Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1644: Intense dispute (in)

"I have already said that before I am married, I will not hand over my body." Dugu Lingxian said: "This is the family motto of Dugu's family. I don't want to make an exception and do things that would shame my family."

"However," Dugu Lingxian added, "If you are willing, we will get married next month."


Zhang Yuanbai’s eyes were full of ecstasy, and his eyes were fixed on Dugu Lingxian. Next month, as long as the next month, he will be able to take this holy doctor fairy who is praised by everyone in the world. She is beautiful. From now on, he will only be allowed to play with him wantonly!

What Zhang Yuanbai didn't notice was that Dugu Lingxian was originally very ashamed to mention these things, but now he can say it calmly, speaking to him in a deliberative tone of these things he was ashamed of mentioning.

This shows that Dugu Lingxian has no more feelings for Zhang Yuanbai at this moment, and marrying him is only to fulfill the marriage contract of'Parent's Order, Matchmaker's Words'.

"Yes it is."

"Good! Good, Lingxian, you are so good..."

"But I also have one condition!"

Dugu Lingxian interrupted Zhang Yuanbai and said to him in an indifferent tone for the first time: "I don't ask how great my husband is, how good, or how much he loves me, but I hope he..."

Every time she said a word, Zhang Yuanbai's face became ugly. In the end, he had a dark face and sneered: "Are you trying to say that I am not as good as Li Yun? You want to be with him again?!"

"You are not as good as Li Yun!"

Dugu Lingxian said directly: "But I didn't ask you to be better than him. In fact, many people come to pursue me..."

She didn't continue, Zhang Yuanbai had already guessed it, and continued to sneer: "Dugu Lingxian, are you showing off many people chasing you? Your watch!"

He was scolded as a cousin again, but inexplicably, Dugu Lingxian's heart did not fluctuate much, she was hurt too deeply.

Dugu Lingxian sighed in her heart. She actually wanted to say that many men who were better than Zhang Yuanbai chased her, but Dugu Lingxian chose Zhang Yuanbai who was pleasing to her eyes at the request of her parents.

At that time, she didn't love Zhang Yuanbo much, but in the days that followed, with the addition of the fiancé's halo, she couldn't help but put her heart on him.

But now...

Dugu Lingxian said calmly: "Yuanbai, I only have one requirement for you. If you promise to do it, then we will get married next month!"

"Of course, you can also make demands of me." Dugu Lingxian added another sentence.

"What's the requirement?" Zhang Yuanbai asked calmly.

"Do you know the Kongming School?!"

Dugu Lingxian suddenly said a word and looked into his eyes tightly, trying to find a trace of panic.

But let her disappointed, Dugu Lingxian really saw Zhang Yuanbai for a moment, his pupils shrank slightly and his expression became unnatural.

Finding the trace of panic, Dugu Lingxian was disappointed instead.

"The Kongming faction? Of course I know that it is one of the top-notch forces in the arena, how can I know..."

"I'm not talking about this!"

Dugu Lingxian interrupted him, "I'm talking about the gods, innate medicine, golden war soldiers, etc., and one thing I heard late at night a few days ago: evil sky!"


Zhang Yuanbai was finally eclipsed with amazement. In his cognition, Dugu Lingxian was just a simple, or stupid woman, but he did not expect that Dugu Lingxian saw everything in his eyes!

And also heard about the mysterious man coming to him that night!

"...You really did it?!" Dugu Lingxian's heart tightened fiercely, and the worries over the past months finally became real.

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