Godly Model Creator

Chapter 326: Notice of preliminary trial operation of


Su Hao sweats, "play big."

In the plane model map, it can be clearly found that the entire heavenly campus is centered, and countless light spots are gathered at a rapid speed. I am afraid that in a few seconds, someone will arrive. At that time, if you find Su Hao, the initiator of this class, I am afraid it will not be a happy meeting.

Thirty-six, it is the best policy.


Su Hao slipped away silently.

Soon after he left, Su Hao heard the quarrel from there, and suddenly he was ashamed, but fortunately he ran fast, otherwise...

After glance at the plane model map and confirm that no one else noticed this, Su Hao walked back leisurely.

The source beam is ruined.

The two source energy beams almost exhausted all of Su Hao's savings, and they became a sword of the Milky Way, becoming a big arm of Su Hao, and the other one was detonated here.

Is it wasted?


For Su Hao, the detonation of the source beam is the biggest gain! Nothing about attack strength, but about what it means for model analysis.

No need to convert, you can bring out the model world!

Can you bring other things out?

The difference between the source beam and other model items is that it has been compressed 1024 times. This compression standard, in the end, is not clear. Therefore, the real difference between the two is to condense this place. Maybe... the figurative solution is here?

I have to say that Su Hao is moving.

When the heart was hot, Su Hao wanted to start research again, but soon he had to give up the idea of ​​dying, because at this time, he found a sad fact...

No money.

The figurative study is destined to be a pit.

A super-pit that is more than a dozen times, or even hundreds of times more than the sword of the Star River, and even nothing at all, for now, the value is very low. With his current resources, it is very difficult to condense a source beam again. It is impossible to open up the research of figuration!

Therefore, after a little thought, Su Hao temporarily gave up this tempting topic. The college entrance examination is coming soon. The most important thing for him now is to maintain the best condition and improve his strength!

The sword of the Milky Way has been mastered.

He is now a professional four-level, if it is with the sword of the Galaxy, it is enough to compete with the professional six-level front, in no way!

If it is combined with the five-star magical reality, the strength will increase again!

"Professional level four..."

It is already the greatest honour for Su Hao to indulge in a moment before entering the professional level four before the college entrance examination.

Specialization is slightly different from basics. Basicalization mainly focuses on the foundation. No matter any foundation, fighting skills, physical fitness and other aspects will be counted. But specialization is different. If you want to improve professionally, just recognize one point, that is - source strength!

Su Haoyuan can be as high as professional nine, but when it comes to source strength, it is still only professional four!

Therefore, his current strength is still in the professional four, the number of sources can rise, can bring him some strength, but for the professional evaluation, there is no help.

Want to really improve, only rely on the strength of the source!

Before the college entrance examination, sprint one more?

How many days does the college entrance examination take?

Su Hao looked at the date and gave up the idea of ​​being dead.


A clear voice interrupted Su Hao’s thoughts.

The vibration of the wrist prompted the arrival of new news. Su Hao’s eyes suddenly became sharp. During this time, the information sent to him was...


The light curtain is on.

Su Hao glanced at him and suddenly felt a shock.

finally come!

At the top of the light curtain, those big characters are so dazzling!

"Notice of the preliminary trial operation of the federal college entrance examination reform program"!

Since the source era, the first biggest college entrance examination reform has finally arrived!

Su Haoqiang let himself calm down and look down. There is not much content in this announcement, but the things inside make him feel shocked. After searching the relevant information again on the Internet, all his doubts are lifted!

The beginning of the source energy era.

Just after the turmoil, everyone who survived is in desperate need of stability! Only stability can calm the panic in their hearts. At this time, various new policies in the era of the source energy, after deliberation by the people, rushed out.

From people's livelihood to technology, everything is available.

With the new policy, the source energy era has entered a period of steady development. However, with the development of society, there have been many loopholes in the policy that was introduced in a hurry, which is not compatible with the new era. As a result, a vast reform began. Over the years, various policies have been continuously improved and reformed. The original policies have been completely rebuilt!

Just five years ago, the college entrance examination policy, which had been stable as a mountain, was finally eyeing.

Due to the regional restrictions of the college entrance examination, due to the unfairness of the college entrance examination or the imperfection of the college entrance examination method, a series of problems have also been exposed.

Therefore, led by the Source Energy Association, the college entrance examination reform system was formally proposed.

At that time, the source of the reform application letter, once caused a sensation, shocked the entire federation! From the score mechanism to the assessment method, the source energy association has written very detailed and everything, and the welfare inside is enough to make all students work harder. Obviously, they are ready for the best.

This is no longer a secret at the top of society.

What is even more amazing, however, is that this reform was rejected!

Yes, it was rejected!

This should be regarded as the first application of the source energy association to be rejected. It is said that the president of the source energy association was in a state of anger and questioned the federal government. The answer was only a few words, and the time was not yet reached.

The time has not arrived?

Everyone is in the fog, and they don’t know what the federal government means. However, the reform of the college entrance examination has become a minefield, and no one dares to involve it. Only the source energy association will certainly apply for it once a year. Of course, it is not surprising that each time it will fail!

In this regard, some people believe that the source energy association will certainly succeed, so they would rather give up the opportunity to enter the university, but also strive to catch up with the issuance of the new system.

The time is not here... there is always time to come.

Some people, at all, do not believe that the college entrance examination reform will be implemented. They believe that the so-called timing is not yet an excuse for the federal government. Some people really believe it.

Therefore, some people who got the wind and believed that the source energy association could succeed, quietly hide themselves and wait for the moment. Those who do not believe in the reform of the college entrance examination will let their own families quickly enter the university and strive for maximum strength.

Therefore, starting from five years ago, the future planning of a wave of students began to polarize.

And whether the college entrance examination reform is successful, all in the game between the top!

From now until recently, five years have passed.

The students who chose to wait for the college entrance examination reform almost lost hope. After all, every year, for them, it was a big loss. After waiting for a few years, many people finally got helplessly admitted to the university. The number of people who stayed waiting was getting fewer and fewer, and many people gave up.

At the beginning of this year, the Source Energy Association once again proposed the college entrance examination reform again. However, this time, the federal tone seems to have some looseness, which once again caused a sensation!

It is said that the Federation is working with several major universities to judge the feasibility of the college entrance examination reform and the timing of reform, and the internal debate remains.

Although there has been no substantial progress, this is the biggest gospel for everyone!

As the college entrance examination is getting closer, the news about the college entrance examination reform has intensified. For those repeat students who have been waiting for many years, the federal actions are all about their hopes.

A heaven, a hell.

Whether their venture investment will pay off, look at this time.

And just today, the college entrance examination reform officially passed!

Sensational global!

This year, the first college entrance examination that will meet the reform of the college entrance examination is of great significance! Every sentence in the college entrance examination reform system is enough to cause a sensation.

The first article of reform, the global score line is unified!

Full removal of regional and city score privileges, everyone is treated the same!

Global debate, the strong into!

"This is it."

When Su Hao saw it here, it showed a faint color.

This is a very fair reform, but it also shows the law of the strongest of the red fruit in the source energy era. The federal considerations are multifaceted, humanities, technology, life, etc. Therefore, this reform alone is enough to make the federal government issue different voices.

"It’s no wonder that it has been dragging on for so long... However, this news is not good for many places."

Su Hao said thoughtfully.

The original college entrance examination, although it is also a score system, but for each region, and even some cities, it is more like the use of quota allocation, such as **** urban area only 10 places into the war college this year, the lowest score is to see the city The score of the 10th place this year was.

This also explains why the score lines are different in each region.

Although in theory, there are more urban places in the strong, but there will always be a strong area in this area. The source capacity is not admitted to the ordinary university at 10 points. In some areas, the students with 8 points of source ability will The news of entering a key university caused great imbalance and waste of talent.

In a way, this reform is absolutely benign. This is the greatest perfection of the college entrance examination system that was rushed out 20 years ago!

However, after careful consideration, Su Hao has a new problem, as the global scores are unified...

How to distinguish between repeat students and freshmen?

It should be known that there is a difference between the repeat students and the freshmen, and the strength gap is not a little bit. If it is an ordinary repeat student, it will be considered. This time, many people are waiting for the college entrance examination. If you don't improve the score line, I am afraid that the key points for repeating this time are repeat students!

Thinking of this, Su Hao hurriedly looked down.

However, the second reform that entered the eye made him feel shocked!

"Reform the second article, cancel the repeat student's score increase limit!"

PS: This chapter is late, forgive me, it is really hard to write! I know that there will be people who will see the last sentence. The next chapter will explain, haha, no way, the chapter just broke here...

Broken so ecstasy.

The author is really not intentional.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! !

The sci-fi classification list was too violent! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)