Godly Student

Chapter 4094: You ask them?

"It seems our plan has failed. What can we do?" The seven elders hiding in secret were disappointed when they saw this situation.

The situation here is completely different from the Golden Tiger that they led away.

Cheng Yu originally assigned the scope to Jinhu within two miles of Gaofu. As long as someone entered the restricted area, Jinhu himself would leave Gaofu.

However, Cheng Yu's orders to the two strange beasts were obviously different, and he certainly did not allow the two strange beasts to leave.

In this case, it seems very difficult for them to try to lead away these two strange beasts!

"Then what do we do? If these two strange beasts are together, even if one can lead away, the other one will definitely not move!" Gao Ruyuan said.

"It seems that we think the problem is too simple!" Zhuang Min said helplessly.

He had already seen that it was impossible to lead away two strange beasts at the same time!

"There is another way now!" Rocoya said.

"any solution?"

"Gathering all the horses in the outer dynasty, let's go to war directly, there will always be a few people who can rush out. As long as someone leaves the outer dynasty, the news of Bai Yang's siege can be passed to the major outer and inner dynasties!" Luo Keya said.

"This is too risky? If we fail, then our losses will be very heavy. And if someone successfully leaves the dynasty, it may not be us.

If those people knew that someone had fled the dynasty, they would probably kill us together. "Wei Chenfei said.

"Yeah, if we escaped, that would be fine. I'm afraid those people would be ashamed and angry, knowing that someone went out to report, and those who stayed abroad would be killed!" Wei Qianrou said.

"If everyone is dead, even if the news spreads out, it doesn't seem to make much sense!" Wu Li said.

Those people can catch the king even alive, so he has no doubt that these people can kill all the foreigners, especially with the help of so many beasts, even with the remaining people of the king, eighty Ten thousand people cannot stop these people.

"But what can we do when we stay abroad? Wait for death?" Rokeya asked.

"Did the elders say that before? Whether these people are from other dynasties or other forces, if they really want to annex our Baiyang dynasty, then they may not kill us all.

Otherwise, they could have let the other beast attack us before, but why didn't they? Wei Qianrou said.

"The elders are just speculations, which does not mean that they are true. Moreover, they did not attack us before, it may be because of other reasons, or they have been seriously injured in the battle with the foreign king.

That's why they occupy the residence of Gao Elder and need to recuperate. Before they do not recover, they will not take the initiative to attack us, which is normal!

But no one can guarantee that they will not attack us again after recovery. "Rocoya said.

"It's not impossible!" The elder nodded.

"So what do you say now? Is it war or retreat?" Wei Qianrou didn't know how to judge the current situation.

After all, they don't know the enemy, nor do they know what kind of situation they belong to.

If it is the guess of the elders, even if everyone stays abroad, there may not be much danger. But if it was like Rocoya's guess, then everyone would indeed kill themselves if they stayed abroad!

It's just that the most important question now is that it doesn't seem that they have the final say whether to stay or not.

"Everyone needs to think clearly. As long as we choose to do so, no matter what the outcome, the entire loss of the outer dynasty will be extremely large, and it will not even be possible to recover.

What's more important is that even if someone really leaves the dynasty, those people may not be us. The elder reminded everyone.

Once this decision is made, it is absolutely crucial for Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, and even affects the survival of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

"Although this will bring us great losses, but if we do n’t do anything, even if we do n’t lose a single person, this Baiyang dynasty is no longer what we say. Instead, It would be better for us to fight for our victory.

If we can escape successfully, there is still a chance to come back for revenge! "Wei Chenfei said.

"What do you think?" The elder asked again looking at the others.

"Or ... just try it!" Gao Ruyuan thought for a while.

"What about you?" The elder looked at the others again.

"Although this idea was proposed by me, I still feel that it is too risky. Now we are not sure what the purpose of those people came to the foreign dynasty, and watching it may be the most suitable way now." Rocoya Said.

"I also agree with the idea of ​​Elder Luo, if it is too soon to push yourself to despair, it may be too early." Second Elder Zhuang Min said.

"I'm still saying that, if all the people in Baiyang's dynasty were killed, even if we spread the news, it would not make much sense.

And the elder is right, once the war begins, it is not known whether we can successfully escape ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Maybe it is someone else who rushes out at that time, whether these people can successfully pass the message to other foreign countries and What about inward?

These are unknowns, so I don't think this method is feasible! Wu Li also stepped forward and said.

"I listen to everyone, you can do whatever you decide!" Wei Qianrou said when everyone saw her.

Anyway, everyone will definitely not make a decision that is not good for themselves. As long as everyone agrees, the benefits will be maximized.

Therefore, she chooses to follow everyone's pace without much problem.

"So, only Elder Wei and Elder Gao agreed to forcibly break out?" Said the elder.

Obviously, he did not agree.

After all, this caused too much damage to Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, and such loss was even unacceptable.

"You have also seen that if you really adhere to this method, it is estimated that only the people in your two houses can use it. But I can provide some people to cover you!" Said the elder.

"Aren't you afraid to die here?" Wei Chenfei said.

These guys didn't even want to leave the foreign dynasty, of course, he was a little dissatisfied.

Facing such two terrible beasts, Gaofu also has an alien beast who can join the war at any time, and those in Gaofu.

Even if the entire foreign gang attacked together, they might not be able to rush out smoothly.

Now the people in the five provinces are unwilling to move. Can they go out because they are attacking by the people in the two provinces?

"Just your point of use, even if it's all for us, it's useless!" Gao Ruyuan said dismissively.

"Then you ask if they are willing to help you out!" The elder dismissed the other person's disdain and looked at the others with a smile.