Godly Model Creator

Chapter 400: Headquarters

Forging surgery.

This is a cultivation practice that Su Hao exchanged during the day of the day.

It is said that it is a must-have practice for everyone in the War College. There are very few high school students practicing. At least, Jianghe City has cultivated this, and both hands have come over. It can be said that forging is one of the necessary cultivation techniques for the source to cultivate physical fitness to perfect scores.

of course……

This is on a global scale, and there are countless numbers.

The most important thing is that Su Hao clearly remembers that forging surgery is to stimulate the mysterious power in the body to stimulate the source and improve the physical quality.

Did not care at the time.

But then think about it, is that power, is it internal force?

Under normal circumstances, when there is no cultivation, the internal force must be zero. In this case, why can the forging technique complete the improvement of strength without causing damage?

Su Hao has a heart.

The forging technique moves with the heart and can clearly see that with his movements, the strength of the body begins to gradually change, and the internal force begins to slowly flow.

The practice time of forging is very long.

After half an hour, when the forging surgery was completed, the internal force of Su Hao only consumed 0.05 units, which can be said to be minimal.

If it is overdraft...

Also only overdraw 0.05 units.

Moreover, forging surgery can only be practiced once a day. If it is forced to practice, it will cause physical damage. At this time, it seems that it should be the side effect of internal force overdraft.

Su Hao is amazed.

Only overdraft of 0.05 units of internal force per day, after a day of recovery and replenishment, the next day has returned to the best state, this time to practice again, actually formed a perfect cycle. After all, 0.05 units are negligible, and the damage to the body is negligible.

Therefore, it has formed a harmless improvement of the forging body!

Therefore, although the same core foundation is internal force, **** body surgery is a formal cultivation, and many other means of improvement have become forbidden!

"Integration of forging is necessarily a strong!"

Su Hao is sure to arrive.

The internal force has not been cracked, and it is possible to integrate the forging technique. This ultra-low-injury cultivation completes the improvement of human strength, which is incredible!

"The stimulation of the forging technique is useless to me."

Su Hao said, "But, since the predecessors can integrate the forging exercises, why can't I improve the forging surgery and transform it into my own forging?"

I have to say that Su Hao is moving. Normal forging, 0.05 units of internal strength improves physical fitness, if he uses 0.5 units of internal force to improve?

Forging, you can't call internal forces.

Only through the external action like gymnastics, passive consumption of internal forces, minimal consumption, with a full half an hour to stimulate the points in the body, using 0.05 units of internal force.

If this is the case...

Su Hao has a movement in his body.


The internal force of 0.5 units was instantly launched, and directly rushed to the source energy points of the forging technique stimulation, which exceeded the ten-fold stimulation and directly caused Su Hao to shock himself.


Strong currents oscillate in the body.

The source energy can be triggered, and with the turbulence of the current, the horrible consumption, only a moment, Su Hao body source can actually consume a full one percent!

At this time, the shock in the body calmed down.

Su Hao waved his fist.


Strong power moves with you.

Su Hao’s mouth showed a smile, “Sure enough, improved!”

Strength has improved!

Although not much, it has actually improved.

The original forging technique was to cope with the 400 points of the physical quality of 300, but today's Su Hao, the physical quality has reached 500 points, and even improved!

Have to say that the internal force is strong.

It doesn't matter how much you upgrade, as long as you can improve, there is hope!

There are still 0.5 units of internal force in the body, and Su Hao feels a move and starts to sprint again.



The body oscillated for a while.

The strength is rising again.

"Sure enough!"

Su Hao surprised.

He has 1 unit of internal force in his body, so he can raise 0.5 units twice in succession, and the force will increase Pan Pan twice. If he is practicing basic forging surgery now, I am afraid that it will be easy to complete in a few days. Why do it take several months or even half a year?

The internal force is consumed in the body.

Now, it's another question - reply.

Through Su Hao's research in the past few days, he found that the internal force's reply is actually not related to time, because the internal force is born from the human body, so it is not so much the internal force's reply, not to mention the recovery of the human body!

Reply and recover.

The difference between words is very different.

The recovery of the body is more through the use of some herbs and foods to moisturize and replenish. It is full of vitality, natural blood flow is accelerated, the body recovers, and the internal strength of the body increases.

Too detailed, Su Hao is not clear.

However, this does not prevent him from knowing that food and supplement-type drugs can nourish the body and improve the response of internal forces.

Under normal circumstances, normal three meals a day, the internal strength of 1 unit in the body, just the response time is 1 day.

In other words.

The newly modified forging technique, he can practice twice a day.

"Unfortunately, we have not studied the method of improving internal strength. If we can have the analytical ability of quantum computers and can promote the improvement method of internal force, the upper limit will not be as simple as one unit, and it will not be exhausted in time. Can you be stronger?"

Su Hao thought.

The emergence of internal forces can be said to open the door to another world for Su Hao. For him, the path of ascension has also become diverse.

Model analysis, source level, internal force!

“Model analysis is temporarily caught in the bottleneck, and the internal force is now fully physical, so we can start with the source level...”

Su Hao said.

Just want to do something, suddenly a wrist shocked, a message on the light curtain popped out, Su Hao opened it, it was not a mistake, it was Zhang Lin’s notice.

Source Energy Association headquarters, hands-on!

"I finally got it."

Su Hao sneered, Jin Jia, there is no need to exist.

River City.

People come and go.

Despite the existence of a restraining order, Jianghe City is still overcrowded on these two days. The end of the college entrance examination, whether it is the popularity of Su Hao or the popularity of Jianghe City, is rising. People's eyes are still on Jianghe City and Su Hao and others, looking forward to seeing the truth.

However, on this day, there was a commotion at the entrance of the Source Energy Association.

Then, the moment was full of people, everyone looked at the past curiously, suddenly stunned, countless members of the source energy association, are wearing combat costumes, go outside.

The people were shocked.

this is……


Source Energy Association What do you want to do?

"Da da!"

Source Energy Association people directly boarded the car, flying through the stream, a car suspension car has left. However, this is the person who is at the tip of the eye, but is a person who is hidden among the personnel of the source energy association.

"Oh... that person, isn't it Su Hao?"

When everyone looked at it, they were shocked.

In the middle of the members of the Numerous Source Energy Association, there is a seemingly ordinary figure, the same battle costume, so inconspicuous in the crowd.

However, this does not prevent everyone from recognizing him.

"Su Hao?"

"Why is he here?"

“Is it secretly taken away by the Energy Society?”

"Catch your sister! Look at this, obviously ready to go to war, but Jiang River seems to have nothing to happen, where are they going?"

There are many people talking.

Unfortunately, no one answered them.

A few minutes later, all the cars went empty, and some people were not willing to follow up, but they were shocked to find that these people actually left the river directly by plane!

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Jin family.

The meeting of the Jin family is still being held, and the goal of the discussion is still Su Hao. After Jin Liang brought Su Hao’s request back, he added a lot of content and added a lot of content, suddenly angered countless Jin family.

"A Su Hao in the district, dare to be so arrogant!"

"Yes, I really thought that a secret can kill my family?"

"Hey, he is very popular now, and he can't move him. But he can't move him. He can take his mother and sister together. I see how arrogant he is! As long as these two women are in our hands, how can he be? Furious, can't turn any waves."

"Give me peace!"

Jin Jia’s master, Jin Yu, took a table and everyone was ashamed.

Kim Jong sneered and looked at Jin Liang. He still had some understanding of his son's character, and he was so strong that he couldn't help but add fuel.

"Xiao Liang, Su Hao, what do you really say?"

Jin Liang had some sweat on his forehead, or he said with a bite. "Yes! He said that you can plead guilty before you can reach a settlement. However, it is because of my sake, I used to play with him before, he hated me. So I deliberately So to say, maybe other people will be better."

Jin Hao stared at Jin Liang for a long time, and said slowly for a long time, "No need."

Jin Liang sighed and sweated.

Su Hao must die!

Now only 18 years old, it is so powerful, if it is going further? After entering the War College, who can suppress him? If at that time, he was coming back, the Jin family could only let him fall! After killing Su Hao for so long, no one can reconcile.

The reason why Su Hao is willing to reconcile is that he can’t beat the Jin family.

Therefore, Su Hao must kill!

Start with his family, coerce him, wait for his fame to fade, then take him directly, at that time, Su Hao is not enough.

Kim Jong was indulged for a moment, and no one dared to speak out.

For a long time, Kim Min-soo said, "Catch the two women!"

Jin Liang was ecstatic, everyone cheered and took orders, but they had not waited for them to go out, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside. Then, a huge pressure suddenly fell from the sky, the main hall of the Jin family, under this force, actually collapsed, a loud voice echoed in the Jin family.

"Golden, come out to die!" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)