Godly Student

Chapter 1372: Prepare for action!

When Peng Haihai left, he was actually somewhat disappointed, but he also knew that Cheng Yu could help him to do this step. It is already very good, and the rest can only rely on themselves. To read the book · 1ka book nshu·

If the gods of the Tianlong gang did not appear today, they would only be able to arrest all the criminals of the Tianlong gang! When I think of it, he would rather have those gods appear. In this case, at least Cheng Yu will also shoot.

"Teacher, this Peng Director seems to treat us as a thug, and see how he left, some lost!" Xinhai said with a smile.

"I just want him to understand that nothing can always be thought of relying on others. We can't help them to do everything well! If it is not a monk, we will not shoot it!" Cheng Yu said.

"Yes, they have secular rules in the world. We don't want to control the secular, we can't participate in all of them." Xinhe nodded.

"Teacher, we didn't know if their elders would appear there on the day of the dragon. Do we have to go back to the mountain to find a few masters?" Xinluo said.

"I thought about it, or don't go back to the mountain!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"But in this case, how do you engage in the middle of the fit? We can't beat it!" said Xin Hai.

"I have my own way!" Cheng Yu said.

"Teacher, you don't want to challenge yourself in the middle of the fit?" Xinhe said with a frown.

When I heard the words of Xinhe, everyone was surprised to see Cheng Yu, especially Xinyao. His face was full of worrying colors. He was afraid that Cheng Yu was so impulsive and forced to challenge a master in the middle of the fit.壹Reading books www.1kanshu·c o

Although Cheng Yu had had an experience with the early stage of the split in the early days of distraction, Cheng Yu, who has reached the middle of distraction, must not be able to compete with the mid-term, so let alone catch a fit. .

"You don't have to worry about this, I have a way!" Cheng Yu said.

"Cheng Yu, you will not really want to rely on your own strength to deal with a master in the middle of the fit, this is simply impossible!" Xin Yao said with concern.

"Sister, you can rest assured, although I am not a rival in the middle of the fit, but we are not there as Shi Ji?" Cheng Yu did not say his secret.

In terms of the strength of his mid-distraction, it is still okay to go with a master in the middle of the fit, but it is not possible to defeat the opponent or kill the other.

However, Cheng Yu can't do it himself, but it doesn't mean that the magic weapon in his hand can't be done. Now his fairy tower has been able to cast a border killing. He doesn't know that this secret method can reduce the mastery of a medium-term master. What level, but at least certainly can bring him down to a realm, to reach the beginning of the fit.

If it is the beginning of the fit, then he may not be afraid. In the past, when I was in the early days of distraction, I dared to compete with the mid-term. Now that I am in the middle of distraction, I really hope that I will learn from the masters of the early days.

"No! Even if there is Shi Ji, you can't beat a mid-fit, you should never be reckless!" Xin Yao said worriedly.

Although Shi Ji reached the realm of the early stage of the fit, but still can not compare with the middle of the fit, she knows that the strength of Shi Ji is very powerful, but she does not think that Shi Ji can compete with the masters in the middle of the fit.

"This time we just went to help Peng Haihai to complete the operation smoothly. Is it not necessarily that they will appear in the Tianmen? Moreover, if they have appeared, they may not all be dispatched. After all, their elders are distinguished. It does not necessarily appear.

What's more, we don't mean that we must catch him back. If we can't beat them, they can't do anything about us. What are you afraid of? Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Teacher is right, we don't have to catch him. When we can't beat, we can run! Anyway, there are so many masters on the 36th peak. It is okay to call them to help again!" Said with a smile.

I heard them say this, Xinyao did not say anything, but the fear in the heart has not been reduced, just hope that as they said, the master of the mid-fit should not appear.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Cheng Yu received a message from Peng Dahai to remind them to set off.

The news received by Peng Dahai is that they will trade near the grocery warehouse of Yunhai Donggang Terminal at 10 o'clock in the evening. So I told Cheng Yu two hours in advance that I was worried that the situation would change. If I was prepared in advance, I would not worry about the accident!

Cheng Yu did not worry, the group went out slowly, and arrived at Donggang Terminal until 9:00. However, along the way, Peng Dahai sent several messages to confirm Cheng Yu's position, until he learned that Cheng Yu had arrived at the dock and was relieved.

After all, the previous arrests not only ended in failure, but their police losses were not small, so there was already some worry and fear in the invisible, for fear that the enemy was too strong.

This time, Cheng Yu is there, plus his ability to see the process, so the arrival of Cheng Yu is undoubtedly giving him a reassurance.

Although they did not process, they arrived at the dock, but they did not meet with Peng Hai, but drove around in the car.

"Do you have anyone who discovered the Tianmen?" Sitting in the car, the heart of the sea looked around and said.

"It's still early, if they want to come, they can't appear so soon!" Cheng Yu said.

"Who knows that? Maybe someone has already stared us up, maybe!" Xinluo said.

"Take him? Today they have to dare to come to ~lightnovelpub.net~ We will kill them all, I see how many people in their Tianmen dare to come!" Xinhai said with a smile.

"Oh, it’s quite good, but if people are sent to the distraction period, they are all killed. When people send it, it’s not a distraction period. Maybe it’s all in the fit period or even the Mahayana period. I see you still. Didn't you laugh out?" Xinluo said with no anger.

"That's not afraid, we are not bad at home now. If they all come, we may not be afraid of him, right? Yu Shidi?" Xinhai said with a smile.

"Do you know Tianmen very well?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I don't understand!" Xinhai shook his head.

"We don't know about Tianmen, but they are running into the world, I think their Tianmen's strength will not be bad. If possible, I don't want to bring them over, I just want to know that they come to the world. The purpose can be!" Cheng Yu said.

"But we have killed their Tianmen people. If they let them send the news back, they will continue to send masters sooner or later!" said Xinhe.