Gods and Demons Are Unparalleled

Chapter 697: Ghost Eye

Please remember the URL of this site:; Please recommend the publicity introduction to your QQ group [Weibo/WeChat] forum post bar! Su Han thought about it, and understood a doubt that has troubled him for a long time: "When the little Pluto fought me back then At that time, it must be because the vision of the gate of the underworld consumes too much mana, so it is impossible to use the powerful magic weapon."

Su Han easily deduced the truth of the matter: "If I want to be able to control the vision freely, my cultivation level is still too low. The cultivation base of the Yuanshen realm is not enough to control such a powerful vision."

After condensing the vision, Su Han continued to practice the secret technique in the Dongtian Orb, comprehending all kinds of changes and mysteries in the vision of the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons.

At the same time, Su Han was pleasantly surprised to find that after he reached the sixth level of cultivation of the Immortal Physique, his cultivation speed almost doubled compared to before.

Those warriors with monstrous talents cultivated at an astonishingly fast speed, and their growth was extremely terrifying. After Su Han's Immortal Body of Gods and Demons has been cultivated to the sixth level, he finally has the qualifications to compete with those monstrous and powerful peers.

"The action begins! Blue Mountain gathers!" The blue demon scales attached to Su Han's arm suddenly trembled, and Yaoye's male-feminine voice came.

"Have you started? It's really exciting to hunt an undead strong man!" Su Han smiled excitedly, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiling.

Each of the old monsters in the undead realm has lived for a long time and is difficult to kill.

Even in the Qiankun Profound Realm, the center of the powerful world, the old monsters in the undead state are all overlord-level existences. No one wants to mess with them.

The leaders of the supreme sects are nothing but warriors in the Profound Sky Realm. It is easy for those masters of the Profound Sky Realm to defeat a martial artist of the Immortal Realm, but it is more difficult to kill an undead Realm martial artist. If the immortal old monster is proficient in various evasion techniques, it will be even more difficult to kill.

A group of warriors in the primordial spirit realm wanted to hunt and kill an old monster in the immortal realm, and it was also a variant of the ancient beast that inherited the blood of the ancient beast. The success rate of this behavior is extremely low. Even if the ghost eye only has one-tenth of its combat power left, its ferocity is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary Yuanshen masters. Otherwise, it would not be able to suppress a large number of ancient beasts under its command.

Su Han took a step forward. Immediately disappeared from the spot.

Blue Mountain is an ordinary spiritual mountain.

At this time, in the blue mountain, there are already a group of strange shapes and different kinds of figures gathered. Each of those alien species exudes a powerful aura, and most of the alien species exude a terrifying aura that surpasses the Ninth Heaven of Nirvana.

In front of the countless alien species, stood three people. The three of them were the undead demon prince Yao Ye, and a burly one. With a pair of dragon horns, a burly and handsome dragon man, a ten-meter-tall fine gold giant whose whole body seems to be cast from various alloys.

The extremely handsome dragon man with a pair of dragon horns looked at Yao Ye, a look of admiration flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Yao Ye, our people have arrived. You are still waiting for that Su Han Is he really as strong as you said? The warriors of the human race are very weak, and they are not our opponents at the same level. How can he draw with you?"

Yaoye is handsome, extraordinary, and full of neutral beauty. Both men and women will be attracted by her charm when they see her. It's all over the place. Where monsters are everywhere, she also has many suitors.

As beautiful as a demon night. And the extremely powerful existence, among this heterogeneous species, is also rare, very rare existence.

Yao Ye said indifferently: "Long Hai, although Su Han is a human race, he is proficient in several emperor scriptures and countless secret techniques. He also has more than one magic weapon and has a lot of cards. His combat power is not inferior to mine."

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Long Hai's eyes, and he said coldly: "Wait for him to come. I'm going to try to see how strong he is. If he's strong enough, I'll let him join us. If he's not strong enough, then die!" "

Yao Ye and the ten-meter-tall adamantine giant were silent and didn't say much.

In the world of heterogeneity, the strong are the most respected. The three of Yaoye also represent the existence of the top powerhouse in a force, and only then can they be able to suppress the alien species below.

If Su Han couldn't even stop Long Hai's test, he would die if he died. No one will stand up for Su Han.

At this moment, a leisurely voice came from the side, and the space was distorted for a while. Su Han walked out of the void and looked at Long Hai with a slight smile: "Then if you are not strong enough, Do you want to die too?"

"Bold, you are courting death!"

With a roar, Long Hai took a step forward, using his supernatural powers to shrink the ground into an inch, suddenly exploded, a real dragon's aura spread out from his body, and one claw contained a terrifying dragon shape. Energy, grabbing towards Su Han.

That claw seemed to be transformed into a real dragon, with a single blow, it could kill even a strong man in the fifth level of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

"You, you're too weak!" A look of excitement flashed in Su Han's eyes, he took a step forward, and punched Long Hai's fist with one blow, smashing the vacuum and shattering it with one blow. The dragon-shaped energy of Long Hai bombarded Long Hai's body.


Accompanied by a huge, earth-shattering sound, the dragon sea immediately flew upside down like a catfish, crashed into a small mountain, and embedded itself in the mountain.

There was no sound, and all the aliens on the blue mountain looked at Su Han, with horror and disbelief flashing in their eyes.

Long Hai is an ancient alien species with the blood of a real dragon. His physical strength is extremely powerful and he has few opponents. Melee combat is almost invincible, even Yaoye has to avoid his edge, keep a distance, and use all kinds of exquisite martial arts skills to be able to draw with Long Hai.

Now that Long Hai was blown away by Su Han, it was shocking.

After Su Han's Immortal Physique is promoted to the sixth heaven, his aptitude can be compared to many mysterious and incomparable physiques such as Hades Battle Physique and Immortal Demon Physique. And the physical strength is extremely powerful, already comparable to an old monster in the undead realm.

Yao Ye watched Su Han knock Long Hai into the air with one blow, and a horrified light flashed in her beautiful eyes: "So strong. How did he become so strong? Did he hide his strength when he fought against me? "

The fine gold giant glanced at Su Han, and said in a hoarse voice: "Amazing! I am a golden bone! I admit that you are qualified to join us."

"That's right, your physical strength is very strong. Just because of this, you are qualified to join us. Let's hunt ghost eyes together! I am Longhai!" A beam of light flew out from the mountains beside us. Before Su Han landed, it was the Long Hai who was blown away by Su Han's blow just now.

Su Han took a look at the unscathed Long Hai, and couldn't help shrinking his eyes slightly: "It's powerful, I didn't show mercy to that blow. His physical defense is extremely terrifying. I'm afraid the old man who is infinitely close to the undead state Monster. It is indeed one of the leaders of these alien species. Before breaking through the sixth level of the indestructible body of gods and demons, I am not the opponent of this guy."

Long Hai also looked at Su Han, a look of fear flashed in his eyes. It was the first time he had seen a warrior who could compete with him in close combat, and he was also a human master known for his physical weakness.

Su Han glanced at Long Hai, and introduced himself briefly: "I'm Su Han."

Jin Gu said in a deep voice: "Everyone is here, let's go!"

"it is good!"

The alien legion headed by Su Han flickered and galloped towards the place where the ancient beast lived.

After galloping for hundreds of miles, Su Han suddenly frowned, and asked slowly: "This direction. As far as I know, it's not the gathering place of the ghost eye forces of ancient beasts. Did you find the wrong place?"

Yao Ye said: "That's right. The one in the ghost eye force is just the incarnation of the ghost eye. The ancient fierce beast is respected, and the ghost eye forcibly escaped from the seal of the flame god. It itself It also suffered huge damage. Its strength is less than one-tenth of its heyday, so it is natural to be afraid of being besieged by its former subordinates. Even its descendants, there are not a few guys who covet its blood power. The place we are going now. That's where the real ghost eye is."

Ghost Eye has the bloodline of an ancient beast with ten thousand eyes, which is noble and powerful. Among the ancient fierce beasts, the strong are respected. The concept of family affection is weak. Among its descendants, there are also existences who covet its blood. Therefore, Guiyan had no choice but to hide in a more secret place and use his avatar to manipulate his power.

As long as the ghost eye's real body does not appear in front of everyone, no one in the ghost eye force will dare to blatantly challenge the authority of the ghost eye. Because no one knows how much strength Ghost Eye has recovered. The unknown is the most frightening thing.

Passing through mountain ranges, forests, and a grassland that is so empty and has no limit as far as the eye can see, the grassland with thin aura immediately appeared in front of everyone.

Long Hai looked at the grassland with thin spiritual energy. He said lightly: "The ghost eye is here."

Su Han glanced at the prairie, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "It's here? He really took great pains."

The aura of this grassland is thin, and it is not suitable for the existence of such ancient beasts to heal their wounds. Warriors above Immortal Realm will not be easily injured, once injured, if they cannot recover quickly. That is an injury that is difficult to recover from. It will take hundreds, or even thousands of years, to recover.

Naturally, the spiritual place with rich aura would heal best for that kind of injury, and no one would have expected Guiyan to choose this place to live in seclusion for healing.

Long Hai nodded lightly, and then said no more: "Ghost Eye is hidden here, and we also found out by chance."

Su Han didn't ask too much. Long Hai was able to discover the traces of Ghost Eye. Apart from chance and coincidence, there were obviously other secrets involved. It's just that since the other party didn't want to say more, Su Han was very sensible and didn't ask more.

Jin Gu said coldly: "Do it!"

A body as high as five feet long, like a huge lizard, but with only one black one-eyed, the ancient alien species with Nirvana Ninth Level Ninth Heaven cultivation level looked into the grassland.

A blue beam of light immediately shot out from the black one-eyed eye of the huge lizard, and landed somewhere in the grassland.

The six-headed body is as high as three feet, covered with white scales, and the ancient white-scaled demon ape, which is eighty percent similar to the ape, opened its mouth wide, and white beams of light shot out from their mouths. The guidance of the light beam hit that point at once.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, the white beam of light seemed to bombard a huge energy shield, and it exploded in an instant. The terrifying power fluctuations cracked the earth, completely collapsed, smoke billowed, and the ground shook. The mountain shakes.

"A group of little ants dare to disturb this king's recovery, you guys are courting death!"

Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, black beams of light shot out from the ground, bombarding Su Han and the others.

Under the bombardment of the black beam of light, more than 30 Nirvana-level Ninth Layer Alien Species were wiped out within a single encounter. The two primordial spirit realm aliens were also pierced by the black beam of light, struggling on the ground in incomparable pain, with traces of death eroding their bodies, gradually eroding their vitality.

Killing more than 30 alien species in the Nirvana Realm of the Ninth Layer with one blow, and making two alien species in the Primordial Spirit Realm feel worse than death, this is the horror of the Immortal Realm Primordial Beast.

A head is as high as three feet long, with six thick thighs, covered with extremely sharp barbs, a string of glasses on the back, and a huge golden vertical eye on the head, like a large lizard Ordinary ancient beasts immediately appeared in front of everyone. This ancient fierce beast is the ghost eye that Su Han and his party hunted down.

The huge golden vertical eyes of the ghost eyes looked towards Su Han and his party, and the fierce light in the eyes flashed away, and an extremely domineering aura came from its body immediately~lightnovelpub.net~ Rolling towards Su Han and others.

Long Hai was not surprised but rejoiced, and sternly shouted: "As expected, he has less than one-tenth of his strength left. Otherwise, with that blow, we would all be seriously injured, and more than 90% of us would die. Do it, kill it, absolutely not let it have a chance to breathe."

After finishing speaking, Long Hai took a step forward, an incomparably rich Qi and blood shot up into the sky, and spirit patterns gushed out from his body, causing him to quickly transform into a dragon that seemed to have shrunk several times. A hundred times stronger, a real dragon of a different species standing upright. With him as the core, a trace of terrifying Longwei spread in all directions.

After transforming into an existence similar to a real dragon of a different species, a tyrannical energy and blood rolled on Long Hai's body, and the powerful dragon power spread out in all directions, like a real dragon in its youth, domineering and tyrannical, and alone .

The golden giant golden bone sucked it hard, and all the iron powder, copper powder, and many fine gold powders within a radius of a thousand miles on the ground immediately turned into a terrifying torrent, pouring into its body at once, making it Its body became bigger again, and its figure exploded, rushing towards the ghost eye like a giant. (to be continued...)

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