Godly Model Creator

Chapter 914: Whole castle infection!

Shuguang City. 》

When Su Hao opened the gates of the city, he saw a group of frightened people, and followed, a series of angry voices.

"Don't come in!"

"Close the gate!"

"Not yet!"

One tone is unceremonious. If Su Hao is already angry, but Su Hao at this time is not half angry, and looked at the people in the city with surprise. Only a small number of people are the source, and most of them are ordinary people. At this time, they are all sallow.

And more importantly -

Almost everyone has a touch of green.

"this is……"

Su Hao suddenly shocked, and now masters 100,000 kinds of source talents, almost instantly he can understand what these greens are, the pathogen! At the moment, almost everyone in the eye has turned pale green, that is, they are infected.

"Only they?"

Su Haoyuan can swing across the board. Modeling the entire Twilight City, the face is even more ugly. Tens of thousands of people in Shuguang City have all been infected, without exception!

"In the end what happened?"

Su Hao is not clear.

He has traveled through many cities, but there has never been a city like this. The whole city is infected with a disease. You know, this is the age of energy! A disease that is difficult to reach can also be relieved under the decomposition of source energy, let alone this infectious disease.

"do not come!"

When the people saw Su Hao approaching, they were scared to retreat.

"Little brother, don't come over!"

Those who are kind and discouraged dissuaded, "You will be infected. Leave here!"

"Get out, come and die!"

Some people are open-minded.

But without exception, they are constantly retreating, do not want to infect these pathogens to Su Hao, many people even dare not speak in the direction of Su Hao. Obviously, this terrible infectious disease is spread widely, and even if it is airborne, it is possible to recruit.

"No problem."

Su Hao shook his head and wanted to say something. However, how can the people of Shuguangcheng dare to talk to him?

I still remember the beginning. They put hope on the outsiders, but after the infection of an outsider, even after the investigation of an organization was infected, they completely gave up hope. The only one praying now. It is to make fewer kills.


Su Hao step by step.


Take his current strength. Still afraid of a wool infection?

However, he did not wait for Su Hao to get in touch with everyone. Suddenly, some faint green light was attached to Su Hao, and everyone around him was shocked. "not good!"

"He wants to be infected!"

Everyone saw a discoloration.

Green light emerges, this is the first layer of infection.

If nothing else happens, the next green light will enter the person's body, and then it will be revealed on the skin, and eventually the whole person will become infected! It is impossible to prevent it, starting from a few years ago, but no one can be spared if anyone steps into Twilight.

"One more sin."

"Ah, ah... damn, why don't you listen!"

"When can we get rid of it!"

Everyone is saddened.

At this time, Su Hao was exposed to this green brilliance that made everyone smell the color. The strong adhesion also surprised him. However, under the influence of the rules, these green brilliances have not yet Su Hao was completely isolated by the role.

Moving these green brilliance into the body, Su Hao began to deduct.

He is very curious.

It is a disease that can be resistant to drugs in the source energy era and can infect the terrible virus of the entire city. What kind of disease is it? However, the results of the analysis made Su Hao feel awkward. Because according to the results of the analysis, these things... actually belong to the source energy product.

In other words...

The essence of these things is also the source of energy?

Can it be broken down?

The source of special structure... According to Su Hao's understanding, there is only one way to do it, and that is the source of the virus type! Among the 100,000 source talents he has absorbed, there is no such talent, but without exception, it is not strong.

After all, virus infection is a partial goal.

However, the talent that we have encountered today is definitely stronger than ever! If it wasn't for Su Hao's power to use the rules, he almost even said that he was himself. It was incredible! Su Hao has no doubt that even if he is influenced by his physical talent, if he is affected, there is only one idea.

Terrible talent!

Terrible power!

"How is this ghost?"

In the kingdom of heaven.

Li Tiantian and others are also smelling. Su Hao’s analysis shows that they are in the eyes of a virus with strong infectivity and strong parasitism. What’s even more terrifying is that these viruses are just the source of energy. That is to say, someone is hidden behind the scenes!

Fortunately, Su Hao found out.

If it is not detected by Su Hao, and the person is silently mixed in the Federation, what will happen in the end? The entire federation is likely to be infected in a loop!

At that time...

"Ha ha."

Su Hao sneered.

The era of source energy may become the era of biochemistry!

He has never seen any source talent, even the e-level source talent has never been underestimated, but now the source talent is to shock him into a cold sweat, and he can be sure... this **** right now Source talent, definitely belongs to the s-class anti-day power!

Only s level, you have this power!

"Have you met again?"

Su Hao whispered softly.

These days he also encountered a lot of s-level talent holders, but most of them are still in development, and even some people are not even aware of themselves. At the moment, Shuguang City, this person has already cultivated Dacheng, using the terrorist power of s-class talent to seek benefits.

The most terrible thing is...

Su Hao does not know who he is!

Source energy fluctuations have shrouded Twilight, but everyone covered is not a s-level gift holder. Or is he already hidden? Because everyone is infected by this **** talent, even in the model world, everyone has the same state.

In other words, it is impossible to tell!

“Does this virus actually affect source energy fluctuations?”

Su Hao is amazed.

Looking at the model world, countless identical people in the city of Shuguang, Su Hao had to admit that the omnipotent urban model was established, and finally encountered trouble, and it was no small trouble. And he can be sure. That person is bound to be hidden among the people.

In other words.

The holder of the s-level talent. Inevitably hidden in the Twilight City! It is a guy who has been infected on the surface of Shuguang City!

"How to do?"

Su Hao consciousness returned to reality.

He is a human being, not a god. It is impossible to encounter such a powerful s-class talent that he has never seen before, which can be cracked in minutes, especially when faced with countless infected people. If he is not handled properly. If the infected virus is detonated. The whole city will be buried for the murderer!

"Must be taken seriously."

Su Hao calmed down.

Thoughts in the mind, such as electricity, quickly analyze. Who is the murderer? What is the goal? Why did you shoot? At what time will it be shot? What hidden secrets are hidden? The Shuguang City in the eyes of Su Hao has been shrouded in countless auras. This city is not simple.

Similarly, he has too many questions!

And how to solve doubts?

Su Hao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, and there is a best way at the moment, isn’t it? For Su Hao who accidentally broke into here, it is simply too easy.


Su Hao’s indifferent look disappeared, and he looked at the green light in horror.

"Model replication -"

"Infected virus test -"

"Test completed -"

Su Hao uses the model to complete the deduction in the body, and then quickly shows the same state as the deduction result in reality. The skin of the body is faintly turned green. "This... what is this ghost thing?"

In the last sentence, Su Hao even screamed in fear.


In response to him, there was only one sigh.

The people around him looked at him with a gaze that was not waiting for him. "It’s another..."

"poor guy."

"Be yourself, who will let you not listen to us?"

Everyone shouted.

At this time, Su Hao seems to have a little understanding of the state in front of him, afraid to look at everyone, "What happened in the end? What is that thing? How did I become green?"


Everyone silently.

Su Hao hides a stream of light in his eyes. If he realizes it, he suddenly opens his mouth. "I, I want to go back!"

After all, Su Hao tried to leave.


"Absolutely not!"

The people of Shuguang City, who had been quietly moving, suddenly became angry and intercepted Su Hao.

"What are you doing?"

Su Hao is furious!

"You can't go out."

A person smiled bitterly, and Su Hao, who was still unconscious, finally revealed the truth. "Don't you find out that you have been infected? If you let out, the people you contact, your friends, your family , will be infected by this **** virus!"


Su Hao was shocked.

"Not bad."

The people of Shuguang City smiled bitterly. "A terrible virus."

"My Master is a source of the Energy Society. He can help me."

Su Hao’s eyes turned, showing a confident look.

"Source Energy Association..."

The man smiled bitterly. "Don't say that you are a source energy association, that is, the federal government does not work!"

"How can it be?"

Su Hao was shocked. "Is this virus so powerful? Even the legendary worldization can't be lifted?"

"Do not."

The man shook his head. "The virus is not strong, but the problem is - one of its many terrible effects, one of which is that you must not leave Twilight City!"

"Do you see that line?"

The man was a target for Su Hao. At the one meter in front of the Shuguang City Gate, there was this faint white line. "If you are infected with a virus, you will pass the white line and you will die!"

Will you die?

Su Hao suddenly became a cold body.

Looking up, I saw at least hundreds of people in the streets in front of me. At this time, I walked like a walking dead. Only a few people looked at it boringly, just like watching the dead! In the past few years, all the outsiders of Twilight City have been accidentally killed, no exception!

Infected with a virus, or an outsider.

In the eyes of the people of Shuguangcheng, Su Hao is already a dead man! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!