Golden Greenery

v1 Chapter 81: (Above) fame is about to happen

Reishakova signed her name in the material borrowing book and carefully held this Weimar court musical score in her arms. She did not choose the road she had just come back to the dormitory, but took another remote path to get out of.

Reishakova saw Zhuo Yang and the Chinese girl through the gap between the trees on the way she just came. It was not the first time she saw Zhuo Yang with that Chinese girl, and the two men's flamboyant appearance made her sick. Many classmates said that it was Zhuo Yang’s new girlfriend, and others said they had already lived together. Reishakova pretended not to look at it at all, but her heart was as uncomfortable as the ice that blocked the canal.

Reishakova thought that this short-lived relationship with Zhuo Yang would be like a little wave in life, and would soon be drowned in the long river. But she didn't expect that it was more beautiful because it was short, like a firework. Reza always couldn't get out of this relationship. Every day and every night, she was addicted back and forth again and again.

After the initial humiliation and anger dissipated, she had envisaged going back to talk to Zhuo Yang once and openly express her thoughts and efforts to him. She wanted to try to restore this feeling because she really couldn't bear Zhuo Yang. However, after returning to Hanover from school, Reshakova first got the news that Zhuo Yang had a new girlfriend and was a very pleasant Chinese girl. Then, soon she witnessed all this on campus.

The proud Reishakova no longer wanted to bow her head, she loved him no matter how much she did not want to pray for his charity.

The disappointed and angry Reshakova restarted her familiar indulgence and freedom. She has more men around her than before. She participates in unobstructed parties more often than before. She organizes **** for a larger scale than before. Orgy. However, Reishakova was miscalculated again.

She could no longer find happiness from these previously passionate freedoms, never again enjoy the pinnacle of pleasure in body and soul, and never once. Resakova began to hate all this more and more, and the indulgent passion began to make her feel sick. Finally, in a collective carnival, Reshakova suddenly pushed away the creeping flesh and fell out of the door in everyone's consternation.

Since then, Rishakova has rejected all men.


The dormitory in May still felt cold, and Rezakova put down the sheet music in her hand, and for a few hours, she did not see a note.

Reza thought about the Chinese girl she saw today. Yes, that girl really matches Zhuo Yang. They have the same skin tone, the same eyes and hair. Reza comforted herself helplessly, letting her thoughts float indifferently.

Is Zhuo Yang still so anxious with that girl? I heard that they live together, they should have...

Zhuo Yang and I are always in the same position... otherwise, we may still be together now! Must have lived together. Zhuo Yang is now the star of Hanover. He is no longer the poor kid who has just arrived. He will definitely rent an apartment close to the canal. When he wakes up every morning, he and I are sure that no one wants to get up.

I heard that the Chinese girl is very rich. Unlike me, I am just a girl from a working family in Ukraine.

Zhuo Yang's body is strong and soft, bodybuilding and clean, it is really fascinating. He and I don't have any...... Maybe this is God's intentional arrangement!

If I were to be with Zhuo Yang, my body would be more like him than the Chinese girl, it must be like this.

The imaginary Rezakova gradually fell into confusion. She never changed her adoration of the body from beginning to end, only the way of her acquisition.


"Zhuo Yang..."

Reishakova covered her mouth with her right hand and whispered Zhuo Yang's name in a low voice, and she began to comfort herself in confusion.




For a long time, with the repressed sobs and calls, Reishakova finally released herself to the peak, and the tears had soaked the golden hair in her ears.


"Excuse me, Mr. Zhuo Yang. Can I delay you for a while?"

After eating roasted herring and dark bread for dinner, Zhuo Yang and Xiao Qing were drinking coffee on the outdoor seats on the street, and were disturbed by this sudden greeting.

"Who are you? Is there anything?"

"I'm Weiden Ziegler, a reporter for "The Pictorial". Can I have a brief interview with you?" It turned out to be a reporter.

Madyburg eliminated Werder Bremen and entered the FA Cup final. This feat shocked the entire German football. The front page of the "Photo" published this morning made a detailed report on the glory of Fort Mady this season, and Zhuo Yang, who turned the tide, was especially sought after. The picture with the article is a huge picture of one-finger domineering during Zhuo Yang's lore.

"Photo" is not only for Germany, it is a magazine for the entire Europe and even the Western world. This time, Zhuo Yang would not be able to do anything. Ziegler was trying to catch Zhuo Yang's first-hand interview, and finally caught the haunting Chinese. Of course, he couldn't wait to catch Sorry, you also saw it, this is me Private time. If you want to do an interview, you need to get in touch with the club first. I think the Fort Mady will definitely arrange a suitable time for you. "Steel gave Zhuo Yang a few people to deal with the media's rhetoric.

"I only take you a little time." The reporter's cunning and cleverness is not comparable to ordinary people: "Is this lady your girlfriend? Oh, beautiful lady, you are really a very charming girl!"

Which girl does not like others to praise! Li Xiaoqing smiled and said to Zhuo Yang: "Listen to me, listen to what the German devil wants to ask you." She uses Chinese.

Zhuo Yang can reject the reporter, he cannot refuse Li Xiaoqing. In this way, Zhuo Yang began to accept the first media interview in his life.


"You are a big hit, not only in Hanover, but also in the whole of Germany. Within two days, the whole country will know that you are the No. 1 red man." After the interview, Li Xiaoqing was still teasing Zhuo Yang.

This sentence left Zhuo Yang dumbfounded!

It’s broken, it’s a big deal!


On the peninsula of Spring Night, lazy wind is everywhere under the moonlight. There are several windows in the complex building of the Madubi Club that reveal the light of the room. The lights are inlaid on the edge of the window frame, like a realistic picture frame. A few trivial and thin bird words came from sporadic, and a nostalgic song from a phonograph came out of a window, making the night here more quiet.

Klopp was sitting on the blue sofa in the office, holding a cup of coffee, thinking about his graduation thesis.

Suddenly, ‘wow’! ! With a loud noise, the door of the room was knocked open from outside. Klopp's horrified shivering poured a full cup of coffee on his shirt.

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