Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1347: Roast on the fire

Huang Zuokai, 54 years old, once worshipped a certain Jianghu sect and was an outside disciple for a while.

But in the end, he couldn't stand the hardship of martial arts training, and it was not the same material, so he didn't hold on, and returned to Haihua City.

After coming back, thanks to the interpersonal relationship in the martial arts, many people in Haihua City received attention. Huang Zuokai also introduced the contacts of many upper-class figures and some martial arts, and both sides were quite satisfied.

Over time, Huang Zuokai became one of the core circles of interpersonal communication in Haihua City, and many people borrowed from his introduction to expand their interpersonal relationships.

Later, Huang Zuokai simply held a banquet regularly, and cleverly used various names to gather some people to get to know each other and provide a venue for exchanges between all parties. Therefore, the banquet he held could also be called the "Huang Family Banquet."

The Huang Family Banquet has developed to the present, and its influence has become greater. It can be said that although Huang Zuokai does not have much company property in Haihua City, every person with a good head and a face must praise him with a thumbs up.

Huang Zuokai is also willing to maintain such a situation. He can not only get a slice of the upper-class money, but also get out of the business relatively. Why not do it.

It's just that he, who was originally quite proud of the Huang family banquet he held, can't wait to slap him who decided to hold the banquet today a week ago.

When it’s not good to drive, why have to drive today? Isn’t it a trouble!

Today the two groups are coming menacingly.

One is from the capital, Li Ge, a mysterious background.

On the other side is the young master of the ancient family who has covered the sky in Haihua City for decades.

At this banquet tonight, Huang Zuokai did not believe that anything would happen if he was killed.

Young Master Gu was beaten!

He was beaten up in the street by the foreign brother Li, and was dragged to a demonstration!

When his hand came down to report this explosive news, Huang Zuokai could hardly believe his ears, the young master of the Gu family was beaten?

For Haihua City, this is undoubtedly a shocking news!

Everyone keenly felt that a powerful undercurrent was surging, and if one was not careful, it would destroy Haihua City to maintain the upper-class social order for decades.

Huang Zuokai wanted to cancel the banquet.

However, it was stopped by some people in Haihua City.

They learned that Li Ge would also be there, and the Gu family also made it clear that they would be there.

Therefore, some people in Haihua City are happy about this battle.

No matter who wins, it is beneficial to bystanders like them!

As a result, instead of being stopped, the banquet became more intense, and most of the upper-class families in Haihua City would send people.

Of course, important people will not appear, and only some family members who are not valued will come to observe on the spot.

"Today's banquet, how should it end?"

The sky is getting dark, just like Huang Zuokai's mood.

Only this time did he really understand what "roasting on the fire" is. Maybe this banquet will kill him!

"Now the only way is him."

Huang Zuokai stood in front of the private garden where the banquet was held tonight, watching three handsome men and beautiful women walk down from a luxury car, and said secretly.

He greeted him, with a flowery smile on his face, and smiled at the young man in the middle: "Huang Zuokai is the host of this banquet, I don't know you?"

In fact, he knew the person's name a long time ago, and he didn't need to greet guests at the door.

"My last name is Li. This is my invitation letter."

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