Godly Student

Chapter 5427: Suppose!

After the sacred tree absorbed all the corpses of the night fairy wolves, leaving only a pile of dry wolf skins, Cheng Yu put the sacred tree away.

The vitality of the sacred tree is too strong, if it stays outside, it will definitely attract more fairy beasts.

Although they just fought a very beautiful and perfect battle, it doesn't mean that they can do nothing in this place.

He still doesn't know what this place is, and who knows if there are any beasts in this place that are more powerful than the Yexian wolf?

If the life breath of the divine tree attracted these terrible things, and there might be a group of them, then they would not have the ability to play such a beautiful and perfect coordination.

So you should keep a low profile in everything you do.

At the very least, he should now figure out what the **** this is.

Although he knew that this was both aura and fairy aura, but he didn't really believe that this would really be a fairy world.

"Where are you going now?" Zhenhun asked.

"It's pitch black, and the ghost knows where I should go. But the sacred tree fought here just now, and the breath of life it exudes is too strong.

If there are really other fairy beasts or even humans in this place, they may be attracted by these life breaths.

So we should at least leave this place now, so as not to encounter some more powerful beings. "Cheng Yu explained.

"That's true. There are so many fairy beasts in this ghostly place. It's hard to say that there is no existence stronger than Ye Xianlang here. It really can't stay here any longer." Zhenhun nodded, feeling that Cheng Yu's thinking was still Very meticulous.

The breath of life is very easy to attract people and beasts, because both people and beasts know that a place with such a strong breath of life must be a good place, and there may even be some strange treasures.

And as the strength of the divine tree became stronger, the breath of life emitted by the sacred tree was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

This place really feels too dangerous, and it's hard to say that there are no very powerful people and beasts here.

If these horrible guys were attracted by the breath of life of the sacred tree, it would be really unlucky.

Cheng Yu didn't take out the lamp again, because in this dark world, fire is also the easiest way to attract enemies.

What's more, after Cheng Yu stayed here for a long time, he gradually got used to such a dim environment.

Although the place he can see is still very limited, at least it won't make his eyes darken and he can't see anything clearly.

It's just because the place he can see will not be very far away, and he will not speed up blindly, even rushing forward without seeing clearly what is in front of him.

In such a place where fairy beasts may appear at any time, it is not a good thing to be so reckless.

It would be terrible if it rushed into the attack range of a terrifying fairy beast.

So Cheng Yu cautiously groped forward in this dim world, but the speed was not very slow.

"There's no sunlight in this place. If you say this place is like a fairyland, I think it's more like the underworld!" Zhen Hun also felt that this place didn't look like the fairyland he imagined, so he said.

"Not every inch of land in the fairyland is illuminated by the sun, and there are some places where the sun never sees, but it is still the fairyland.

So whether there is sunshine in this place, it is impossible to judge whether it is a fairyland! "Cheng Yu explained.

"Then you mean that this place may be a place in the fairy world that never sees the sun?" Zhenhun said.

"Although it is true that there is such a place in the fairy world that can never see the sun, it does not mean that this place is really a fairy world. I just want to tell you that whether it is a fairy world or not cannot be judged by whether there is sunlight!" Cheng Yu explained.

He did have doubts, but at least 80% of him felt that he didn't believe this was the fairy world.

And the remaining 20% ​​felt that he was uncertain.

So he doesn't completely rule out that this place is really not the fairy world, after all, he doesn't know what it is now.

All you have to do is to look around first, maybe he will find some clues!

"If that's the case, I believe it's better to be in the Immortal World!" Zhenhun said.

"Do you really want to go to the fairy world? You don't really want me to help you find a female weapon spirit in the fairy world and give birth to a baby weapon spirit with you?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, do you think I'm like you, with so many wives at home?" Zhen Hun said angrily.

"Then why do you want this to be a fairy world so much? If this is really a fairy world, do you think there is still a way for us to return to the human world?" Cheng Yu said angrily.

When it comes to his wives, he also misses them a lot.

It's just that he doesn't know when he will be able to leave this ghostly place. He really wants to go back and see them now.

If this place is really a fairyland, then he really doesn't know how to get back.

"I hope this is the Immortal World because you said that there are materials in the Immortal World that can restore the Immortal Demon Tower into an immortal weapon.

And didn't you say it yourself, if it's in the fairy world, you can find the immortal soul grass and use it to refine the immortal soul pill, so you don't have to worry about not having enough immortal energy anymore? "Soul Soul explained.

"So that's the case, but you are right, if this is the fairy world, you can indeed find these things.

But I also said, if this is really the fairy world, then even if we get these things, we may not be able to return to the human world, so what's the point of these things to me? "Cheng Yu said helplessly.

"That's true~lightnovelpub.net~ But you said that this place actually has a fairy spirit, so will there be the materials you want?" Zhenhun asked.

"Although there is a fairy spirit here, there is no sunshine, so I think your assumption is very unlikely." Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

He hoped that what Zhenhun said was true, but judging from his knowledge of these herbs, the chances of the things he wanted appearing in this kind of place were really not very great.

"So there is still a chance?"

"It should be, I'm not sure!"

"But don't be discouraged, we have only been here for a few hours, who knows that there is really no sunshine here?

In other words, the night in this place will be longer, maybe in a few hours, there will be sunshine here! "The soul of the town said.

"I hope so! If there is really sunshine here, then maybe I can really find those things, and I will make money!" Cheng Yu said with a smile, but he knew that the situation Zhenhun said was basically wrong. maybe appear.