Godly Model Creator

Chapter 753: audacious in the extreme


Xiaodie looked scared.

Everyone's face has become ugly.


No one thought that the Tianjia management, the first generation of the source, was so shameless! Which day is the style of the seniors?

"The disaster is not as good as your loved ones, you are too much!"

Li Tiantian’s eyes are murderous.

"Old guy, don't you even have a face?"

Li Xin roared.

"Face? Can you eat as a meal?"

Tianjia’s management was dull, and there was no such thing as a general strong person’s cherishment of fame. He looked at the face that Li Xin and others were horrified and couldn’t believe. He just sneered. “Since I have been in charge of the day, I will never allow any Accidents, even if it is all means!"


Li Tiantian was furious.

Everyone around is also dumbfounded.

No one expected that the most weekly ending would have happened like this! After a wave of twists and turns, Su Hao’s few people want to take Xiaodie away, it’s hard to go to heaven!

"Xiaodie stayed, other people I can let go."

Tianjiaguan sneer, he is arrogant, even if it is useless to Su Hao and others, he can also plant a seed in their hearts, live for decades, the old guy has a very deep understanding of the human heart.

"Never impossible!"

Li Tianwei did not give in.


Xiaodie took a deep breath, but looked at the emperor who was still dressed as a groom. "Do you think so too? Let me marry you with coercion?"

The Son of Heaven smiles.

Things have progressed to this point, and it is beyond his expectations. From the beginning of the anger. Numbness, until now, he does not know what to say. However, he also saw it, and this is the end of the matter, even if she left Xiaodie, it is just to make her more hateful to herself.

"forget it."

The emperor looked at the heavenly family and was trying to say something, but he was interrupted by the Tianjiaguan. "Young master. Pay attention. You represent now, but Tianjia!"


The emperor was shocked.


Looking at the messy wedding scene around, watching the heavenly family management for the majesty of the heavenly family and even their own skins are not needed, the emperor suddenly realized. No matter what he thinks. It is no longer important now. The important thing is. What do other people think? If you just let Xiaodie Su Hao like them...

Tianjia will sweep the ground!

The emperor looked up.

really. Seeing all the people around the wedding are waiting for the results.

"Leave it, Xiaodie."

The emperor closed his eyes. "You can't go."


It was too arrogant to smash up and fight with the Son of Heaven.

The little butterfly who got the answer is almost soft on the ground. Their strength is very strong. They can even be said to be changeable, but in the face of Tianjiaguan, it is useless! Even if they join hands with the six people, it is only a slap in the face of the control of the heavenly family, not to mention the personal qualities in his hands?

"Little butterfly, come over."

Tianjia is sneer.

Everyone is sinking.

Li Tiantian tried to use time talent, but the hands of Tianjiaguan did not hesitate to cut down and put a blood stain on the neck of Lan Tingxu.


Xiaodie screamed.

"Time control?"

Tianjia Guanwu smiled lightly. "This talent is indeed against the sky, but unfortunately your strength is too weak, the professional peak of the district... You still can't stand me."

Yes, it can't be static.

Li Tiantian can only slow down the time, no matter how many times he slows down, Tianjiaguan can feel the fluctuation of the source energy, and then immediately shot.

He can't save it!


Li Tiantian was aggrieved and everyone was silent.

"I come over."

Xiaodie took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and then walked toward the front, not wanting, this time, a figure blocked in front of her.


Somewhere in the federation.

"Master, Su Hao, they are in trouble."

A disciple said seriously, on the light curtain, Su Hao and others showed up.


The old man swayed on the rocking chair, his eyes closed slightly, and he didn't know if he saw the situation on the light curtain. "It's not bad, it can repel a peak of the field, but it has not lived up to my expectations. However, The old shameless guy in Tianjia’s management is so deep hidden.”

"The old man has been looking for a family owner for several times. He didn't see that this guy is the first generation source. Hehe... the people now... the basic trust between people."

The old man said with regret, "However, the older others live the more they love the feathers, and the more the older the older, the thicker the skin is, the more it is with the Tianjia family. It is not a family." A door, a single face, Tianjia should be the first in the Federation."

The old man shouted.

The disciples under his hand wiped the sweat and did not dare to meet Master’s spit.


The old man’s eyes glanced, “Su Hao’s test is almost the same, although many places have not considered thoughtful, but generally still pass the check...”

"Get it."


The old man got up and was about to leave, suddenly his eyes flashed in a strange color.


This screaming made other people can't help but look at the light curtain, and when they saw the situation on the light curtain, they also stunned.



Xiaodie looked at the figure in front of her eyes.

"Not in a hurry."

Su Hao grinned, it seems that there was no fear of blue Ting Xu’s being hijacked, but he smiled and looked at Tianjia’s management. “Old guy, do you really think this is feasible? You really thought that after hijacking Lan Shu Can we let our hands surrender?"

"I have to say, you are too naive!"

Tianjiaguan’s face is black.



Was he actually said to be naive? !

When I hijacked Lan Tingxu, everyone said that he was hot, but now, Su Hao’s evaluation of him is actually naive? The Tianjiaguan incident suddenly became inexplicable.

"Is it?"

Tianjia’s management was ridiculous, and the light blade in his hand was close to the neck of Lan Tingxu. "Would you like to see who is the innocent?"

"Oh, do you really think I am not prepared?"

Su Hao showed a sarcasm smile and looked at him coldly. "I finally warned you once, let go of Blue Uncle, I can do nothing."

"Try it."

The vigilance of Tianjia’s management has been raised to the highest level without any compromise.


Su Hao sneered.

"Do you believe me?"

Su Hao looked at everyone behind him, and everyone nodded without hesitation, even if it was a small butterfly with no hands. at this time. Also chose to trust him unconditionally.

"it is good."

Su Hao showed a smile, "I will definitely save the blue uncle, and now, listen to my orders..."


A violent drink. Su Hao’s voice exploded. A few people around him almost began to implement Su Hao's orders. Only Xiaodie apparently hesitated. But after looking at the state of the crowd, he did not hesitate to take the shot and kill him.


Everyone is in awe. .

They actually shot it! There is no scruples. Lan Tingxu in the hands of Tianjiaguan seems to have no effect, even Xiaoqing’s biological daughter is ignored. Everyone saw that it was not only chilly, but even the biological father did not care? What a crazy team!


Tianjia’s management only looked at them with disdain.

put on a show!

He saw it at a glance.

Su Haogu does not say, who is Xiaodie and Li Tiantian? Almost can be said to be the only relative of Lan Tingxu, such a person, will give up Lan Tingxu?

Never possible!

"See who is!"

In the hands of the Tianjiaguan, the light blade did not hesitate, he did not intend to kill Lan Tingxu, but he did not mind giving a lesson to these ignorant guys.

For example... Lan Tingxu’s one leg or something.


The source can bloom.

Su Hao and others have made a full-scale shot, but it is far from the water to save the near fire. After the Tianjiaguan incident, the light blade in the hand is already close to the neck of Lan Tingxu, only a distance of one millimeter, it may be killed on the spot! At this time, even if Xiaodie calmly stunned.

And this time.

No one noticed that Su Hao made a gesture silently.


A streamer flashed.

The figure that Tianjiaguan was going to smash down was directly bombarded, almost rolled out and flew out, leaving a trace of blood in the air. When he stood still, he was shocked to discover that his palm was penetrated by a horrible force and bloody.

And this time.


The gunshots that were late were ringing.

The eyes of Tianjia’s management suddenly became loud, and this reminded me that there seems to be a good friend in Su Hao’s information. What Zhao Feng’s has not appeared...


Another foot was hit again, and the heavenly family managed to fall to the ground. Li Xin and others finally reacted. The attack that had already been shot did not stop at all. The various sources of horror broke out in an instant, drowning the image of Tianjiaguan.


Lan Tingxu was thrown out by Su Hao.


The battle broke out again, and it was still the Tianjia administration to fight against Su Hao and others. However, he was at a disadvantage. After adding another Zhao Feng, he was miserable!



A gunshot sounded, it seems to be the reminder of the heavenly management. The battle was only a minute away, and the Su Hao team did not keep their hands. With the last shot, Tianjia’s unbelievable eyes widened, leaving a **** hole on his forehead.


The scene was silent.

Everyone is stunned.

Tianjiaguan, the Tianjia old housekeeper, served for decades, the power of the sky, but now, it was killed by Su Hao and others on the spot!

This is heaven!

Everyone is shuddering.

The world of heaven is going out, and the retreat of retreat is not in the heavens, because no one will ever think of it, and there are people who dare to shoot the heavens! Therefore, just in this impossible, Su Hao several people, a few students still in school, have done it.

Heavenly management, dead! The man who guarded Tiandu City for decades, the old butler who is in power in Tianjia, died like this!

"It's going to be a big deal!"

"Su Hao, they are too courageous!"

Everyone around them was frightened. (To be continued.)