Godly Student

Chapter 5419: The secret to the pattern?

"You're right, if they don't have enough wisdom, they really won't be able to manage such a big Cheng family.

And when the big thing is done, it will not be in charge of a family like the Cheng family, but in charge of the world.

If there is no extraordinary wisdom, the Cheng family really can't last long. Zhen Hun nodded, agreeing with the Cheng family's idea.

The most important thing for the person in charge is to pay more attention to the amount of wisdom when the strength is not weak.

Without enough wisdom, it is impossible to lead such a big Cheng family to go further.

"So although I can't go out now, it depends on how they handle it. If they really complete the task, whether they live or die, at least they are the Cheng family's heroes.

But if they didn't complete the task, but still died in Cheng's house, that's their own problem.

Of course, if it is true that Neichao's strength is too strong, they don't even have a chance to escape, then that's another story!

But according to my calculations, even if they delay for a few months, there will be at most ten immortals at most and no more than twelve at most.

Even if 10,000 people die with their lives, it should be enough to die with these twelve immortals!

So I think they have a relatively high chance of completing the task! "Cheng Yu thought for a while and said.

To be honest, he still had some expectations for these 10,000 disciples.

Although it is said that he cannot go to help them now, after his attack, the strength of the Nei Dynasty has actually been greatly reduced.

Ten thousand people should be enough to deal with those few immortals.

"Don't say it too early, and don't really take Nei Chao seriously. There will be accidents in everything. No matter what, Nei Chao still has so many troops.

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If the Nei Dynasty plans to implement the crowd tactics and exhaust the spiritual power and immortal power of your disciples first, what chance do you think they have of winning? "Soul Rescue reminded.

"That's true, it depends on how they deal with all of this. But even if they really fail, the 10,000 immortal monks will more or less bring certain losses to Nei Chao and those immortals.

The big deal is that after I go back, I will take everyone to the inner court together.

I don't believe it anymore, 10,000 people can stand up to them, but can they still stand up to 200,000 immortal monks? "Cheng Yu said indifferently.

"Since you think so, why didn't you send the 200,000 Immortal Slayers directly to the Nei Dynasty, why did you send 10,000 people to die?" Zhenhun wondered.

"Because I'm worried about some unforeseen changes in the inner dynasty, after all, I don't fully understand their methods.

And now I'm stuck here again, unable to go to Nei Dynasty with them, I naturally dare not let the 200,000 immortal monks of the Cheng family go to war with Nei Dynasty now.

If something really happens and I don't even have a chance to make a move, then it's really over.

In any case, it is not an easy task to awaken more than 200,000 disciples to the Holy Emperor's Art.

If they are all dead, how many more years will I have to wait to gather so many immortal monks?

So even if you really want to start a full-scale war with the Nei Dynasty, you have to wait for me to go out.

And the reason why I told these ten thousand people not to sacrifice themselves easily, but to take protecting themselves as their own responsibility, is actually just to let them go to test the inner dynasty.

Did they really have any other means.

At the same time, I want to let these ten thousand people consume their introverted strength while I have no way to go out during this period of time.

Otherwise, if we waste several months here, maybe even several years without being able to get out, wouldn't they have already gathered a large number of immortals in their internal court?

But if they don't have any special means in the inner court, 10,000 people are actually enough to destroy the inner court at this time.

If by the time we go out, the inner court is gone, the immortal is dead, and the passage has been destroyed, wouldn't that be the best result?

And even if the result is not so good, at least these 10,000 people should be able to reduce a large part of their power.

We are sure to make money! "Cheng Yu explained to Zhenhun.

"So that's it, you are still so treacherous!" Zhen Hun suddenly realized, and he admired Cheng Yu a little bit.

"If I wasn't treacherous enough to survive till now? I would have been killed by my enemies long ago. People live in this treacherous world, and they can only live longer if they are more treacherous than others!" Cheng Yu didn't feel repressed. Using the word treacherous to describe him is slandering him, but I think it is praising him.

Because that's his way of life.

To deal with the enemy, it is natural to be as treacherous as possible. But he was very kind to his own people.

"That's true! But it doesn't matter how much we worry about your ten thousand disciples now, we have to leave here as soon as possible.

Too much time has been wasted, and the more time we waste, the more dangerous it may be for your 10,000 disciples.

Just like what you are worried about, I am afraid that there are some special means in this internal court.

If this is the case, then if we waste so much time here, the entire army of 10,000 disciples may really be wiped out, and none of them will be able to come back alive. "Soul Rescue reminded.

"Of course I don't understand this, but the pattern is really too abstract, and I can't understand what it is painted on!" Cheng Yu was also helpless, and slapped the pattern with a slap.

"Huh?" But when Cheng Yu patted his hand on the pattern, he seemed to have discovered a huge secret.

Because he felt that the pattern seemed to move~lightnovelpub.net~ So, he still pressed the pattern with his palm, and then started to move his palm, and the pattern was actually turning.

But it wasn't the entire pattern that was rotating, and the pattern seemed to be composed of circles. When he moved his hand, he moved a few circles of the pattern.

"For a long time, this is a jigsaw puzzle? The pattern is really messy, so we need to reassemble the pattern!" Cheng Yu's face was overjoyed, and he seemed to understand the meaning of the pattern.

"However, such a large painting is divided into so many circles, and you don't even know what the pattern is, so how can you put it together into a complete pattern?" Zhenhun saw Cheng Yu turn to With such dense circles, I immediately felt that this was not a simple matter.

"Although it is difficult, at least we understand the secrets of these patterns, and then it is a matter of time." Cheng Yu is not so negative, as long as he knows the secrets of these four patterns, he will not be far from success.

It's nothing more than wasting some time. Although his time is very precious, he has already wasted a lot. Does he still care about this?