraid that he won't even have time to talk about love with Shania. But despite this, when he gets busy, Shania will retreat to an inconspicuous little corner of his life. He knew he had left Shania in the cold at times. Especially when he is leading a team to play away games, or double games in a week, in order to facilitate the management of the team, facilitate the study of tactics with colleagues, and facilitate work, he lives in a hotel. Even if he is in Nottingham.

It would be nice if Shania was also busy in the field, if Shania returned to Nottingham, there was only a **** and deserted house waiting for her.

At these times he will be full of guilt, but only guilt. It is impossible for him to leave his job to accompany his wife, or even make more calls. The players only need to consider the things on the training ground and the game field. The head coach needs to consider ten times this. As long as he is free, Dunn’s brain is always thinking about things like this, like a perpetual motion machine. Will stop working.

Sometimes even with Shania, he would show his absent-mindedness. For this, Shania was not less angry with him.

There is no such thing as a red face in married life. Shania and Tony were originally the kind of people with strong personalities. But every time he quarreled, it was Tang En letting Shania. As long as Shania got angry, he would immediately soften. Anyway, he could harden up on the bed...just like the phone call.

Because he knew that Shania was actually a very sensible girl, and she was upset because he didn't care enough about her in normal times-his mind was always in football, which has been the case since they first met. Before, when the relationship was unclear, Shania was jealous and ate her secretly, but now she ate it honestly.

Of course, he can't leave the job, so he can only take the initiative to admit her mistakes and accept it every time Shania is unhappy. What's the big deal for a man who can bend and stretch!

Van Nistelrooy’s reason to retire touched him today, and he really wants to live like that. No need to think about anything, no worries, just being with my family, even in the summer sun, I feel quite satisfied.

He began to think seriously-when would he choose to retire?


Shania waited for Tang En back at home, she was about to turn around and put the cold food into the microwave to heat it up. But he was hugged by Dunn from behind.

"Hey, Uncle Tony?" Shania could feel Dunn's nose rubbing against the back of her neck, and she was a little surprised at Dunn's sudden intimacy.

"Do you have any arrangements for this afternoon?" Dunn asked, burying his face on Shania's shoulder.

"I do not have."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Uncle Tony, what's wrong with you? I'm not angry about what happened just now..." Shania struggled lightly, and she found that Dunn's arms became more and more hard.

"Luther is about to retire, I persuaded him to stay but it was unsuccessful. He said he would spend more time with his family. I suddenly envied him..." Dunn just lay behind Shania , Sniffing her hair, murmured.

"Where do you want to go down?" he asked again.

Shania let him lie on her shoulder and said, "I don't want to go anywhere."

Dunn rolled his eyes in the back: "I still said he was not angry."

"If you hold me again and don't let me heat up the food, I will be really angry!"

Dunn quickly released his hands, but he sniffed with some nostalgia. "There is a Chinese idiom called'beautiful meal,' which means that seeing a beautiful woman makes people forget about hunger... Actually I am not hungry.

"Gynophagia?" Shania frowned.

Dunn was shocked.

This word can also be literally translated as "Xiu Se Ke Dian" in English, but what it represents is completely different from the Chinese idiom "Xiu Se Ke Dian".

The Chinese idiom says "beautiful and delicious" is generally used to praise women or beautiful scenery. But in English the word "Gynophagia" literally means-"eating woman", which is not romantic at all, it means eating naked. This is a kind of fetish, and the sexual fantasies it triggers often contain fantasies of violence and rape.

"Ah! Uncle Tony, you are so perverted!" Shania shouted.

"Nonsense! I'm talking about ‘xiusekecan’ in Eastern culture, not ‘Gynophagia’! They have two meanings!” Dunn quickly defended. Even if he is married, he sometimes has unstoppable sexual fantasies about Shania, but in all fantasies he has never imagined that he would cut off Shania's head and then dismember her for cooking... ...That's disgusting!

Shania looked at Uncle Tony, whose face had changed, but smirked: "Uncle Big Bad Wolf is hungry again." She put the food aside and began to unbutton her shirt.

Halfway through the solution, Dun En could already see the attractively round chest behind a thin shirt, the sunlight coming in from the window behind it, reflecting the inside hazy. It seems that two jelly cakes covered with a layer of cream will sway from side to side with the touch... Shania didn't wear a bra today.

He squirmed his Adam's apple unconsciously.

Shania smiled happily when she saw him like this. She put down her hand, just like walking a catwalk on a catwalk, walking towards Dunn who was standing at the door of the kitchen. There is a **** temptation prank smile on his face.

When she walked in front of Dun En, she gently eased the neck of the host Don En with her arms and moved her face up. There was a layer of water vapor in his eyes, the air was blowing like blue, and the sound was like honey sprinkled on the butter cake, sweet and greasy.

"How does the hungry Uncle Big Bad Wolf want to eat me?"

When Dun En buried his face, the last three sober thoughts in his mind were:

It's noon... this kind of life is too licentious!

But if I want to retire now, there will be many afternoons like this...

God! It's delicious... (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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