Golden Fishery

v2 Chapter 290: . The big thing is not good

  Qin Shiou looked up and looked around freely, but Wei Ni and others didn't pay attention, so they opened it and took a look.

At this sight, he almost spit out his tongue. Song Bailu’s text message read: "Are you trusting? When I was young, my sister and I told fortunes. The master said that we will meet someone who guesses our name as soon as we meet. Man, we will have one to marry him, do you want to marry my sister, or me?"

  Qin Shiou laughed and didn't take it to heart. These words were a joke. Now the girls are doing everything to catch the beetle-in-law, even his mother’s metaphysics is lying down.

  He didn’t believe it. If he was still the young man who was a dick, even if he saw Song Bailu, he would directly recite Bai Juyi’s "Twenty Rhymes of Newly Planted Bamboo in Summer by Secretary Lu", why would Song Bailu look at him more?

  However, it suddenly occurred to him that he had only seen this poem recently. After seeing Song Bailu before, it seemed that he could not recite such a poem.

  Vini looked at him curiously and asked: "What are you looking at?"

  Qin Shiou quietly put away the phone, and said: "Bill Saatchi sent me a message saying that he plans to send the lobster fry in the next few days."

  Vini nodded, and suddenly said, "Is there anything funny?"

  Qin Shiou couldn't continue to be the actor, he blinked and realized that he was speechless.

  Vini smiled charmingly, helped him tidy up the clothes, and whispered: “Don’t worry about how to deal with me, don’t be afraid, baby, I’m just teasing you, who doesn’t have any privacy and secrets?”

  Qin Shiou honestly handed over the phone, and said, "Watch it for yourself."

  Vini showed a look that counts you, but she didn't look at it after receiving the phone. After turning around, he handed it to him, saying: "Well, this thing is over. The beauties are leaving you. I'm still by your side."

After getting in the car, Qin Shiou sighed. He thought that Wei Ni was a bit too smart, and there was such a smart wife. It seems to be finding sin for myself.

   But think about it carefully, it seems that it is a funny thing to fight with Wei Ni like this.

  Thinking about this, Qin Shiou became silly again.

  One thing he said correctly, the Maine lobster fry did arrive after a day.

  The water temperature in September is just right for the breeding of shrimp fry. In order to prevent the lobster fry from getting into the water and being eaten by the big fish, Qin Shiou deliberately set up a closed breeding area with a seine, and specializes in cultivating lobsters.

  Lobster is an omnivorous animal. However, food habits are slightly different at different developmental stages.

  The newly hatched shrimp larvae first take their own stored egg yolk as nourishment. Soon after, they eat rotifers and other small zooplankton. As the individual grows, they eat larger zooplankton, benthic animals and plant debris.

  Finally, the shrimp will feed on animals and plants, including plant debris and animal carcasses, as well as water worms, chironomid larvae, small aquatic crustaceans and some aquatic insects.

  When breeding this type of Maine lobster, you can feed the shrimp larvae with Artemia nauplii and spirulina powder. Bill sent these things together, a full fifty tons of shrimp feed.

This doesn’t require an airplane to spread food, just drive a fishing boat into the waters of the purse seine. Qin Shiou watched a boat of shrimp larvae being lifted into the water, expecting in his heart, as the production of European lobsters decreased, Maine lobsters are now more and more. The more popular it is.

  In order to prevent these small shrimps from not adapting to the water temperature or death in the growing environment, Qin Shiou deliberately input some Poseidon energy into the breeding waters.

  The next day, as soon as Qin Shiou finished his breakfast, Shaq rushed in anxiously. Shouted: "BOSS. It's not good..."

   "Has the Wang Xingren invaded?" Qin Shiou joked, picking his teeth.

   "What are Wang, Wang, and Wang Xingren? No, BOSS, it is the lobster that died, and many lobster fry died!" Shaq said anxiously.

  Qin Shiou asked: "A lot of lobster fry died? A lot?"

Shaq nodded helplessly. Take a boat and take a look at the sea.

  Sure enough, in the sea area separated by a fence. Pieces of lobster floated on the water, Qin Shiou picked up one and touched it, but did not respond, apparently dead.

  Live lobsters fall into short-lived suspended animation after being stimulated, but the tail will curl after being touched. If there is no response after touching it, it is bound to die.

  Qin Shiou hurriedly released the consciousness of the sea god, and found that something was really bad. The dead shrimp larvae were not only those floating on the surface of the sea, but also some dead for a long time, the corpses had already sunk into the bottom of the sea!

There are millions of lobster fry, and now there are less than one tenth of them still barely alive. Qin Shiou ignores it and gathers the remaining shrimp fry with Poseidon consciousness. Poseidon’s energy is sprayed out like a water pump, and a large amount of energy is output to the shrimp fry. .

  With the improvement of Poseidon’s energy, these shrimp larvae finally regained some vitality and can struggle to hunt on the bottom of the sea.

  Qin Shiou hurriedly called Bill. The latter heard the news and did not dare to wait. He brought the microbiologists and seafood experts hired by Dick Marine Vegetation Company from the School of Life Science and Engineering at the University of Toronto, and rushed over.

  After arriving, first collect dead shrimp larvae, and then collect feeds such as sea water and spirulina powder used yesterday, and analyze them on the spot.

  The Erlenmeyer flasks and test tubes were laid out one by one. Several experts continued to add reagents, and some people brought a microscope, made glass slices with sea water, and started to observe.

  After more than ten minutes, several experts gathered together to discuss for a while, called Bill over, and said something carefully.

   Bill gave Qin Shiou the impression that he was a more orthodox professional manager, but this time he was a little flustered. After listening to the experts, he took out his handkerchief and began to wipe his sweat.

  "Is it so hot?" Qin Shiou was still in the mood to joke, "Would you like to go to my freezer for a while?"

Bill smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you for your concern, Qin, let’s talk about the fishing grounds now. I don’t know how to say it, but I have to admit that I made a mistake. I should check your fishing grounds first. Environmental."

   "What's the matter?" Qin Shiou asked. He still lost 500,000 yuan, but he didn't want to lose it in vain.

  Bill stretched out his hand and said helplessly: "We have isolated the lobster Gaffchiella from the seawater of your fishery, **** it, why is there this thing?"

  Qin Shiou has heard of this bacterium. Before he prepared to breed lobsters, he made some preparations and studied common sense and news related to Maine lobsters.

  And in these news, the most famous event is the early 21st century, when the lobster Gaffigiella raged along the coast of the United States and Canada.

  These bacteria can invade the body from the shell of the lobster, and then cause the lobster to suffer from sepsis and die in large numbers.

  In that year, the North American lobster production dropped sharply, which led to a surge in lobster prices in the world seafood market. He did not expect that he also encountered this kind of bacteria now.

  Lenovo’s fishery has not survived lobsters. There is no doubt that the bacterial content in his fishery is so high that the lobsters have died out.

  The question now is, what should I do? (To be continued~^~)