Golden Greenery

v1 ~: (Below) Sighing parting brothers return

The decibel of 20,000 people roared by another point. When the teammates howled and rushed over, Zhuo Yang still couldn't get up, and it hurt so much that he fell even more painfully. He needed to be relieved from his anger.

"Jerry, go and pick up the ball." Zhuo Yang took Rand's hand and barely stood up from the turf. The first sentence was to command his teammates to hurry up and kick off. Sixty-seven minutes in the second half, the score is 1:1.

Zhuo Yang was supported by Rand and Kenny Dunbar and returned to the back of the center line. Zhuo Yang gave thumbs up to Klopp, who was lost.

I have no problem, sir, I have no problem!

On the main stand, Butcher De Jong was trembling, his tight fists exposed, and his cheeks were muscular.

"I'm not leaving." The butcher loosened his clenched teeth: "I'm not leaving this summer. I want to stay and stay with Zhuo Yang for another year."

"I'm not going anymore." Piggy Schweinsteiger sniffed his nose, and there was no slight tease in his speech: "I will stay for another year. Because, I am afraid I will regret it in the future."

The second brother Montolivo gathered his hands in the long hair, and his voice was a little lonely: "Later, the spring rain fell on the flower hall, and only Jun stopped in the rain alone. Zhuo Yang, let me stay with you for another year. Although the sea is wide , But the sea is always there, but my brother is not on the sea cruise."

The second brother's voice was suddenly high: "Go to your mother's Atlanta!"

Ribéry and Mertesacker were silent and did not speak, their eyes tangled and unbearable.

The next Li Xiaoqing and Zhao Xue had swollen eyes, and then Cheng Hao kept rubbing his sour nose.


Under the direction of coach Brewster, Elger Borg recovered after the kick-off, intending to use intensive defense to consolidate their victory. This is also their helpless and wise choice. Elge Borg no longer has the courage to attack, and because the physical strength does not allow them to continue to press under high intensity after more than 70 minutes of strong attack.

The team members of Fort Mady changed from cruel gunshots to bloodthirsty assaults, but the constant bayonet bayonet and the same madness. Elger Borg became more and more frightened, and the Fort Maddie gradually became overwhelming.

Master Gu Long's masterpiece "Seven Kinds of Weapons", which talks about the seven peak weapons on the rivers and lakes. However, there is no weapon that can be powerful gunpowder. The reason for this is that we are not talking about weapons. ‘Angry Pony’s Fist’ actually represents courage, and the spirit of ‘Overlord Gun’ is actually trust among friends.

Weapons are not terrible, it is their spirit that really stands out.


It is precisely because of the courage and trust on the field that the Maddie people can ride the wind and waves in the face of adversity. In the eighty-first minute, Victor Stadium waited for the long-awaited cheers.

Zhuo Yang forcibly broke through and was shoveled into the penalty area by the hurried Algerberg center defender Rizotto. This was an indispensable position, perhaps because the referee was moved by the courage of the Fort Maddie, or was frightened by their fierceness. In the hysterical protests of the Elgberg players, the referee decisively awarded a point The ball, without any hesitation.

Zhuo Yang wiped off the grass and dirt on the football with his hands, and wiped his hands on the shorts. His jersey is already dirty, just like his teammates. Zhuo Yang stepped on the turf of twelve yards with his feet, put the ball gently on it, didn’t care about the orientation of the gas nozzle, or even backed away, so he stood behind the football with his arms crossed, waiting for the referee’s whistle. .

Zhuo Yang never took a penalty in the previous game, and never demanded the penalty. The order of the penalty shooters in the team, the first is undoubtedly the captain bantam, followed by Piggy and Mertesacker. It's not that Zhuo Yang didn't dare to take the penalty, but he didn't think there was any technical content in the penalty kick, which was a bit disdainful. Today, of course, he stands at twelve yards, and his teammates also think he must stand there.

The referee used a yellow card to drive the grueling Elberger player out of the penalty area, and Zhuo Yang ignored Sergeyev's provocation, but just looked at him with a crooked head and looked at him like a pitiful. Monkey.

There was no accident, Zhuo Yang stepped on one leg, his right foot was in front of the instep, and the football uniform hit the top left corner of the goal. Serkinev flew to the right in advance, not so much as a gambling-type prejudgment, but rather to cooperate with Zhuo Yang's play with him. Zhuoyang saw from Serkyev's small swing and the tightness of his calf muscles before shooting. Zhuoyang even knew before Serkyev himself where he was going to pounce.

This is Zhuo Yang's unique genius skill, and there is no branch in the world football.

This time it was the turn of the Fort Maddie people. They celebrated fanatically and frivolously. They rushed to each corner of the venue to pose for the stands. Under the constant helpless referee's constant urging, they protested with the Elgeborg people. In the middle, I slowly went back to my own half in twos and threes.

Elger Borg split in the tangle, and there was little time left behind the score. Seeing the huge investment in a season and the self-confidence of tenths and nines from the beginning and the end of the game, they will hit the situation makes them have to attack. However, the huge energy consumption and trembling heart are saying to them-NO!

But what's the point of defending? They are like Maddie Fort in the first half. They are afraid of lions and tigers. They are unwilling but worried. As a result, the Algeborg formation was severely disconnected from front to back, and those who rushed up were not willing to return, and those who returned did not have the courage to go up.

But Maddie's side is very simple. Zhuo Yang only said one word to his teammates, and no one had any objections or problems.

--"carry on!"

Zhuo Yang was almost exhausted, but he smiled happily while running. The general trend is already in place, and Elger Borg can no longer have a chance to make a comeback. This is not Zhuo Yangtu's enemy, but the courage and trust he has gained from this game. It's impossible for opponents to move their teammates. They dare to show their tails. Their teammates will definitely make them die even worse.

It is advisable to chase the remaining courage bravely, not to learn the king. What a great grandpa Mao said!

In 87 minutes, victory was in sight. Zhuo Yang took a football, his legs felt a little numb, and he seemed to want to cramp. Physical fitness has not been Zhuo Yang's strong point, although the progress has been very large compared to half a year ago. Zhuo Yang wanted to lie down and get a good night's sleep, and immediately lay down. However, lying can lie, can not lie here.

Zhuo Yang flicked the two defensive players in front of him with intuition and muscle memory, followed by a small step and stabbed three feet, dodged the defender flying shovel in milliseconds, and wiped the football into the penalty area. .

There was finally a tug behind the jersey. Zhuo Yangxin said: Yes, this is the place to lie down.

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