Godly Model Creator

Chapter 467: River City (fourth!)

The white wind suddenly left.

The people are still relishing the battle.

Su Hao stood on the platform and looked at the referee. The referee suddenly reacted and quickly announced the final victory. "The winner, the rivers!"


The audience was silent.

Then, the scene thundered!

At this time, they really realized that Su Hao won!

Rivers and rivers, won!

The winner of this battle of the capital city turned out to be the rivers!

This is simply unbelievable.

Soon, the news swept the entire network like a locust. For other political people, they may not know what the Battle of the City is, but it does not prevent them from knowing the title of Su Hao.

After all, Su Hao is now more or less a celebrity.

The college entrance examination champion Su Hao, the strong will defeat the War College graduates!

This single message is enough for any headline!

The War College has always been a myth in people's minds, because as long as it is a regular graduate of the War College, it is an upright professionalism.

Enough for countless people to look up!

And now...

Professional graduates have been defeated!

Being a preparatory student at the War College, the student who just finished the college entrance examination was a champion of the college entrance examination who was just glory in the world!

18 years old!


These words almost trembled everyone.

What kind of white wind?

It is true that in the same period, he was not a genius, but he was also a regular college graduate. He graduated from the senior year without any delay or failure.

But that's it...

Still beaten by the strong.

The video of the two men’s battles began to pass on the Internet. The last moment of Baifeng’s breakthrough is even more icing on the cake, paving the way for Su Hao’s honor!

No one expected it.

Su Hao.

Once again, it is world-renowned.

The battle of the capital. It seems to be just an opportunity.

At this time, for those in other political districts, who will pay attention to the battle of a small capital in the eastern political district? What they are more concerned about is the strength and potential of Su Hao today!

After all, Su Hao has not been professionalized!

How far can such a person go in the future?

no one knows!

War College. Countless teachers, like crazy, began to compete for the teaching rights of Su Hao. These professional old fritters will put the future on Su Hao. After all, even if you can't be the strongest. If there is one of the disciples who teaches, can there be such a person...

Is it also a dazzling achievement?

Su Hao has not yet entered the War College, and has already made a name for himself in the War College!

Throughout the federal territory.

Su Haohong's mess.

Start with the college entrance examination. Up to now, but in a month's time, Su Hao appears in the sight of everyone at a lightning-like speed, and then occupy the top of all lists for a long time! For a whole month, it seems that all channels and websites are promoting for Su Hao!

And now. Just a few days after the stop, Su Hao’s news once again swept the entire network at an incredible speed, sweeping the Union!

This kind of popularity, no one can rival!

The number of fans in the Su Hao online community is still growing sharply! Just, among them, how many friends are there and how many enemies there are. Or it may be unknown.

This is the time.

The whole federation, if you want to talk about Su Hao, it must be no one knows no one. However, the popularity of such a peak, Su Hao's influence, is it really just a federation?

The field of beasts.

some where.

The red light is spread all over the earth.

A huge beast with a large body wanders in their respective territories. Silence, however, at this moment, a whispering sound rang in the field of the beast. So sweet. All the beasts in this area suddenly stood still and seemed to be listening.

After a while, the sound disappeared.

The fierce beast’s eyes are once again restored to the clear, and the head is screaming!

Countless voices came!

Megatron Jungle!



The beasts fluctuated. From a distance, it can be seen that countless fierce beasts rushed in a certain direction, and the earth trembled almost under such impact. A strange red light column descended from the sky and stood on the ground, seeming to indicate some terrible existence.

Countless horror breaths come!

The noisy beasts suddenly quieted down, and all the beasts trembled on the ground, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


Once again, it was dark.

The wind returned to the city.

"Did you feel it?"

Zhang Yang stood on the wall of the city and looked at the area outside the city, faintly said.

"This time the movement is not small."

Lan Tingxu’s eyes are cold and murderous: “The federal army is ready, as long as you dare to come, absolutely let them have no return!”


Zhang Yang has a slight worry. "But it always feels less peaceful. Do you still remember the attack of the previous few days? The three kings of the beasts! This is not a trick that can be dealt with. When did these guys all appear?"

"probably not."

Lan Tingxu shook his head. "You should be clear about the gap in the passage. The bigger the strength, the bigger the consumption! The fierce beasts of the previous two days are enough to make them lose a lot. If it really makes the king's level beasts come, then the loss It’s not a little bit, if it’s unfortunately fallen...”

"It’s definitely a huge blow to the beast!"

"I am looking forward to them sending the king-level beasts!"

Lan Tingxu sneered, "A king-level beast is worth more than a city. If it falls here, even if the wind returns to the city, it is worth it."


Zhang Yang sighed.

No rebuttal.

This is the war value of Lan Tingxu!

He is a soldier!


From the battlefield to kill, the blue Tingxu goal, never an individual, but the entire human! As long as it benefits the entire federation, the necessary sacrifices are absolute. The whole wind returned to the market, and the lives of millions of people were in his mouth, and that was a figure. Killing the name of God...

It's not a simple kill for a few people.

When I was on the battlefield. Lan Tingxu once used the life of a small town as a bait to destroy a terrible beast!

Avoid the danger of dozens of cities being attacked!

From the overall situation of the war, he is a hero!

Because without this battle, this beast army is likely to enter the federal field, burn dozens of cities, and lose millions of lives.

but. On the other hand, people still can't accept Lan Tingxu's use of the town as a bait, but it is a living life.

In this way, Lan Tingxu easily ruined, no one live!

In the eyes of many people, he is a butcher!

The name of killing God comes from this.

Countless people have asked the federal execution of Lan Tingxu. Even many high-level executives do the same. But every time, the federation simply silently took out the war model at that time and told them that anyone who can come up with a good plan can reduce the loss to Lan Tingxu and remove him directly.

But no one can do it!

This is the blue Tingxu in the eyes of everyone!

But Zhang Yang is clear. The previous Lan Tingxu, this is not the case.


Is this all about Li sweet?

He can only guess like this.

"not that simple."

Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. "You can use such a strong shot as a foreshadowing. This is a fierce beast. There is absolutely a problem! You can contact Li Tiantian to find out the latest situation. I will see if other people have time, no matter what, always It is better to be wary in advance."

"it is good!"

Lan Tingxu nodded.

Immediately leave each.

The wind returned to the city.

Su Hao represents the rivers and rivers. Accepting interviews from various parties, the federal government, the source energy association, the media, the Internet, etc., took a full few days to completely stop. At this time, the handover information of the wind back to the city has been processed, and everyone finally returned to Jianghe City.

When the people returned, they could hardly believe their eyes.

River City.


The whole city has been completely renewed. Just like the fresh after the heavy rain, the originally desolate ground seems to be covered with billboards for a moment, and is currently in the development of real estate. and. According to the government’s quiet disclosure, the citizens who recently applied to transfer their hukou in Jianghe City have grown linearly!

A battle of the capital city.

The entire river city has been completely changed.

In addition, it is said that Chengbei Park is building a bronze statue of Su Hao and others... When Su Hao and others heard the news, the whole person felt bad.

However, there is no good news.

In just two days, the government’s approval has come down, and a large amount of funds have been invested in the development of Jianghe City. If you want to improve and develop a city before, it will take at least ten years.

But in this era.

It only takes a month!

Building house?

How many years?


Under the catalysis of the source energy, various construction engineers assisted, and the magnificent buildings rose from the ground. Under the control of the source energy, a modern worker was enough to withstand the previous construction team! Have you seen bricks flying and looking for a position? In just a few seconds, a wall is built.

And this is just a person.

If it is ten people?

If it is a construction team?

It's not too easy!

This is this era.

Source energy era!

Under the investment of the government's large funds, there is no accident, as long as half a month, a tall building will rise. At the same time, the construction of the road, the expansion of the city, the improvement of the infrastructure, the entry and investment of the major federal shopping malls, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Su Hao is amazed by the source engineers who are fascinating.

As long as there is a design model, these people can even make a way out of the day! At the time of road planning, Su Hao saw that the source of a soil type could be manipulated and pushed the entire building backwards!

You are not mistaken!

Direct push!

The foundations and underground passages all move, and the roads are directly expanded.

If you put it before, don’t even think about it!

Similar magical scenes are constantly appearing.

There are specializations in the industry. The achievements of these people in this respect are that other people can't catch up with the horses. As long as the energy can support them, these people can even build a city!

The development of the river city is progressing rapidly.