Golden Fishery

v2 Chapter 586: .Block off chemical plants

In the planting pot, there are many emerald green plants with uniform height, all over two meters high. The unfolded leaves are palm-shaped, but the edges are split, and the lobes are linear-lanceolate, more than ten centimeters long, bulging. The momentum is flourishing.

  Qin Shiou is not familiar with this kind of plant, but after listening to Bird's solemn warning, he subconsciously thought of something: "Don't tell me, this is his **** big hemp!"

  Bird nodded naturally, and Nelson said: "Yes, this is the immature hemp, **** it, when did the factory become a hemp plantation? We didn't even know it!"

  Qin Shiou didn't expect that he accidentally searched to find this thing. He looked closely at this amazing plant that was passed down in the country, and he was quite curious.

  In fact, in Canada now, indoor cultivation of hemp has become a new production method of drug-trafficking, production and sale of hemp. This production method is called indoor hemp farm.

  Indoor large-hemp farms first appeared on the west coast of Canada and the west coast of the United States, and Newfoundland can be said to be the place of origin.

  Qin Shiou did not dare to be paralyzed. After leaving the factory, he immediately called the police station and told Roberts that he suspected someone was planting hemp in the abandoned factory.

  Getting the news, Roberts drove a police car to the Spring Chemical Plant. When he saw Qin Shiou, he asked: "Man, why do you have this doubt?"

Qin Shiou explained: "It's a coincidence that everyone is fishing for gooseneck barnacles at low tide recently? You know I like to eat this food, and there are many people in our fishery, and a little barnacle is not enough to eat. So I just want to find a place where there are fewer barnacles and more people to fish."

"As a result, I chose the small cliff behind the chemical plant. When I was preparing to go down, I happened to see the electric meter of this chemical plant. At that time, the pointer of the electric meter was beating rapidly. This was obviously abnormal, and it used too much electricity. Now, I have to wonder what dirty work is going on inside!"

  His reason is a bit far-fetched, because an abandoned factory uses a lot of electricity, so he suspects that he is planting hemp? But in Newfoundland. This reason is valid.

  Indoor large-hemp planting requires a complete set of cultivation tools, including high-efficiency indoor lighting, automatic irrigation system, powerful ventilation system and so on.

  These tools have a particularly large demand for electricity. Therefore, the surge in electricity consumption in a building without a reasonable explanation can be suspected of indoor hemp planting.

  Getting Qin Shiou's reply, Roberts went to check the location of the electric meter, his expression also became serious.

  The electricity in the town is pulled from St. John's through a submarine cable, so paying the electricity bill has nothing to do with the town. The town cannot monitor which households and households have any changes in electricity consumption.

  Look at it now. An abandoned chemical plant that consumes so much electricity is obviously problematic. Roberts agreed with Qin Shiou's statement and called the St. Johns Police Headquarters to ask them to mobilize anti-narcotics police to inquire about this matter.

  In fact, it is very simple to determine whether there is hemp in the chemical plant, just check it.

  But Roberts could not do this. First of all, Canadian law stipulates that private property is sacred and inviolable. He did not have the right to enter the Spring Chemical Plant without a search warrant.

  Secondly, if someone actually grows hemp in it, the criminals are usually extremely vicious, and the firepower of the guns definitely exceeds that of the town police. It would be too risky for Roberts to enter.

  It is unrealistic to require ordinary policemen to take the risk of anti-narcotics, which is also related to the national conditions of Canada. What job does it do? It’s not that the anti-narcotics police did not receive a special order, that would not take care of the issue of drug cultivation and trading. This is also one of the reasons for the madness of the Canadian hemp trade.

  The Police Headquarters of St. John’s took this issue very seriously, and soon a Black Hawk helicopter flew in. The police still cannot enter the chemical plant directly. You have to get evidence first.

  How to obtain evidence? Quite simply, as Qin Shiou saw, the light in the basement is particularly abundant, because hemp needs a lot of light to grow. Drug dealers have to use high-powered lamps to illuminate the hemp to stimulate their growth.

  As we all know, high-power electric lights are horrible to dissipate heat. Will cause very hot flashes in the house. In this way, only use infrared detectors to check. This anti-narcotics helicopter is equipped with sensitive infrared detectors, which can penetrate a five-meter-thick concrete layer or a ten-meter-thick soil layer to monitor temperature changes.

  The helicopter hovered for two weeks and then landed not far away. A group of anti-narcotics police officers wearing helmets and armed with submachine guns or shotguns rushed out.

  Roberts contacted the lead policeman and said a few words, and then led Qin Shiou over. The white policeman asked seriously: "Sir, how long have you been monitoring this factory? Have you found anything?"

  Qin Shiou pretended to be ignorant of the factory’s situation and shook his head, and said, “I only noticed today that no one enters or leaves the factory.”

  The police officer in the team nodded to thank him, and then waved his hand. The anti-narcotics police smashed the gate of the factory with the dog, and rushed towards the last workshop.

  The next thing is very simple. Enter the basement of the workshop and find those big hemp, and the anti-drug police will seal the Spring Chemical Plant.

  Qin Shiou asked Roberts: "Did they catch the owners of these da-ma?"

  Roberts shook his head in frustration: “No, the other party is very cunning. He used a fully intelligent planting system. Just check the system every once in a while, don’t stay here.”

  The police officer led the team up to salute Qin Shiou and thank him for providing clues, saying: "We will seal up this factory and immediately arrest the relevant person in charge of the factory. In addition, please inform the town residents not to come near here in the near future."

  Although there are discussions on the decriminalization of cannabis in Canada, it is illegal to possess and use cannabis for non-medical purposes. According to the law, possession of hemp with less than 30 grams can be punished with 6 months’ imprisonment and a fine of 1,000 yuan. Planting hemp can lead to a prison sentence of up to 14 years.

  According to the large-hemp planting scale in the basement of the factory, once the owner is caught, the 14-year prison cannot be avoided.

The boss of the chemical plant in Spring was also unlucky. Even if he didn’t know about it, at least he couldn’t keep the chemical plant. The Canadian government has made a lot of investigations on indoor hemp planting. Once discovered, no matter what the situation, Buildings planted with hemp must be sealed up and nationalized.

  Destroyed all the big hemp in the basement on the spot. The anti-narcotics police left a few people to clean up, and the others left the Farewell Island by helicopter.

  Qin Shiou left before the townspeople came up to watch on the way, and at the same time told Roberts not to disclose his report to the police. He didn't want to provoke the frenzied drug dealers, and he would be in trouble if he was retaliated.

  Back to the villa, Qin Shiou opened the trunk of the car and took out ten or so green seedlings from it, which was really big-ma seedlings. (To be continued~^~)