Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 827: Beat and drive away

Li Yun didn't answer, turned and walked into the lobby of his hometown. Everyone didn't dare to stop them, and stepped aside. Caixia and Caiwei followed her brother in and stood on both sides of him.

When Li Dehua saw Li Yun walk up to the gifts, he was shocked and threatened: "What do you want to do?"

"This is my house. You moved in these rags without my permission. What do you think I want to do?"

Li Yun smiled at him, stretched out two hands and violently lifted Li Dehua to send the rice jar.


Everyone exclaimed that this large tank of rice was used to please a good omen. Even the tank with rice was at least 100 jin, and it was actually picked up by Li Yun alone!

"Boy, you're looking for death, quickly put it down!!" Li Dehua yelled in amazement, "Come on, quickly stop him, kill this kid first!"

The person in the middle of the hall was originally Li Dehua’s people, but at the moment they were all afraid of the rice tank held by Li Yun on their chests. They stepped back together for fear of being hit by this tank, let alone listen to Li Dehua. Ordered to go to fight Li Yun.

"It's back to you!"

Li Yun tossed the tank of rice forcefully. The sound of the huge rice tank breaking through the air made the people present shudder. They wanted to escape but knew it was too late. The speed of the rice tank was too fast. It flew over the heads of Li Dehua and others in an instant.

"Pick it back bit by bit!"

Li Yun bent down and picked up a bottle of Wuliangye worth 1998. Then, after throwing it, the bottle came first and hit the rice tank in mid-air with a crash. Countless rice was sprinkled and poured Li Dehua and others. Transparent, white rice all over.

Even a lot of rice jar fragments fell, cutting more than a dozen people into several holes, and the blood was dripping and it was very seeping.

As soon as they saw the blood, everyone's mind buzzed in an instant. They only felt that today's incident, I was afraid that it would not be calmed by the death of a few people.

The villagers of Jiugou Village who were onlookers in the distance exclaimed that they could see the situation more clearly when they were far away.

"Go up, go up and hit him!"

Li Dehua jumped into a rage, and angrily followed the four Liwei company's thugs. Li Yun dodged lightly. In this small hall, Li Dehua was worried about bumping into the gift, but did not dare to attack more.

Looking at these four extremely strong thugs, Li Yun asked: "Are you from Liwei Company?"

"So what? Boy, don't you know who Liwei Company is?"

"Hehe, I defeated your brother Zhu. I don't know if he told you."


When they were surprised, Li Yun had already bullied him forward, grabbing them one by one and threw them out the door.

The people outside who were originally afraid of Li Yun's strength, saw the two Liwei company's thugs flying out at this moment, and were afraid to pick them up. Instead, they hid quickly, causing countless tramples in panic.

"Get out."

Once again, the four thugs were easily dealt with by Li Yun, and the rest of Li Dehua was not polite. He kicked him and kicked him out of the door like a football.

Li Dehua rolled on the ground a few times, and his valuable coat was covered with wet soil. Fortunately, Sanshu and the others saw Li Dehua and the others aggressively, so they moved the food aside early, otherwise they would all hit the table. , Will be even more embarrassed.

The people who had been called by Li Dehua and his son to suppress the formation fled in horror. Five big men besieged Li Yun, and he solved it in three or two. This strength has greatly exceeded the imagination of these villagers.

"Now, do you know the gap between you and me?"

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