Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 560: Another match

Xiao Jiayu looked a little bit sour. She believed that her beauty was no worse than that of the eldest lady, but the temperament of the eldest lady was something she couldn't match.

In addition, the eldest lady also beats her too much in terms of martial arts cultivation.

As if feeling her gaze, Murong Qingyue glanced at her and said, "Jiayu, do you want to compare it?"

This sentence has no other meaning, but simply wants to play games with Xiao Jiayu.

"Come on!"

Xiao Jiayu was also aroused to win. Before a small match, she lost with a slight disadvantage, and this time she will win back anyway!

"Hey?" Yishanshan asked quickly: "What is it to compare? Is it a game? I want to come too!"

Li Yun gave her a strange look. How did she guess it?

Naturally, Li Yun and Lu Ming would not object to the decision of the two major shareholders, and the people in the audience would not have any opinions.

I can see three beauties playing games, and two of them are the top beauties, plus Ishanshan, a pure and beautiful star, this competition will definitely be very exciting, you can use one page to report Kind!

The three projectors were quickly brought up and projected the images from the three people's tablets onto the white cloth.

Yi Shanshan excitedly said to Xiao Jiayu: "How to compare? Is it faster than anyone to pass the level?"

Li Yun and the few people who have seen Xiao Jiayu and Miss Xiao Jiayu are silently mourning for her, and they can't even think of comparing them with Miss Xiao Jiayu!

The little maid snickered her mouth, and whispered something in the ear of the lady. Xiao Jiayu smiled and said to Ishanshan: "It's the fastest clearance. You really want to compete with us? We are all very awesome!"

"I'm not afraid to lose~!"

Yi Shanshan waved her arm confidently, and said with full vigor: "It's a big deal, I'll be the bottom, so that Jiayu, you and Missy will not lose, hehehe~"

She looked upside down. Since that's the case, Xiao Jiayu stopped persuading him. Turning to the eldest lady, she said, "Playing the two barriers this time?"



Yishanshan also agreed, and the three quickly came to the beginning of the first level, and the little maid still volunteered to act as the referee.

"Three, two, one, start!"

Everyone craned their necks and watched the different competitions of these three top beauties. Unexpectedly, this small press conference had actually come up with a small competition.

"I don't know who will win, but I am optimistic about the eldest lady, she must have confidence in her suggestions for the competition!"

"Xiao Jiayu is also not bad. Both of them are shareholders. They must have done so many times!"

"Sparkling, don't lose to them~~~!"

"Come on, Shining!"

Yishanshan's fan group began to work hard, but this game really cannot be won by cheering.

Ishanshan has played several levels before, but he is very familiar with the first level, and it is also very simple, so it is also a one-click to clear the level.


The settlement reward shows that it is Samsung, which shows that she broke the previous record.

Ishanshan looked at Xiao Jiayu happily, and she was suddenly discouraged, "It's also a Samsung?"

Looking at Miss Murong again, "Still Samsung?! Wow, no, no, I have to work hard!"

In the second level, Yishanshan observed the arrangement of the fat pig on the right, and the chicks popped out again, and the chicks flew out croakingly, but after a crackling mess, they actually cleared the level once!

"Hahaha, I passed the second level at one time!" Ishanshan was very excited, and the game really stimulated people's potential.

It's only two stars because of poor performance.

"Sparkling is amazing!"

"Sparkling first!"

The fans underneath clamored again, cheering for their idols.

"Not bad!" Li Yun also applauded Yishanshan, but silently mourned her in his heart, hoping that she would not be hit too much later.

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