Golden Fishery

v2 Chapter 458: .Gorgeous Ship (3/10)

  Behind the fleet, there were some ships following, but the six ships were arranged too closely, they could only stay behind and watch anxiously, and could not rush to catch the autumn wind.

  In the past, Qin Shiou could not fish. It was not because there were few fish or too many fishing boats. It was because everyone was not one minded, and how good the scenes would be messed up.

  Each fishing boat has a sonar fish finder. The machine is useless from a distance, but within three or four kilometers, the sonar will explore the fish and reflect it on the screen, showing the general situation of the fish.

  Once a school of fish is found, the fishermen will be crazy. Everyone is worried that the other party will start too quickly and they will not be able to catch it by themselves, and they will speed up the net. In this way, people go off the net everywhere, and the time to go off the net is different. The fish will be frightened and will run away. In the end, no one will even want to catch them.

  The fleet is different. The six boats advance and retreat at the same time, and the fishing nets are connected in a line, so that when they encounter a school of fish at the end, the school of fish will still be frightened and run away. But the only ones who can escape are some fish on both sides of the school. Running forward and backward, these fish will eventually be caught.

  Qin Shiou sat in the middle of the town and asked the captains on both sides to calm down, so that the captains smoked desperately in their mouths to calm down.

  Please, now they have a lot of Canadian dollars in front of them. Although the species of this fish cannot be determined in detail, cod is the most likely. Even if it’s not cod or mackerel, you can earn ten thousand twenty thousand, which is great!

  Poseidon’s consciousness is monitored in the sea, and a spectacular scene begins:

  The fishing boat first drove to the sea area above the fish school. At this time, the fishing net towed behind has not arrived, so the fish school has not been frightened yet, and it is still swimming in groups.

  The densely packed haddock spread from the bottom of the sea for more than 20 meters and extended several kilometers forward, within this three-dimensional range. It was full of fat cod.

  When Europeans discovered Newfoundland, they said that they could step on cod to go ashore. This is a bit exaggerated, but now we look at the number of haddock herds. It can be described as such!

  After the fishing ground reached the sea area above the tail of the fish school, Qin Shiou signaled that the Sword and Popeye on both sides began to accelerate, so that the line of the fishing net changed from a straight line to an arc, completing a large encirclement of the fish school.

  The fishing boat following is now also aware of the existence of the fish on the screen. The fishermen's eyes were red, but they were all right, because the six fishing boats had blocked the fishing road unless they went around and started at the other end.

  But, so time is too late...

  Close to the school of fish, the fishing boat suddenly accelerated to 20 knots, so that the movement of the fishing net suddenly increased and disturbed the cod.

  But now it’s too late for the cod to run, except for the fish on both sides and the fish that slipped through the net. The other haddock can only fall into the fishing net helplessly.

  Even if it can escape this catastrophe, the haddock will have no way out, because there are more than a dozen fishing boats behind it that have opened the evil net.

  The Seagod consciousness was in the water, and Qin Shiou witnessed this genocide battle with his own eyes. It was brutal, cruel, and merciless!

  Humans are really the nemesis of natural creatures!

  Of course, it’s a bit pretending to say that. After all, haddock is huge in the world, and Qin Shiou cannot capture dozens of tons by himself. It has no effect on their survival status. What really affects marine fish is the crazy overfishing and ocean pollution!

  There is no need to reminisce about the past and hurt the present. Qin Shiou focused on fishing. This time the number of fish was large. He observed that the fishing net was already full of haddock, and through the radio, the captains quickly closed the net to prepare for the next wave.

  At this time, the fishing boat speeded up for only 20 minutes, which was only half of the 40 minutes from the regular net reeling time. The other captains were a little skeptical and did not dare to reel the net directly.

  Qin Shiou didn't care, anyway, I reminded him in place. It is your own loss if you do not take the net.

  Fengshou number is forbidden here. As soon as Qin Shiou said to close the net, the smoke gun immediately manipulated the motor to slowly close the fishing net through the pulley.

   Chalmer went to open the entrance to the ice cabin, and the fishing net was hoisted to the hatch. After opening it seemed to rain heavily. The fat and tender haddock fell in, blocking a space directly. At least four tons!

  The cod was poured out, and the fishermen rushed up to gather the fishing net in the fastest time, and then sprinkled it into the sea again to start the second net.

The surrounding fishing boats saw that Fengshou had made a good harvest, so they rushed to close the nets. As a result, the fishing boats would slow down and eventually stop when the nets were taken. The five boats did not take the nets at the same time. Can't keep the battle in order anymore.

  But Fengshou did not suffer, because it was them who rushed to the forefront. Qin Shiou dragged the second net for forty minutes before closing the net. Even if the time was doubled, the harvest of haddock was not as much as the first net.

  As for the other five boats, it’s good that the second net can have half of the first net. Once the fishing boats can’t unify their speed, there will be a loophole in the line of defense and the cod can escape.

  This is also good, Qin Shiou didn't want to kill this school of fish.

  Twenty thousand had harvested seven or eight tons of haddock. The fishermen of the Harvest were cheering in unison. In the public channel, the captains behind were anxiously calling:

   "I said, guys, be merciful, leave us some soup, OK?"

   "God! You are too cruel, are you going to catch all the fish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence?"

   "No! Why didn't I join the Fengshou fleet! I must have been mentally disabled at the time! It must be so!"

  The discovery of such a large haddock flock requires luck. The luck of Harvest makes the captains jealous. They may not have encountered such a large fish flock for several years.

  Of course, Qin Shiou has two marine hounds, snowballs and ice skates. It was only ten geniuses to find such a batch, and it can be predicted that it will be impossible to find such a big fish in the next few days.

  The haddock school completely dispersed, leaving meaningless, and Qin Shiou was about to return.

  At this time, Poseidon’s consciousness has made a new discovery on the bottom of the sea, the school of haddock scattered, and a sunken ship revealed its face.

  There are many shipwrecks in the ocean. Qin Shiou has encountered it many times, but not much can be used. Most of the shipwrecks are corroded by seawater or damaged by marine life.

  This shipwreck is also a wooden ship, with a length of 70 or 80 meters and a majestic shape. Even though it has been sleeping on the seabed for hundreds of years and its hull is crumbling, it still shows its overbearing glory.

  Qin Shiou took a closer look. The ship should have been very awe-inspiring when it was sailing on the sea.

In addition, many parts of the ship’s stern tower, pillars and door lintels are precision sculptured. The collision angle of the bow is a series of tiger heads surrounded by a circle. If you remove the seaweed attached to it, you can feel To its majesty.

  The Seagod consciousness entered the interior of the ship, and almost everything in it was destroyed, but a pile of scattered large boxes was found in the cabin.

  These boxes have been glued together because of seaweed. The patterns on them are simple and gorgeous. Obviously, the things inside are extraordinary. (To be continued~^~)