Godly Model Creator

Chapter 470: Avatar source! (seventh!)

One month.

It’s not long, it’s not too short.

The city of Jianghe has been completely transformed into an armed city with a scale of defense and even comparable to a military base! The citizens are also used to such a well-organized life.

The blue dream butterfly has already returned quietly, and Su Hao is still immersed in his own comprehension.



Su Hao is amazed.

He did not expect that this road was so difficult!

One thought.

As long as you pass the threshold, you can step into professionalism. However, this threshold, this idea, is much harder than Su Hao’s killing from professional five-level to professional nine!

A whole month.

No fruit.

As the analysis time is getting longer, Su Hao Ming Ming feels that there seems to be a film in front of him, and when he reaches out, he breaks, but he just...

He just can't reach it.

It’s always a little worse.

Su Hao is a little crazy.

"Brother, the meal is good!"

Su Ling’s enthusiasm came in and saw Su Hao’s appearance. He suddenly pouted and dragged him out directly. “Eating, brother!”


Su Hao smiled bitterly.

Can only get up and go out to eat.

However, even when eating, Su Hao is still running in the brain, model... analysis... avatar source...



Su Hao is somewhat confused.

Incarnation source, it seems very simple, as long as you can turn your body into a source, but how can it be so simple when actually applied?

Physicalization as a source of energy?

How to change?

Change the words... how to change back?

This is like two formulas. To master the positive solution, you must also master the counter-solution. Otherwise, you will only be killed by life.

How to do it... um...


Su Hao felt that his nose was pinched, and suddenly he woke up and saw that his sister was not looking at himself with anger. "Smelly brother. People are talking to you!"

"Oh, um, hey, you said."

Su Hao scratched his head.

"Oh, always, don't want to think about those things."

Su Ling pouted.

"Okay, listen to you."

Su Hao helpless.

Li Xiaoru watched the two children clamoring. I will always smile. "Come on, eat cold food, don't think too much. When you eat, let your brain rest."


Su Hao nodded.

After the meal was finished, Su Hao went straight into the room. Unexpectedly, Su Ling also came in at once.


Su Hao looked at his sister, "Is there something?"

"No, I am just curious, what are you doing with your brother?"

Su Ling’s eyes flashed a curious look.

"Incarnation source."

Su Hao is a hand.

"Wow. Those guys who can turn themselves into source?"

Su Ling’s eyes suddenly raised little stars. “I have seen it on TV, it’s amazing.”


Su Hao smiled bitterly. "Your old brother, I have also reached this step, but, um... because the model analysis is special, so it is stuck."


Su Ling curiously said, "They become their own, and your model can be changed."

"The key is how to change."

Su Hao explained patiently.


Su Ling seems to understand and understand. "Hey, brother, can't you build my model? Isn't that building one's own? Isn't that a success?"


Su Hao smiled bitterly. "Modeling models are in the model world, not the same as reality..."

Just talking.

Su Hao seems to think of what is here, the whole person is stunned.

"What reality and model world?"

Su Ling obviously does not understand the world division of Su Hao himself. Suddenly sighed, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Su Hao enter the state of deduction.

"Bad brother, that's it!"

Su Ling is not happy, but she is used to it. This month, my brother has been stunned from time to time, stuck in the bottleneck, and has always been like this.

Pour a cup of hot water and put it next to Su Hao.

Su Ling just walked out carefully and left the time for thinking to his brother. However, she did not know, because of her words, Su Hao’s mind turned over the river.



"my own?"


Model analysis starts.

Su Hao built his own model directly in the body. Soon, a perfect model was built in his own body, then...

Su Hao looked at his model in vain.

This is the model.

The reality is yourself.

The model world is different from the real world.

He can build at will in the model world, but in reality, he can't, because there is no breakthrough in the study of figurative, it is impossible to build a model in reality! So, in a way, the breakthrough of avatar source energy needs figuration?

No, no.

No matter how it is analyzed, the difficulty of figuration is far greater than the source of avatar.

The difficulty of avatar power can not be so high!


This model...

Su Ling’s words made Su Hao seem to have caught something.


Looking at his model, Su Hao is in the same place.

"Build your own model..."

"Build your own model..."

"Build your own model..."

This sentence echoed in Su Hao’s mind.

what exactly is it?

Su Hao is amazed.

Looking at his body, and the self of the model world, Su Hao looks left and right, subconscious, Su Hao opens the illusory reality...

Just because it looks more clear.

The left eye is illusory, the right eye is realistic!

Su Hao did not even adjust the time stamp, the time on both sides is synchronized!

Su Hao looked at himself in the model, and the real time of the real time, the two themselves, seems to overlap at this moment, Su Hao indulged.



What is the difference?



Su Hao grinded the word, and suddenly his eyes brightened!


It turned out to be this!

Su Hao’s eyes showed ecstasy.

How to transform the source of its own, he is poor. Isn't that a transformation? But how to convert it has not been solved, and now...

The contrast between the model and reality makes him fully comprehend!

Numerous pieces of information emerged in my mind, and Su Hao understood it at this moment.


How did he build his own model?

Su Hao thought in his mind.

First, he will see himself. Then, it will be based on yourself. The body's source energy can be transformed and agglomerated in a certain way, and it can be condensed into oneself. During this period, it will contain various factors and ways of transformation, in order to build a model state itself in the body.

If this is the case...

If you use it directly on yourself?

Su Hao has a heart.

If you, convert these formulas and factors directly. Used directly on yourself?

He himself, can you complete these conversions?

Will you completely transform yourself into a source?

Su Hao was moved and studied for a whole month. This is the first time that he has found a way to work and even start research.

Start analyzing!


The internal computer is working.

first step!

Extract the conversion formula!

Countless data began to analyze. This analysis, is the most original talent of Su Hao, model analysis!

In Su Hao’s consciousness, the mind is always moving, and the model is automatically established, but how to establish, how to establish, and how to establish a mechanism?

He never thought about it.

Or. Because of its incredible, it has always been the existence that Su Hao can't touch.

However, now that he has such strength, he can finally start to try the breakthrough of talent, and now, the extraction formula is the first step!



Numerous data streams are washed away.

Even Su Hao himself did not expect it. A small model is built, and there will be so much data, huge data flow, almost Su Hao!

"This data..."

Su Hao marveled.

This is his first time. Analyze the model to analyze the most primitive operations, and the data wrapped in it is the first perfect presentation in front of him.



Su Hao closed his eyes.

Start organizing the data and extracting what he needs.

After spending three hours, Su Hao extracted some data.

And the data is just the data of one finger on the right hand. The formulas included in each part are different. If it is directly to the whole body of data analysis, I am afraid this process, do not know how long it will take! Even if it is hundreds of computers in the body today, Su Hao does not dare to come.

The data is extracted.

Su Hao analyzed, deduced and adapted it through computer.

Soon, a perfect formula is fresh!

"Using model experiments?"

Do not!


The model itself is the model?

How to complete the experiment of the real person to the model step?

If you want to experiment, you can only take Su Hao yourself!


Su Hao gently opened his palm and stared at his fingers.

Mindful circulation.

The source of the body can work.

Then, the magical scene appeared in front of Su Hao.


Su Hao saw that his fingers seemed to be broken down.

A small piece, his own finger, has completely turned into a source of energy. To be precise, it has become a model, the most basic source energy architecture model.

Crystal clear blue.

The perfect source of ingots.

Su Hao's fingers are composed of countless such source energy crystal blocks. The beautiful and magical, the crystal blue light gradually flashes, and it looks very mysterious.

"The avatar source..."

Su Hao is excited.

He is done!

Even if it's just a small part!

The latter one cannot be carried out because each segment of the human body is different. There are too many variables in the formula, and it takes a long time to complete the avatar power of the whole body. The data analyzed by the model is destined to be an extremely large number of calculations, but this is enough!

As long as the first step is completed, the breakthrough later is just a matter of time!

This means that Su Hao is only one step away from professionalism! As long as all the formulas are completed, he can truly enter professionalism and become a real powerhouse!

A full month of time.

This step.

He finally passed!