Godly Talent Duplicate System

Chapter 811: Elementary Beast God Level Fierce Beast

Ye Chen's face was as calm as water, he said to Zhou Shun:

"Let's go up the mountain."

Immediately, the group of people walked towards the Crazy Demon Mountain.

It didn't take long for them to reach the Crazy Demon Mountain.


But as soon as they arrived at Crazy Demon Mountain, countless fierce beasts attacked them.

Zhou Shun, Wang Cheng, Lin Yun, and Zhang Xue began to kill the beast.

Although there are a lot of fierce beasts, their strength is really too weak.

In just a few seconds, these fierce beasts all fell to the ground.

"These fierce beasts are really weak."

Zhang Xue said sarcastically.

She is the only girl in the group.


What Zhang Xue would never have thought of was that as soon as she had finished speaking, a terrifying roar came into her ears.

Zhang Xue's whole body was shocked, just because she just heard such a terrifying roar, her whole body couldn't stop shaking.

This this this...

Zhang Xue is not a fool, she knows that there must be a terrifying beast.

The faces of Zhou Shun, Wang Cheng, and Lin Yun were not very beautiful.

I saw a terrifying beast appeared in front of several people.

This is a fierce beast resembling a praying mantis, and it looks too terrifying.

"Elementary beast **** level fierce beast?"

Zhang Xue's tone trembled.

Of course she didn't know that this crazy mountain would have such a terrifying beast.

Zhou Shun's face also showed a deep look of astonishment, and she intuitively told her that this fierce beast was extremely terrifying!

He is a one-star war god, but he can never be the opponent of this terrifying beast.

"Are you scared?"

Ye Chen was stunned, thinking about being with him, still need to be afraid of a small primary beast god-level beast?

Of course, Zhou Shun, Lin Yun, Wang Cheng and Zhang Xue were scared. Not only were they scared, but they were also scared to the point where they couldn't be more scared.

"Senior, this is a low-level beast-god fierce beast."

Zhang Xue said to Ye Chen in awe.

"I know this is a junior beast-god-level fierce beast, but it's just a junior beast-god-level fierce beast. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Several people were shocked when they heard this, they all knew that Ye Chen was a powerful warrior!

But they didn't expect Ye Chen to be so strong that even the elementary beast **** level fierce beast was not afraid.


This low-level beast-god-level fierce beast stared at a group of people, as if looking at whether these people were offended.

Everyone in Zhou Shun knew that this elementary beast-god-level fierce beast was about to pounce.

Roar! ! !

Just listen, the elementary beast-god-level fierce beast roared again and rushed towards the group of people.

Zhou Shun's people, all of them were horrified, and they all went backwards.

Of course Ye Chen did not retreat, just because a low-level beast-god-level fierce beast was almost meaningless before him.

I saw that the primary beast-god-level fierce beast was extremely fast, but it arrived in front of Ye Chen in an instant.

Just after this primary beast-god-level fierce beast opened its big mouth and was about to swallow Ye Chen into its stomach, Ye Chen punched out.

There is still no vitality attached to his fist.

what? !

Zhou Shun looked at the scene before him, and he was shocked secretly.

He thought that when Ye Chen defeated him, he didn't have any vitality attached to his fist, and now he fisted away thinking of the primary beast-god-level fierce beast, and his fist still did not attach any vitality.

Could it be that Ye Chen is already so strong?