Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 1123: Fish soup

Bai Hao nodded to Sha Yuan, and Sha Yuan replied: "The deal!"

Things were so happy to decide, Aru invited them to have lunch together. Their lunch is very simple, it is clear water and grilled fish.

The three of them have already eaten enough of the dried and dried things. They all want to vomit and have no appetite.

In the corner of the Aru family, there was a wok in the corner of the house, a wok that had been rusted.

She borrowed the iron pan from Aru, brushed it, burned a pot of water in the wok, and threw the wild vegetables from the surrounding grass into the pot to cook a pot of fish soup.

Unfortunately, in addition to salt, there is no other seasoning, otherwise such a pot of fish soup, the taste can be more delicious.

The fresh flavor of the fish soup attracted many people. They all came to the Aru family with their bowls. The white pheasant only drank half a bowl, and the blink of an eye was gone. . .

After a while, those who had fished soup sent their own fish to the front of the white pheasant, and some women took the wild vegetables that had just been eaten in the soup, looking at her with a look of hope.

Aru Chaobai said: "They want to learn how to make fish soup and ask if you can teach them."

It’s hard to do this. She didn’t have enough to cook it.

Stand the pot, boil water, and cut the material in one go.

Boiled fish soup is the simplest dish. Fortunately, she just made fish soup. If it is a Buddha jumping wall, she is afraid that she will not leave this island in this life.

These women's learning ability is much worse than she imagined. With this fish soup, I have learned a whole day and many people have not learned. . .

In the night, Shayuan and Bailu lived in a ruined wooden house. The owner of this wooden house did not return after going out to sea. His wife followed other people, and the house was abandoned, just enough for the three of them.

The island is hot, although it is a room with four sides leaking, it will not feel cold.

Sha Yuandao: "You sleep inside, I sleep outside, I want to put the box, Aru, although I have no intention to plunder, but it is difficult to guarantee that there will be some people on the island."

Bai Hao nodded, let Xiaoqing put the box to sleep, and saw the tall figure of Shayuan lying on the door, a lot of peace of mind.

Xu was very tired. After a while, she fell asleep and dreamed. She dreamed that she and Xiaoqing had returned to Chu, and the Chu State at that time had changed greatly.

Chu Yu became an emperor, and married another woman to be a queen, no longer remember who she is.

Suddenly she woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a dark shadow appearing outside the wooden house.

The sand sinking in the sand, did not realize that someone approached, the tall figure, the leg lifted across the sand plain, and the body bent into the room.

Bai Hao pushed the little green.

Xiaoqing is a man of martial arts. The body reacted very quickly. When he blinked, he bounced and angered: "Who?"

Xiaoqing’s voice woke up to Shayuan who was sleeping in the doorway.

The man’s eyes were always staring at the box in the corner, and when he saw the whereabouts, he simply rushed to capture the box regardless of the three seven twenty-one.

Xiaoqing’s eyes were fast, and he first grabbed the box in his hand.

The man was very angry and waved his fist to Xiaoqing.

Shahara rushed up and slammed into the man with his own body.

The man’s fist failed to smash the middle and young, and the box did not grab it. He couldn’t help but be angry. The backhand waved his fist to Shayuan.

Shayuan had no experience in fighting, and he could not have imagined that this man would react so quickly.