Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 1676: An unfamiliar Chinese medicine museum

The man’s face also glowed with joy. I really didn’t expect that there were two young girls in this eye.

After the white plaque removed the silver needle, the pale face of the boy began to improve.

If a man is too excited, he will not give it to him.

The son is not a day or two. Every time the illness is tossed for several days, there is no way for the hospital to take him. Only the old Chinese doctors who have excellent medical skills can use the silver needle to help the child relieve the pain, but it usually takes a long time. Not so short today.

If it is not just here that he is sick, he will never take his child into an unfamiliar Chinese medicine hall.

The previous annoyance has turned into a surprise.

The white cockroach collected the silver needle and glanced at the man with a faint look. He said, "Do you know what disease your son has got?" He only glanced at it, and he had a preliminary impression on the couple.

It should be a family with a very good family. They all wear famous brands. Their temperament is not like the outbreak, but low-key luxury.

The man nodded: "The hospital says it is a very rare blood disease, and they have no way."

Bai Yan raised his eyebrows, the heart of this boy is obviously not the first incidence, if the hospital did not help them, then how did the boy come over?

"So you don't know what disease he got?"

The man said: "The hospital did not say that he had any disease, but I found an old Chinese doctor. He said that my son had a very rare acid bone disease."

It is ok to describe it with acid bone disease. The whole body of the child will be soaked with a sour and weak vinegar, and the pain from the inside out until the person faints.

"You can describe his illness like acid bone disease, but in fact his illness is not called acid bone disease."

The man is confused, and it is not. Is it still?

Bai said: "He is actually poisoned. The symptoms of sour bones are symptoms of poisonous hair."

The husband and wife heard the shock: "You, what do you mean by this? What does poisoning mean?"

Bai Yan walked down at the desk of the consultation and took a pen and paper to write a prescription. While writing, he explained: "Is it literal, do you want to say it again?"

Both husband and wife face each other and their eyes are full of waves.

Their sons began to develop from a year ago, and they did not know how much suffering. They did not know how many tears they had for this child.

I thought it was ridiculous when they first wanted children, and they ate something that they shouldn't eat, which led to the child's appearance today.

It turned out not!

It turns out that the child is not sick at all, but poisoned!

They are convinced of the words of Bai Yu, how can a doctor who only let his son slow down in just a few minutes be fake?

"My son, my son, what kind of poison is it?" He is now in a mess, and he didn't want to understand the reason for this.

He only wants to know now, what kind of poison is in the child, and whether he is cured, can he let him stop suffering?

During the speech, Bai Yao’s prescription has been written. He has written many prescriptions and dosages to the man. “The poison in your son is not simple, but it is not unsolvable. You should give him medicine first. It takes a little time for Fang Zi to eat, and it takes a little time to practice the antidote. You will come back later in seven days."

In other words, the child's poison can be solved?

When the man was pleasantly surprised, he suddenly raised doubts.