Golden Greenery

v1 Chapter 181: (Top) Bad reporters chasing around

Xi’an in May is as blooming as it was in previous years. Although the scarcity of rain makes this heavy city in the northwest of China much dustier than the coastal cities, the dryness of the air makes people not always like the southern cities. Sticky. Living in Xi'an, it is difficult to encounter the feeling of ‘boring’, and the sky in this city also appears particularly high.

Walking out of the school gate, Zhuo Yang’s mother, Professor Yang Hong, frowned slightly and looked at the young man who disliked her in front of her. Since yesterday, this self-proclaimed “Nanguo Sports News” reporter has been entangled with her and even broke into the school. To her office. After being bombarded by the school police, he came to her at the gate of the school today.

In the past few months, Zhuo Yang's parents were naturally concerned about this farce in the media due to his son. The husband and wife are highly educated people, and for a little longer, they can see all the things in the surface and the deep layer of the matter, and they can clearly distinguish which media is on the side of Zhuo Yang, and which is deliberately black. Own son's.

The domestic media has become a mess, all kinds of fans, people who understand, confused, pretended, confused, spray, spit sticks, and various **** mess up the public opinion. Based on this situation, Zhuo Tongtong and Yang Hong naturally asked Zhuo Yang not to return to his country, nor to break into the storm.

The two of them also met several waves of media interviews in the past few months. By asking Zhuo Yang's opinion, Zhuo Tongtong and Yang Hong only accepted an interview with the "Sports Weekly", and all other media ate closed doors. The couple told the Sports Weekly that they supported their son's decision and strongly criticized the bureaucratic style of the Football Association. Yang Hong's righteous words were bloody, Zhuo Tongtong was aggressive in his gun and stick, and the couple scolded the Football Association for a dog blood sprinkler.

These two guys don't take the Chinese Football Association in the eye, as if we rarely let our son into the national team. This shows that Zhuo Yang is not the advantage of being born in the domestic football circle. The Chinese Football Association of Nuo Da completely made Zhuo Yang's father and mother completely wrong. The leaders were so angry that they had no choice but to stare.

If Zhuo Yang is born in the domestic football circle, his family will definitely have a complicated relationship with the football circle. Turning corners and corners will allow the leaders of the Football Association to find someone to put pressure on them. The parents of the players who have cleaned up and intimidated the Football Association in these years are not one or two. No one dares to stab.

But in the face of Zhuo Yang's parents, the leadership of the Football Association has no way to start, it is not a system at all. If you want to warn them, you have to go through the army and the school, and you have to go to the Military Commission and the Ministry of Education to slap it? How dare these people get the table.

However, in this way, Zhuo Yang and the Football Association are less likely to ease, simple fans are still calling, but in fact Zhuo Yang has no chance to participate in this summer's Asian Cup.

Zhuo Tongtong and Yang Hong are both elites, and they are also deliberate in this situation. The couple doesn’t want their son to go into the muddy waters of Chinese football at this time. They want to protect their son’s feathers and protect his reputation. Don't watch the World Cup, the Chinese Football Association has stinked the streets for the past two years.

Besides, Zhuo Yang’s parents always believed that his career was piano and music, and football was just a hobby. Especially for Yang Hong, although she no longer opposes Zhuo Yang to play football, but if football affects his son's musical growth, do you think she regrets chess? If you turn your face, just turn your face!

"Sports Weekly" is on the side of Zhuo Yang, the couple naturally know. The reporter who came to the interview for "Sports" also received a call from our newspaper's chief correspondent in Germany, Cheng Hao. Cheng Hao repeatedly told him: Don't try to use questions to dig in the interview. Zhuo Yang's parents People with high IQ, don't play any cleverness in front of them, annoy them and I will not let you go for the first time.

In addition, Zhuo Tongtong and Yang Hong do not accept any other interviews, and it is not good to ask anyone to send their words: they have said everything they want to say, and they are all on the "Sports Weekly".

"Nanguo Sports News" is a well-known domestic newspaper with no morality. They dare to say anything and sell any rumors in order to sell. This newspaper does not have any basic position. Everything they do, uplifting, coaxing, blasting, singing in reverse... is all to attract attention. In order to sell, the "Nanguo Sports News" next two issues of the same thing can be diametrically opposed, in order to fight for the position, "Nanguo Sports News" can scrupulously wash the football association.

"Nanguo Sports News" of course clearly knows who is right and wrong between Zhuo Yang and the Football Association, but is the truth important? The bad of the media is the real bad!

The task of the Nanguo Sports Newspaper newspaper reporter Niu Daozhong is to interview Zhuo Yang’s parents and use seducing interviews to let Zhuo Yang’s parents say that they are disdainful about serving the country. There was no intention of playing similar words for China.


"You disappear from my face immediately, I will not be interviewed, and warn you not to disturb my life." Yang Hong was not polite to Niu Daozhong.

"Teacher Yang, I will ask you two questions, and two will do." Niu Daozhong ignored Yang Hong's cold face at all. "Did Zhuo Yang decide to immigrate when he went abroad? Is Zhuo Yang rejecting the Football Association in order to increase his value?" This is a trick in Niu Dao, which first provoked the opponent's anger. However, he looked at his way too high.

Yang Hong looked coldly at Niu Daozhong, then took out his mobile phone, made a "shut up" gesture to him, walked aside and dialed a number.

After finishing the call, Yang Hong said to Niu Daozhong: "Five minutes, I will answer your question after five minutes." After that, I picked up my phone and started playing Lianliankan.

Niu Daozhong took a look: Yes, then wait, she is a cultural person and a university professor, and she won't fool me. Besides, she would not let her go without answering me. What can a woman do to me?

It has not been five A Cherokee police car was braked next to Yang Hong, and the elder Lu of the police station led the two co-police officers out of the car.

Lao Lu is in his fifties this year. He is a native of Xi'an. He is a big old man with a very low education level. I have been a soldier and a child policeman, and stayed in the director's seat for nearly two decades. Old Lu has no great skills, so he basically has no chance to solve the case and reconnaissance, so he has to rely on big luck. But Lao Lu has his merits and is well-informed. He has been dealing with the dark side of society all his life. When it comes to bluffing, the old Chinese policeman, Luneng Neng, ranked in the top three.

Old Lu stared at his eyes, and the most arrogant idle skinny gangsters on the street were all trembling. He shouted, the legs of the elder brother Tattoo who burned bricks in the jail for most of his life would be soft. Compared with the old Lu, the former second-tier police officer in Hanover, Telitzer, was a crying girl. If old Lu wears a jersey to become a defender, he has never played football but he can increase the turnover rate of his opponent by 20% only with his eyes.

The only daughter of the old director Lu respects his mentor Professor Yang Hong more than the police father. The teacher is her idol in life.

Yang Hong didn't say anything, just lifted his eyelids and glanced at the bull road, then packed his mobile phone and left.