Godly Student

Chapter 5023: Joint operations plan!

"Subordinates, see the young master!" After everyone had made the blood oath of heaven and blood to the black robe man, they all knelt down to bow to the new "master".

"Get up all, since everyone is their own, I have a chance for everyone right now!" Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

"What opportunity?" Everyone was taken aback, but they couldn't help but feel a little more worried.

Because they always feel that the new master doesn't seem to be so kind, and even thinks that the new master has a greater chance of cheating them, so they are very cautious in their hearts.

"Now that the Nei Dynasty has repeatedly sent troops to attack you, it would be no way to stay so passive. Don't you also want to expand your own territory?

That being the case, we must take the initiative. If you can continue to expand your own territory inwardly, then their advantage will become smaller and smaller.

And even if the inner dynasty strikes again, it can keep your core turf away from the battlefield. Isn't this an opportunity? "Cheng Yu said.

"Opportunity is an opportunity, but once we take the initiative to attack other foreign countries, then we will also have a great loss.

Should the Inner Korea dispatch millions or even tens of millions of troops again at that time, then we will be even more unable to hold it. "The Changping Foreign King said.

"If you dare not expand your own territory, how can your strength become stronger? Sticking to your own three-acre land is destined to be the goal of others.

So you have to think about it, I'm not trying to force you to send troops. It's just that when you want to expand your own territory in the future, don't say that I didn't give you a chance. "Cheng Yu doesn't seem to care at all.

"Master, I didn't mean that!" Changping Waiwang may feel that Young Master is a little unhappy, and he is also worried that Young Master will exclude him from Changping Foreign Affairs in the future, so he explained quickly.

"It doesn't matter what you mean, I just provide you with a chance now. After the defeat of the Nei Dynasty this time, if they still want to send troops, it will take a year at the earliest.

So if any of you are interested, or have the courage, six months later, gather in Tianyang City of Jiangyang Outer Dynasty and Xinliao City of Hepingyuan Outer Dynasty to prepare for your first expansion journey in the Holy Dynasty.

As long as the foreign dynasties that have participated, they have a share. As for those who didn't participate, it is naturally impossible to give you any benefits. "Cheng Yu said.

"Is the young master planning to start with the Nanping Foreign Affairs Department first?" Upon hearing the young master's plan, the foreign king Jiang Yang was overjoyed.

Jiangyang Waichao Hepingyuan Waichao and Nanping Waichao are connected together, but the strength of Nanping Waichao itself is stronger than the two of them.

More importantly, Nanping Foreign Affairs and the neighboring loyalty Foreign Affairs formed allies to form the Nanping Alliance.

What's even more hateful is that the Nanping Alliance has been constantly testing them over the years, because there is the deterrence of Danqing Foreign dynasty in the rear, so that they have never attacked Pingyuan Foreign dynasty and Jiangyang Foreign dynasty.

However, although the Nanping Alliance did not fully attack the two foreign dynasties, they were devouring their territory a little bit.

Over the years, they have lost a lot of territory.

But because the Nanping Alliance did not aggressively attack, it was impossible for Danqing Foreign to send troops to help them attack the Nanping Alliance.

However, the two foreign dynasties were extremely worried about this. If this continues, one day the Nanping Alliance will consume them all.

Now that he has just joined the sacred dynasty, the young master is about to destroy the Nanping Alliance, which he absolutely supports.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who had the same idea. At this time, Pingyuan Wai Wang was also extremely excited.

"Master, if it is to attack Nanping Waichao, I would like to participate in Pingyuan Waichao!" Pingyuan Waiwang said very enthusiastically.

"Yes, I know that Nanping Waichao has been waiting for a few foreign dynasties to cause you great trouble. So this time we will take them first.

In addition, once these territories are swallowed by you, your power can advance eastward to a large extent.

Even if the army of the inner court comes back in the future, you will still have enough ground buffer. "Cheng Yu said.

"What the young master said is, but if we want to send troops, how much should be appropriate?" Qinghuo Wai Wang asked.

Although his Qinghuo Foreign Dynasty is not connected with Nanping Foreign Dynasty, how can such a big piece of cake of the Nanping Alliance be given to Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty and Peace Source Foreign Dynasty?

Even if he hadn't seen this young master take action with his own eyes, his status in the sacred dynasty was so high, and his strength was definitely extremely powerful.

If nothing else, it is the best proof that the army of more than four million Inner Koreas.

Even the four million army has been taken down so easily, how difficult is it to take down the Nanping Alliance?

So this thing can be said to be 100% successful. It is clear that the young master is giving benefits. How can he be absent from such a good thing?

"It's not me who has the final say, but you have the final say. The more you contribute, the more you contribute, the more benefits you will get.

If someone just wants to make up the number, they can get the same benefits as others, which is naturally impossible.

The young master always pays attention to fairness and justice in his work, and will never chill the heart of those who really give.

So this time, you can prepare for the joint operation with confidence. "Cheng Yu said.

"Understood! But we need time to consider now. I don't know if we can contact the young master after we make a decision?" Although the other kings have not expressed their views now, they will definitely consider such a big matter after they return. of.

If it were before, it would be impossible for them to even think about sending troops like this.

But it is different now, except because they have joined the sacred dynasty, if the young master asks them to send troops, they certainly can't refuse.

But now, the reason why they are willing to consider it is more because of the participation of the holy dynasty.

Since the Sheng Dynasty is about to win the Nanping Alliance, then this matter must be ironclad.

But the only thing they have to consider is, is there such a high return as the young master said?

This is not yet certain for the time being, only when they really wait until that time will they know what the real result will be.

And the second thing to consider is how much force they should send out is more appropriate.

In case things don't go as smoothly as imagined, maybe the people they sent out will be able to come back alive in the future.

So it must be inappropriate for this to send too many people. Otherwise, there is really no profit at that time, but it will not be a loss.

However, if there are too few people, it will appear that you are too shabby and that you don't believe in the young master. It is inevitable that the young master will have some bad impressions of them in his heart, and even alienate them in his heart.

Therefore, there are still many things to consider, and it is certainly impossible to make a decision at will now.

The Pingyuan Waiwang and Jiangyang Waiwang are different, and the biggest beneficiaries of this joint operation may be them.

After all, the problem of the Nanping Alliance has been resolved, so they no longer have to worry that someone will eat their territory every day.

So even if they don't have to weigh so many pros and cons, they can now directly participate in this joint operation plan.

"Of course, I have some jade slips for communication and how to make jade slips. You can contact me with the jade slips for communication in the future!" Cheng Yu took out some things that he had prepared and gave them to these foreign kings.

After so many times of practice, he had already understood the essence of the jade slips for communication, so the jade slips prepared for these foreign kings were also handy.

However, when the method of using this jade slip was handed over to these foreign kings, everyone was naturally shocked.

"I didn't expect that Yujian could still be used like this! I seem to understand a little bit. Why Danqing Foreign King can always know things that are thousands of miles away a few months in advance. Could it be the reason for this transmission of Yujian? "Wang Changping said very excitedly.

He had long suspected whether Foreign King Danqing had any way to quickly transmit information, but he hadn't figured it out before. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

But now looking at the jade slip that he was holding, he immediately understood that this was the way the King Danqing contacted the holy dynasty.

"That's right, as long as you have this jade Jane in hand and arrange for the deputy Jane out, you will be able to know the first time no matter how far away you are, even if you sit at home in the future.

But I want to remind you that Deputy Jane can't send it out casually, but can only give it to someone who is absolutely credible.

And even if you want to send it, you can only send the assistant jane, not the method of making the assistant arrow. Whether it’s the main or the deputy production method, you can only know it yourself.

Otherwise, if this secret is known or even cracked by the inner court, then we will have no time and speed advantages in the future, and we will only suffer. Cheng Yu said to them very solemnly at the end.

"Master, please rest assured, we naturally understand the meaning of this message of jade slips, and we will definitely not spread it easily." The foreign kings nodded one after another. Needless to say, we all know this kind of thing.

With this jade slip in hand, they can deploy troops and generals in the shortest time for any war. The enemy has already taken action before receiving their own intelligence. This is the advantage of time and speed.

If such important secrets are also known to the Nei Dynasty, then all of their advantages will be wiped out. How could they be so stupid to spread the secrets of these things!

This secret is the safest only if they know it themselves.

"If this is the case, then you should go back first. I am waiting for your good news in Tianyang City. In addition, Madam Danqing, you will stay here for now, and I have something to tell you." Cheng Yu faced. Said several foreign kings who had long been attached to him.

"Yes!" The foreign kings looked at the Danqing foreign kings and the others. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they left first.