Godly Alchemist

Chapter 45: Unexpected person

In the past two days, Rennes hasn't cultivated anymore, and has been adjusting his state in order to cope with the coming crisis. At the same time organizing the equipment, when the assembly day, Rennes took everything he needed and set off.

At this point, two people had arrived at the airship ferry. One was a man with short hair and a skinny face, wearing a black magic robe. This person was just another person who was a little fat trainee. The tenth-rank apprentice warlock of the spell school, nicknamed 'Bone Demon', is also the genius of the upper rank of the apprentice warlock. Cultivation is a kind of undead magic that is rare in a spell school, and has a more sinister character, so it can easily be bought through. Such things as killing fellow students in this school are not less done.

The other was a female apprentice wearing a white robe, with a pure and beautiful face and a sacred atmosphere. It was Eileen of the Holy Light Academy. Now she is an eighth level apprentice warrior, and her holy light skills are even more pure. On the right wrist, there is a string of milky bracelet angel guardian, exuding a faint light, as if integrated with her.

At this time, the angel guardian is different from the original one, and has more spirituality. Irene's family, as an ancient family of holy light, has always worshipped the God of Light. It is said that the ancestor of her family was a child left by an outland angel in this world. Their family can be said to have the blood of an angel. The thinner it has been, no one has ever shown it. Until Ren appeared, and gave it to her angel guardian, she always carried it because of the mutual attraction of the same attribute.

Until last month, while the magic was improving, the angel's blood was inspired by the power of the angel's guardian. At first, only a drop of angel's blood was condensed. As time passed, the angel's blood gradually assimilated the original ordinary blood. It has all become the blood of an angel, but it is still relatively thin. However, Angel Guardian can also be activated. At this time, Irene only discovered the preciousness of Angel Guardian. It really contains the power of angels, and the legend made of Aura Stone and Angel Feather is also true.

For ordinary girls, the angel guardian is just an ordinary magic jewelry, but for her with the blood of angels, this is the treasure. Erin also thought about returning Angel Guardian to Rennes, but she couldn't bear it. Angel Guardian was too important to her, and finally didn't think about what to do.

The two were waiting for the third person to take on the task. I saw a man wearing a black cape. This cape was not in the style of the Imperial College uniform. Take a closer look. A black pan was also carried on the back and the hat was covered. The head could not see the face under the hat, and the figure was not a burly person.

As soon as I approached the ferry, Ren saw Erin. At the time, Ren had a weak leg. At the Imperial College, he was most afraid to see Irene. Although he apologized, he did what he did at the time. I feel wrong. How is she Did she have one of the three who teamed today? Am I going back now? No, the college has to punish me if the task is no longer available.

No way, just bite the bullet. Rain lowered his head and walked over to Irene. Erin looked a little familiar when he saw the black robe man coming, but she didn't know who it was.

Rennes finally stepped forward to Irene and embarrassedly said to Erin: "That ... Erin, it's a coincidence. You are here too."

When I heard Rennes' voice, Erin was shocked. When she really faced Rennes, the anger in her heart surged up again. At this time, she would not think anymore. There were pictures in her mind at the time. His flesh, Eileen suddenly frosted. "Rogue, I want to kill you."

The bone demon thought to one side, this little beauty looks like a stranger, but it doesn't look like this now. Obviously there is a story with this boy in a black robe. But it doesn't matter, this kid will surely die this time, and this little beauty will belong to me ... hehe.

Erin raised her arm and chopped to Ren. A white light of more than one meter was formed in front of Erin's arm. As Erin's arm cut down, this was a secondary skill light. Swordplay, the rare melee attack skill of the light department, the attack power is naturally very strong. Irene regretted it at the moment he shot. Lightsaber is more powerful than a metal sword. Although he was like that, he couldn't really kill him. Irene was a kind-hearted girl.

I ca n’t stop it anymore. Irene watched the lightsaber smash into Ren's body. With a bang, Ren was hacked and flew out. Irene felt relieved because of Ray. Eun was not split in half. Rennes was also startled. Before he could react, he was split by a lightsaber, but the black cape absorbed the lightsaber's light attack power. Only some physical forces acted on Rennes. The only remaining This physical force is not harmful to Rennes.

Rennes pretended to be very difficult to get up, and Irene saw that Rennes had been split by herself, and it took more than half a year, and most of her anger was gone. Although he was worried that Rennes would be seriously injured, he could not pull his face to look at Rennes. Seeing Ren came by himself, it seemed that the injury was not too serious, so he no longer looked at Ren, as if the lightsaber just now had nothing to do with her.

When Rennes saw that Irene no longer cares about herself, she let go, at least it showed that she was not so angry. Busy walked over and Erin set almost "Iren, do you like the bracelet? I have chosen it for a long time. The temperament is too similar to you, but also has a faint scent ..."

Erin, who had been calmer, heard what Ren said, and stomped straight. "Shut up, hooligan, who likes your bracelet, here you are."

Said that Irene was about to take off the guardian of the angel, Rain had already seen the bracelet worn on Irene's hand, and guessed that she must like the guardian of the angel very much, knowing that she would be very reluctant to take it off now.

In order not to make Erin embarrassed, she said to her, "You have been wearing it for so long. I don't need it anymore. If you want to pay it back, give me something."

"Huh! I'll pay you back when I have the right thing." Irene wouldn't say anything when she saw that, but she also thanked Ren a little bit in her heart, knowing that this was deliberately giving herself steps, and she needed too much. This angel is guarded, but it means something different to others. At the same time, I also know the preciousness of this angel's guardian, so I didn't say how much spar to Rennes, which is absolutely impossible to buy.

"Have you got enough trouble here, we have to hurry up, you don't want to do the task, don't involve me." Bone Devil has treated them as little lovers in conflict.